Saturday 10 November 2018

A train trip to Chennai.. To

Katpadi was approaching. The early morning cold was pleasantly cool. The train was slowing down to make a regular stop.
The journey all through was among the greeneries of Palghar and Coimbatore.

Now it made the stop. At eight thirty in the morning there would be a number of every day travellers going for work. All got in and we are on the move again in two minutes as our train is already delayed.
We had started yesterday near midnight. It is a ten to eleven hour journey from Thrissur to Chennai Central.

Most of us sleep through the journey as it is night travel. Now most of the travellers are up and about. Some are talking and many are at their mobile phones, including me.
There will be an occasional beggar or sellers of wares as this is a general compartment. In air conditioned coaches they won't enter. But generally no body objects to them. Rather, many give them something considering their plight.
Journeys in trains have become more pleasant and convenient with the passage of time. The coal train changed to diesel and diesel gave way to the electric engines.
An occasional long bridge over a river on the way is a great experience.  There are water bodies on the way, but many a time filled with hayacinth and it's flowers. Water birds and white pelicans are lovely to watch. Occasional green fields are always a joy.
The train chugged on fast to make up the lost time.!