Wednesday 9 July 2014

A journey from Capital to a near by Capital region!

Capital Delhi in summer sizzles.  All the more this extended summer!  The gloss of Delhi is its air conditioned metro.  I took a ride in it, discarding the usual car ride.  Buses are difficult to get from point to point.  The journey from the Central area to Rajiv Chowk (formerly called Connaught Place) was quite good and of international standard, no doubt about it.  I had to disembark there and catch another train to the next stop of my ticket token, called Bharakhamba Road!  That too was really good.  Only, that there was a little more rush here!

Getting a ticket was easy as it was not a peak hour and that too as weorking day.  On holidays and peak hours on working days, the buying will not be that easy.  A small plastic coin is magnetised for the fare and dispensed in the counter. Just show it at the entry card feeder and the gate will open and you can keep it till the journey ends.  I entered the train and the doors closed. was cool inside.  What a change from the 42 degree celscious outside!!  The train moved on and a sweet voice was saying" Station Patel Chowk, Doors will open on the left.   Mind the gap"  I did not have to get down here.  I waited for the next announcement viz. "Station. Bharakhamba Road.  Doors will open on the right. Mind the Gap"   I minded the gap when the doors opened and got down.  The escalator took me up to the road level and I walked out to the forty two degrees out side once again to enjoy the summer heat of Delhi.  On coming out, I deposited the token coin on the card reader slot.  That was an enjoyable on a sizzling sultry day in Delhi.

The heat struck me as if with a sword and the bright light made me squeeze my eyes to control the light.  Slowly my eyes got acclimatised and I took out my hand ker chief and put it on my head and walked out.  There was a by lane on the side of the building into which I had to go. I thought of going to that lane and seeing the road side sales and the people around for a couple of minutes. There were several little shops doing business iun stationery, photocopying, repairs, road side cobblers and shoe cleaners and of course as always a lot of small time eatries selling all the hot stuff of Delhi with a bit of spice and ketch up (a tomato sauce).  I measurede up the place and found that not an inch is left for parking or even standing for a long time in that little street and there was also no trees left which were there for a long while, but all gone now. Then I saw a man of forty five or less, a darkish looking skinned skeleton of a man (Can we call him a man!  I am moved by the sight! Sad to see a Gentleman like this) begging!  In fact, he was not begging.  It was his daughter walking him along holding his hand and she was the one begging showing the man.  The man was munching a piece of bread and just walking along as guided by the girl, probably his daughter of 12 or 13 years of age!

Now the girl left him and the man was walking almost  in my direction.  I thought with my cruel mind.  What a crafty guy. Now that the girl has left him he is coming to beg himself!   There was a soft voice in my mind telling me:  Give him something. He is so poor in any case.  My hand reached to my pocket and it came out with a two rupee coin.  But still, I was not decided in giving.  The fight was on in the mind.  Whether to or not to!!   Now the man reached near me.  I am ready with the two rupee and my mind is undergoing the great fight, give him something, no don’t give him.  These kinds are like that only. They do not deserve better.  I felt, I am in his position and he is in my position. 

Now in his position:  I was eating the scrub of bread somebody had given my daughter.  She said, Papa this is good.  That gentleman over there gave me his left overs.  Really good papa, do eat a little. You have not eaten anything since morning.  So I started to eat it.  I was walking in the direction of a group of people. On the way there is the silhoute of a man with a bag.  While I was passing the silhoute with the bag I felt his handing nearing me.  Instantaneously I showed my hand. There may be something he may be wanting to give me.  The silhoute told me “here” and I extended the hand in that direction and lo! There is a two rupee coin.  God has been kind today as ever.  A two rupee coin.  A meal costs only twenty rupees at concession.  That too we have to buy only if the hotel does not have any left overs. I was happy.  A few more two rupees  and I can buy a fresh meal today.  My two daughters will enjoy. And if they can’t finish it my wife can join.  I do not need fresh food.  I can eat all kinds of left overs unless they are stale.  I digest anything.  I am a worm.  A worm eats anyting.   Our human position is not very important in this town.  There is no Mother Theresa around here.  Here all are human, very busy in their day to day affairs.  There is not even place to stand in one place here in this city these days.  This is not the old city of yesteryears!   I moved on.

Back in my position:  It was automatic.  I could not prevent myself from extending my hand and trying to put the coin in his hands.  His hand was extended but not in my direction.  I made a sound to attract his attention and his hand came in my direction.  I put the coin in his hand!!   I could not believe myself.  The man was totally blind but for seeing a shadow. What further can be done? What ..what further.   I have my urgent works on hand.  I only thought of seeing this place around to acclimatise myself, if ever I had to visit this place again.  I slowly walked away with a last look.  The skeleton man’s wife, a stocky black lady had assembled her two darkish looking girls aged 8 and 12 around her and were seriously discussing about their business of begging.  The skeleton man was still munching the bread parts of which falling from his mouth, and some showing up around his lips as he was unaware of the sight.
I walked in the direction of the Metro train.  I can’t wait!  I have urgent work to do like all others!!
In the Metro coach, my mind was still around the forty forty five year old darkish skeleton of the man munching his bread and his wife and little daughters happy and discussing ways and means under the hot sun with the temperatures soaring at forty five degrees!!

(To continue..)

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