Sunday 23 December 2018

Travelling by bus in OMR, Chennai

On an early morning, I was going to Adyar from Kazhipattur in the southern suberbs of Chennai.  Chennai climate is pleasant due to the closeness of the hurricane Phethai these days, but no rain came down except cold winds.  Mornings were sunny and this was one of those mornings!
The bus stop of Kazhipattur was sunny and one could not stand there without suffering the direct morning sun.
Of and on vehicles passed and the private mini-buses who helped those on small journeys passed from time to time.  A school girl waited for a long time ultimately took a mini bus as the government MTC bus did not come for a long time.  A group of Bengali labourers were waiting for some bus.  A young lad was sleeping on the bench meant for the travellers without any problem of the morning sun on his face.  Every vehicle passing brought up a small could of dust which died down before long.
In these settings an MTC bus came and I got in.  On checking with the conductor, he said it would not go to the stop I wanted and I requested to be dropped in the next stop which he obliged.

The stop I got down was in front of a college and it was past the morning shift start and the stop was empty.  My wait at this stop became useless as no buses which now started coming was stopping for me.  Soon it dawned on me that the buses passing by this area would have stopped if the students were out in numbers only.  Here I am standing alone and there was no point in continuing to stand there.

Alas, I decided to walk to the next farther stop half a kilometer away.  I passed the Sipcot junction with alacrity as it is a busy place where there is a T point for vehicles and vehicles these days are not the old time stuff.  They come at good speed and at times mindless of the walkers by.

Once in the new stop, buses from the joining Sipcot road started coming. But, most of these buses were only for small distances, a number of them to the near by Sholinganallur, we dearly called 'Sholielur'. or Tidal Park.  Now, Sholielur would do for me, as I have to get a bus to Adyar or further to Broadway so that I can get down at the Jayanthi stop where I wanted to reach.  But that would require my catching two buses which I decided not to take.  At last a bus to a station near to where I wanted came named Thiruvammiyur.  I can get down at a point where it would divert from my route and walk up to my Dispensary.   The bus was a wonderful Deluxe bus, in which I got a breathing space, even though I had to stand for a while.  This for the time being, settled my journey.  After the Indira Nagar Metro station, I waited for the next red light stop where I got down to walk to my Dispensary which was a soothing walk, even though, among so many vehicles and walking other folks!