Saturday 2 August 2014

Oramma paranja kadha!! (The Story told by a mother!!)

Oramma paranja kadha!! (The Story told by a mother!!)

The boy always wanted to hear stories.  That was a permanent request of the boy.  It was not easy for the mother to say stories always.  So, he said almost the same stories always.   The boy did not mind that as long as the mother kept up the story.  

The story was of a boy.  the boy had a mother, a very loving mother who found it difficult to make both ends meet, but looked after the boys well, giving him all that he required, and telling him stories.

The boy in the story grew up fast looking and seeing everything around and also believing that great days will come to all.  The mother of the boy told him stories which painted a great life for the boy and the boy believed in the stories.  The boy had dreams of the rainbow in his mind and wanted to bring a rainbow to their lives.

The mother said the boy when he grew up planted a plantain tree and it was looked after.  The boy did not leave any stone unturned to tend the plant and the plant grew up fast and in time brought a bunch of bananas.   The bananas thrilled the boy and the boy asked the mother.  Now the bananas have come.  Let me go to the sea side and sell them.  Not yet son, the mother said.  Wait!  Let them grow ripe old and then when the skin darkens, then pluck it.  Take it to the  sea side at night and wait there! 

Keep waiting.  They will come. "Who are they?"  The boy asked curiously.  The mother said:  "They are the 'neermanushianmar'!  Surprising!  the boy found it surprising.  His eyes opened wide.  "Neermanushyanman varum alle amme?"
(Neermanjushyanmar will come, isn't it Mummy?")  "Yes, Son.  They will come, you have to wait of course!

The bananas ripened and became over ripened and became dark.....
The boy went to the sea side with the darkened bananas in the late evening and waited.  He waited and waited and his patience was running out.  Then, he remembered his mothers words. "You have to wait, they will come".  The boy waited still further and his eyes were drooping!

Then he heard the sound in the water waves.  There were small little men coming up from the water.  They looked like people walking without any dress.  Their bodies glistened like silver!  They came to the boy, the only invidual on the shore at that time and asked "Do you have any thing for us to eat?"  The boy said "Yes, my dears, here, the best fruit on land.  Have these!"  He offered the fruits to them.  They ate the fruits and gave him lots of gold coins. One of them did not have any gold coins, so the boy told, don't worry, you need not give any.  The neermanushyan said, "we own the seas, how can it be I don't give you any thing"  He ran to the waves and went in and came out quickly and gave a few coins to the boy and all of them ran back to the waters.

The moon light was on the waves of the sea and the sea shore was lit and there was a great calm except for the sound of the waves.   The boy walked home with all the gold and gave it to his mother and they lived happily ever after!

The boy was asleep by the time the neermanushyans went back to the sea.  At times he will be awake! He only listened upto the getting of the gold.  The boy always thought, let me grow up.  What a wonderful thing.   Just go to the sea side and wait and get all the gold giving a few bananas.   Great idea!  One day the boy asked mother: "Do you really need the gold?"   The mother said, "Not really!  but you see our house and its poor condition?  The difficulty we are facing in giving the fees for others.  When you get the gold, all that difficulties will be over, my son!"  There were tears in her eyes!  The boy had no doubt now.  She was telling a story and putting him at the centre of it.  The suggestion as understood by the boy was simple!  "Grow up and get the Gold!" 

The boy kept it in his mind and went to sleep.  He heard that story again and again and at times dreamed that the Neermanushyans have come and given a lot of Gold to him.  And of course, the Neermanushyans have to go back to the sea before it is dawn.  Again out of curiosity, the boy asked the mother:  "Mother, when can I go to the sea?"  The mother embraced him and said:  "Son, you are very intelligent.  You don't have to go to the sea.   All that were in olden times. Now the Neermanushyans do not come.   When you grow up, you go over the seven seas, where your services will be at a premium and you will get enough money to set aside all our worries!"   Crossing the Seven Seas!   In later life, the boy grew up crossed the Seven Seas and made good the life of the mother and all his near and dear!!

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