Monday 10 February 2020

Mathew at the Morning Mass....!

It was a non-issue.  How many times the father looks at Mathews direction.  Mathew never gave a damn to it.  But today, it was different.  That, Mathew was in a mood to attend a good Mass but reached late.  That does not matter on the usual style.  But today, the priest has changed, and the new priest was said to be a stickler.  He has just been told that the priest insists upon every body to have their mass book and be responding from it during the holy mass.  Mathew did not have the book and as a custom, never looked at any religious books.  Now, there are mass books kept at the centre book stand, but to walk up there to the centre of the church hall, made Mathew squirm. No, that is not possible.  In the glaring view of all, one side all the male gender and on the other the women.  Mathew knew that the men folk will rarely care for who is going where even if you walk on their toes, but it is the women he was afraid of.  Some of the women may look at him and he may not be able to look back at them.  So there would be no knowing who were looking or ogling and then the rumour will spread that Mathew Bhai never comes with his mass book. That is something Mathew would like to avoid. 
So he stood where he stood without moving and slightly with a slanting head ogled at the priest who was elderly and in grey hair.  To his utter surprise, the priest was still looking in his direction.  This is absurd, Mathew thought.  A new priest, only two days into the church, looks so intently at a parishner for not carrying a reading from a book?  He started looking down now.  Then a new idea struck him.  The Verger John is his friend.  He is near the altar smoking up the frank incense.  Once he gives the frank incense smoke vessel to the alter boy, he will go out to do other errands.  Now he can go out to meet John and enquire of him why the priest is looking at him.  Soon enough, John walked out and Mathew followed him through another door and met him at the outside step of the church. 
“Oh Mathew, what is the matter? Coming out before the mass is over?”
Mathew answered “No, no, not that.  I just wanted to know why the new priest is looking straight at me. Is it because, I don’t have the mass book?”
John  :“Is he?  You are the first person bringing up something like this. He is a stickler for people having the mass book, alright.  But not heard of looking at anybody personally.  If you want I shall check for you”  and he walked away busily inside the church.
Mathew made a couple of guffawing sounds as if he was clearing his throat in the morning fog, and slowly walked back to his place.  Now the father was looking at the other direction.  Mathew was relieved.   Once in a while Mathew ogled at the priest as he was sceptical of the new priest.  And Lo!  After a few minutes just before a long stretch of prayer, there is the new priest looking in his direction again!  He was really astounded now. He stopped looking at the priest now.  He joined his hands in prayer and closed his eyes, but mentally he was seeing the priest.  He thought about the last priest in place of the new one.  He was also an elderly priest, who spoke in very low voice that even the mike had to struggle to pick up his voice.  Even then it was difficult for the parishners to decipher it.  But he never looked at the individuals during the mass.  He saw all but never saw any, that was his attitude.  His prayers and method of offering the mass was crisp and with precision.  He never added anything to the long prayers, rather at times omitted some of the lengthy areas to the relief of the many.  Now the new priest seemed to be exactly the opposite to this.  He did not add anything, but would keep all the prayers in the book and recite them to the full and in good strong voice.  Added to this was his looking in Mathew’s direction. 
The mass went on and Mathew prayed on and at last the mass came to an end.  Mathew hurriedly came out of the hall to catch hold of the Verger John, who would be now proceeding to the cemetery for the arrangements for the prayers for the departed.  He was coming out of the church with the usual holy water and the fathers vestments for the prayers in the cemetery.  Mathew walked up to John who was walking with long strides. “Hai, John, anything”
John was startled, as he thought it was the Priest calling him from behind.  Once he saw Mathew his anxiety gave way to a smile.  He said smilingly : “Oh Mathew…You were worrying unnecessarily.  The new priest is a holy man.  He has difficulty in seeing the words in the Holy Qrbana Book.  The Thaxa, the Holy Mass Book Holder is kept in your direction.  When he looks insistently into the book, you feel that he is looking at you” “Go..go..happy and have your morning break fast at ease”
“Oh…” That was a sigh of relief which came out of Mathew after such a mental struggle all through the mass.  Now he happily walked home for a good break fast..!