Wednesday 16 May 2018

Keeping the Grannies in good humour...!

I normally do not get my grannies to seee as we live apart in different towns. But once in a while the duo lands up in our town for their medical check up and medicines. Once they arrive they take over me as if it is their duty to look after me which I normally do not object.

But the difficulty is their forcing all kinds of good behaviour and ettiuettes on me which I despise. At least I do not understand their logic of many of them. For example Grand Pa gives me a sweet or so as soon as he arrives which is very welcome. But once the fellow unwinds he and Grand Ma starts with such enquiries with my mom: “The child has gone down since we left last, no?” As if I was a huge guy earlier. I was 10k then and I am 10k now as my Dad says. Then comes the uestions: “Did he have a wash? Has he eaten? Has he urinated? Has he....Has he......?” My God, all the has he...s galore.

I have done none of them at least that day as he arrive in the morning itself. In fact, I am not keen to do all that in the very morning itself. I have my own times for every things like that. I do not do such things hurriedly. May be, Dad has to do them as he has to go to office. I don't. But Grany insist that I have to be trained in childhood itself. Ghosh! And Grand Pa keeps quiet! He is always my man and friend. But when such ticklish occasions come, he keeps quiet! I do not understand his silence at such times. I at times feel, if I have to stop his friendship on these counts. But when it comes to the sweets and toffees he gives me and his taking me out, which Grand Ma can't or won't, I stop all such thoughts. Apart from these quiet parts, he is a good fellow. He plays with me and also at times takes me for a swing on the overhead bars on which he hangs upside down when he is in a mood. All the more, he does not object whenever I pull his spectacles. His spectacles are really a good set. I see things much bigger through it. When I look at Grany she looks much bigger when I look at her through Grand Pa's spectacles.

I can go and stop him doing any work at the computer, which I am going to do now. If Grany is around, I am not allowed to go near him if he is at work. But if I can make eye contact with him I can always pull him to my side and placate Grany. But at such times, Grand Pa do not look at anything except his computer or book where he will be writing or lost in thought ...! Getting him to look at me is the diifficult part. The rest is easy. He makes me one gadget or another, or a spinner at times either with wood or with palm leaves.

I can't make Grany also unhappy as she is the one who gives me milk and other foods from time to time. Grand Pa is no match when it comes to food matters. In fact, I have seen he too is dependent on Grand Ma in these matters.

Next comes the two real guys my mom and dad. They are the ones who really are with me when Grannies go away. So I can't displease them too. So, you see, I have to be very cautious when I handle these guys until after uite a few years!