Friday 16 June 2023

Back pain and back

     It is not easy to get back from back pain.  As long as one does not have it, one does not know the pain of it.  It is like people going to church not understanding the pain of the one on the cross.  

The day I got it is vivid in my memory.  Can't move in the bed either to the left or to the right.  Next is the pain to get up  It will hurt at the girdle joining the backbone and shoot up to the right shoulder.  I can't sneeze or cough.  Careful me avoid doing both.  Slowly I crawl out of bed and move around with pain at every step.A long search brings out the ayurvedic oil in my stock and it is applied in the area of pain and gives some relief.  Quick relief.  Then is some hot water treatment which alleviates a little more pain.  At that point I am exhausted and crawl back to my bed and take rest.  Reason enough for not writing or sitting at the computer.

    Of course, walking and driving is out of question.  Can ruminate, read and watch the rains which is plenty in Kerala this time of the year!

The rain slowly stopped. Slowly my pain also got off. The sallaki tablets and the dashamoolam kashayam were working on me along with the oil massage which was done at the point of pain to alleviate the painful catch. 

The hot water baths after the massage also helped. Now I am some what back on the rail.

Thank God! It is really something to be in pain and be back.