Tuesday 23 February 2016

Now reading book by VKN, 'Pitamahan'

       It is really a hilarious novel depicting the times just before freedom. The jovial way typical to VKN which makes any one a tickle in his ribs is superb.  To read such a book made me really forget the pangs of a long train travel of 48 hours in second sleeper.

As we had entered the wrong carriage as misguided by the Railway sign board, we had to carry our luggage twice through the compartments and through the platform, it was a solace to have this book on the way.  A good read, explaining the old Kerala in style in which the dabbling of the British elite etc. is explained or detailed beautifully.

The old 'Nair' and 'Namboodiri' way of life are also briefly touched upon and laterally how things worked in the State.   It is a window to the past of Kerala and the ruling class and how the poor had been at the receiving end.

As people generally wanted a peep into the past with a view into the lives of the ones who mattered, VKN has done justice to the reader and also the great Pitamaha's escapades which would interest the readers.

Next the main touch up is on the Pitamaha's tryst with the general elections and the niceties of running for a position in Indian elections as seen by him is also beautifully put in.

Altogether and interesting and enthusing book, hilarious to read and enjoy.