Saturday 17 March 2018

The Eight Screen Presence....!

The Eight Screen Presence

The new generation has presented a fresh problem in front of all. That is the number of screens one has to attend to. In earlier times, the general screen output and in take was only one screen. That is the movie screen. During the still pictures and then the moving pictures all required only one screen. And all were satisfied.

Now with the onslaught of the mobile phones all that has changed. Before the mobile phone itself, the desk tops, lap tops, tablets had arrived in the market. Many elderlies shied away from the mobile phones as it was having a lot of radiation, it was a deviation from the seed phones with push buttons which was in use(they themselveds were a replacement of the earlier ITI black phones which had the round round rings which had to be circled for catching the required numbers)ager etc. Some doubted the pager phones and these mobile phones had some connection and may become obselete as the 'pagers' which went out of the market in six months times of its coming. Thce Pagers had the disadvantage that it can only show you a message and you have to run to the nearest phones, which were, of course, the fixed land line phones to make a call back to the sender of the message. Since sending a message to any one to his hand directly was not possible till that time, it was an innovation which people in India had not seen. They bought it but it went obselete in months and there came the cell phone which is now being called the 'Mobile Phone'

Now most of the people had an eye for a computer which became a master piece, show piece and status symbol in society.

Of course any one who could afford some how or the other bought one and kept it well covered at a place where friends and relatives could feel the presence of a computer. The owner of the equitpment could then explain the stories behind its need, ownership and uses to all.That suddenly became old story as some others outsmarted them by pulling out a computer from their bags and bragged “Who will want a Desk Top these days. It is cumbersome to go to it where it is when it is needed. I carry mine in my bag. That way it is available to me whereever I go” . That nailed the Desk Top and people looked at the owner of the mobile computers the lap tops with awe! It did not last long!

The light particles were being disentangled and they were being used in the little mobile phones and the touch screens were replacing the ordinary cell phones with liquid crystal digits and letters. Once the touch screens were in market, the little mobile phones were quickly replaced by the touch screens and every body who could get one got hooked to it.

Now most of the people who owned the previous versions kept the previous ones for the love of it with which they bought them or got them.

The items with screens can now be counted. The Desk Top Computer, the Lap Top Computer, The tablet computer, the ittle two and a half inch mobile phone, then the four and a half inch touch screen. The earlier camera and the little liquid crystal mobile phone which are still in use do not come in these, even though they are very much in use. These are all to be topped by the Television Screen which is invariably in use in all homes (if they can have one, most of the medium homes have one). All these have slowly but steadily taken a toll on reading, writing and letter writing. At places, they have created complaints of people talking less to each other too. Let us watch our own situation and see that these developments do not affect us badly...! Let us beware....!

A look at a general meeting place, a bus station or a train compartment f the old and now in India gives a stark difference! It was customary in olden days for those at an assembling place to share niceties and ask about the welfare of one another. That has changed. Many are hooked to their touch phones or tablets, if not  lap tops straight to see movies!