Tuesday 5 November 2019

The second decade again! The second decade of Joy...!

I mostly get the second decade to start with the Hail Marys...!  At times a thought come to me: What do they really mean.  In the second Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, it is about the visitation by St. Mary to help St. Eliswamma, the Holy Mother of  St. John the Baptist, who was carrying at the time.!  On hearing that her Aunt was carrying, Mary was keen to go to help her and that too, walking a pretty distance.  And we know, transport was too few in those days, generally making us think that she walked most of the distance on foot..!

In these days of technology explosion and media pressure, people generally gasp for time for the daily needs and time for their immediate family members!  I have been in many rosary recitals but has never seen any body speaking after a rosary about getting a great spirit from the recital and it brought thoughts of going out and helping any of their relatives, like, uncles, aunts, grand father or grand mother etc.  Of course, most of us do all that according to our convenience but getting the spirit of the second decade and going to do a bit of help would have been much better. 

The second decade of sorrow is much too touch in which Jesus is bitten black and blue chaining him to a pole or a wooden stub..!  To finish that decade without becoming sad and pained is really difficult..!  The suffering of human divinity and the mirth of the perpetrators of the day, which is being repeated time and again when some of them stand stead fast for truth..! 

When the same is in the Glorious Mysteries, it is the Ascension of the Jesus to Heaven which is more
supernatural and divine!  It really bring some happiness to a people who are otherwise in gloom due to the crucifixion and its aftermath..1

Then at last comes second decade of Light..in which Jesus does his first miracle of divining Water into Wine..!  Those who recite it cannot but love that act of love by Jesus, even though at the insistence of his mom, St. Mary..!  That's all coming to mind now, my friends..!