Wednesday 24 October 2018

Getting late for the morning mass!

Getting late in the morning!
I many a time get late for the morning mass.  I have an option to miss the mass or get up earlier and start early to reach on time for mass.  Once at the church door either I can enter on the side gate and get noticed by all, which is naturally boring or go to the end door where many may not see.  But most of the inside people’s heads will turn towards to any late comer which is only natural.

The only diversion one get from the prayer is the occasional late comers or the permanent late comers. Another diversion is little children around if there is any.  Those who do not see around will either be in ardent prayers or in their own thoughts.  Once settled, first is finding fault with most of the arrangements in side the church which will go away once one settles down in prayers and the words of the sermon slowly start to sink in wherein one become neutral.

Once the thoughts come to the neutral mode we see around the large helicopter fans moving slowly giving a little cool during the cold mornings, an occasional led light blinking from time to time as it about to fuse out.  A double tray carrying prayer books and novena pamphlets stands in the centre and another large collection box, well made out in good teak with brass bracings also stand out in majesty. 
The fathers sing naturally but the support singers’ mike make us jittery with the huge blair making it difficult to the part takers to say their prayers.  The peace giving ceremony make it a point not to allow us go into reveries as the peace giving is a process which starts with the priest down to the last person present.  Two of the alter boys will first touch their hands with the main celebrant and then walk down the aisle touching the hands of  those at the aisle side wishing them peace and these people will turn around giving peace to the next one standing next to that person.  No body will want to be left out and all will be attentive to take peace and further give peace., one of the best acts in the morning mass. In less than an hours time the mass comes to an end and all disburse and are free to go their own ways for the day!