Thursday 21 July 2022

A sigh of relief after the Corona period..!

 The corona years from March 2020 to 2022 was a numbing period. Travel became difficult. Moving around in the village became difficult.  The mask and sanitizer descended on us! An affidavit was required to move around to go and buy rations from the corner shop.  Some how, we out lived all that.  In between a number of our near and dear left this world unceremoniously.   Some did not even get a good funeral.  Many could not see the near and dear at the end hours and after that they went to polythene coverings  and straight to the burning ghats!  Many could not get that too as we heard in the news.

Tough times prevailed for those who travelled.  RTPCR and PPE kits were unavoidable in journeys!   That is how we all were numbed.  Now things are slowly back to normal.  Only face mask and sanitizer are the only need now. 

All have a sigh of relief now. 

One or two instruments helped all at those times were the Mobile phone and the television.  Those inventions really helped us to keep us abreast of most of the happenings around  and to contact near and dear!

Let us all take a sigh of relief..!