Monday 5 October 2020

The mass and prayers during Covid…!


The mass and prayers during Covid…!


The news of not more than 5 people or 20 people to assemble for mass was the beginning.  Added was the addition those above 65 years and below 10 years shall not attend to avoid Corona.

From March 3rd week on wards on 2020 this has been the state.  By this time the small television channels through which Holy Mass was telecast became a solace in the morning mass.  There was mass in all the rites available in Kerala including Latin Malayalam Mass which is usually telecast at 8 in the morning.

The mass in the Latin, is always crisp and to the point and generally takes half an hour.  Usually it is telecast on 'Shalom'TV at 8 am.  The Father blesses all with absolution and proceeds with the mass procedures and deep prayers!   Our Father in Heaven is said after the main Mass Hymns ae pronounced by the celebrant.  The peace is exchanged and the declaration and hope of the death and resurrection of our Lord is declared and the pronunciation of the Glory and Honour to the Lord is done.  The father receives the Holy Communion.  Then the final blessings follow and the Celebrant declares the end of the mass and asks the attendants that ‘The Mass is ended, Go and serve the Lord…!’

The same mass in the Syro Malabar rites would take about an hour if not more.  Some prayers would be repeated and there may or may not be singing in between.