Monday 30 January 2023

Funerals make us sad, sick and Reviewing!

 The father came to the end. The situation was pensive and people including the family members of the departed old lady sat around  her coffin.  The perfume of frankincence wafted from a thurible being swung for the occasion.  Most of the known people men, women and children kept on standing around.  Those who were around the coffin took part in the prayers which was led by the priest. 

The short service ended in a few minutes and the coffin was lifted to be put into the hearse van which is mostly available in churches in Kerala these days.  In earlier days the dead body is carried by people, generally the family members and near and dear.  Now only procession is attended by all attending and the body goes in the hearse and the priest and a few people follow is the church is near and in other cases they follow in other vehicles.

My wife and I attended as theirs were a dear family near to us and the deceased were well and good when we settled in the area.  But after a few years, her health started to dwindle and slowly she was bed ridden.  Many women in Kerala go down the lane in health once they get bed ridden.  Here also, it was not different.  Of course, friends and neighbours make visits from time to time but that is not enough for a good recovery if at all a recovery is possible.  Many a time, these days, a recovery is not possible due to high sugar, blood pressure or heart stroke etc.

We started walking to the church which is near by.  Within half an hour we were attending the service in the church followed by the burial.  All ended in a few more minutes.  All prayed for the departed which is now a relief as this was not possible in the last two years which just passed due to the Corona pandemic.  Now, God's grace, all are able to take part in the services! All returned home after the services.