Friday 10 October 2014

Lessons in Driving!

The green coconut palm leaf fan was a marvel.  Mother made it with finesse.  That was the second toy which I got in a cold December morning when the special east wind was blowing.  The east wind brought the benefit of a great feeling, especially in the morning.  It howled and whistled, but provided a head wind for the palm leaf fan on which it turned with speed.   When the speed was low, I had to run with it which unknowingly made the daily exercise complete.  Even otherwise, we ran for many things during the day.

The first present was a spinning top from father.  It was difficult to hold it in little hands with the thread around the top before throwing or putting it according to the ground or house floor.  With the fan we also learned to make blow horns with palm leaves.

The running improved into longer runs with the small steel wheel which was to be driven with a small wooden  handle with a curved wire at the bottom.   The curved wire guided the little steel wheel.  Of course the player ran with the stuff to enjoy the wheel drive.  The wheel drive improved into the rubber wheel made for playing.  This was the inner side of the truck and car tyres.  All things had one thing in common, Speed.  The wish was to drive, drive, drive.   On the way to school was the bullock carts.  Horses were only in pictures or movies, which were rare. 

The driving school was old and so was the learner car.  A little money was  needed  to be allowed in for the training class.  Mother suggested I learn when I earn.  And that is what was done.  Since, I could earn I walked around the old fiat car to inspect the same.  It was a good car but dirty.  The place being wet half the year, it needed a wash after training which it rarely got.  A conversation with the old manager friend saw me in the driving seat. Training in those days were all practicals.  In between little little pieces of advices will fly.  You catch it if you are good enough.   Or you get it from the trainer either by invectives or a slap or a push or an elbow hit.  I warded off these by making a contract with the manager friend.  I was a bit boorish in that.  I told him:  "I should not be manhandled during the lessons.  If any fault occurs during the lesson and your car goes broke, I shall pay for the car and make it mine!"  The manager friend froze in his standing posture near the little blue fiat car and looked at me for a long while.   I can see all the wheels in his brain working fast to make the calculations.  After a long while a deep breath he said:  "OK.  then, I will not come for the classes, I shall tell the paid Trainer and he will take the classes!"
I agreed.  I never could imagine the cost of the car or repairs at that time.  But these little shovings in the small cute little car, I despised or say, hated to the core.  Somebody should tell them, so I thought, why not I, since I am standing in the eye of the storm now.   It worked!

To me, driving was only one of the movings like the little wheel I used to run with the steel hook.   I did not understand why somebody should be attacked to teach him driving.  Of course some of them miss a few clicks of the levers while learning.  This is because they are not explained the activity of the wheels and pinions inside the mouth of the car.   If they knew, they will make far less mistakes when they learn as well as when they use the drill themselves ! In any case, now, I had to ward off the unnecessary hits which I did not agree to!   But I was keen to listen to the Trainer.  I was all ears and eyes towards the trainer and also the colleagues who were student drivers!The student drivers also got into the car usually when we went for the trip.  This gave an experience from the goings on between the driving student and the Driving Trainer.

When one student completes his twenty minutes of training driving, the next student will change seats with the earlier student.  The Trainer sat in the left seat with this clutch and brake pedals, which never came to the notice of the student drivers out of extreme anxiety and elation!  Most of the student drivers came to learn it to find an employment which many youngsters liked.  In my case, it was only for learning the trick, as I was already working, as suggested by mother, you earn and learn.  This gave me a leverage over the other students, even though the basics were the same for all.

All the same I have surmounted the first difficulty.   Now I have to keep the Trainer in good humour! I thought of way....nothing was coming to mind.   I was very much excited of the fact that the next day, I shall be in the driving seat of this little contraption of a car, which was really cute!  There was a little while board in the front and back showing the letter "L"  This said the car is being used to train students to drive and other vehicles may take precautions while approaching the learners' car!

On the road in those days it was a joy to be in a car! Roads were empty during the mornings and we went two to three kilometres to a large ground in front of a temple where we were made to practice reversing, turning etc.   On the road, once the student is in the seat the Trainer just made minimum  touches on the steering wheel to steer the vehicle  straight from possible veerings to one side or the other which usually occurred initially.   In a matter of one or two days, the steering control stabilized and then is the reversing and turning!  One thing the students, especially whose IQ is low, was in trouble was about the change of gears.   The training is by directly telling the student to put the gear from one to two, two to three and three to four!  The students were not given a proper class of the modalities before the class.   This led to a lot of confusion to many.  The students invariably miss proper change of gear with the result the tooth wheels in the gear box hitting each other or the lock pin touching somewhere which made the grinding sound which made the Trainer red with anger and at times into physical attacking of the students if they gave in!

All the same, the Trainer was a wizard as he said some of the principles in his simple ways which I caught straight and I did not have any problem on that count.   He said:  "The gear arrangement is like an 'H' . On the four hands  of the 'H' is the four gears.  From the central cross bar you push down a little more and down is the reverse.   The gear is fitted just below the steering wheel".    There was a small handle, a beautiful handle with a colourful knob, was the gear.  This in tandem with the clutch pedal worked for the shifting of the gears.
We did it in turns and whenever I got a free time I practised it in the car and when I was away at home or in office, I practised it in my mind.  This was a great way of practicing so that we were ready for the next lesson with the full mental picture of the earlier lessons. Moreover, many a time we travelled in other cars or buses.   I made it a point to sit near the driver in these occasions and watch the movement of the driver which gave us the actual happenings on when we really drove.

The Trainer said: "You do not think and drive.   Thinking and driving is only when you learn,  in the large compound place where you are along with your vehicle.  When you drive on the road, you should be driving bye-heart, and the body should be doing the work of driving by reflexes.  That much it should be ingrained in you, so that no accident occur on the road".  That was great advice.!  "You have no time to look at the meters and switches!  They should be bye-heart!"I really marvelled him for that advice, coming from a boy who did not have any formal education and learned driving by moving other people's cars for washing and putting them into the sheds! Great guy, indeed!

He continued to help every one who came for training.   He said the steering wheel turns three rounds.  The wheels turns a maximum of 45 degrees.  There is not much turning of the steering wheel on the road.  Just a little to this side or a little to that side.  A sharp turn comes only in a strictly 45 degree angle road joining  the road you are travelling or a hair pin curve. Mind you, at such places, you bring down the speed substantially so as to be able to manipulate it and once done increase the speed.  No fast driving and turning at curves.   According to the intensity of the curve, the speed should be slower and slower!

On the way was a Tea shop in a four cross.   I made it a point to get everybody including the little Trainer, Masterji some good tea and snacks (such nice arrangements were there in those days at very low rates) which enlivened us all.  As the advertisement goes there was a surge of adrenalin whenever I landed in the driving seat to move the car.  The purr of the car, that little blue fiat, was fantastic!  Slowly it will move and take speed.  The horn in the centre of the steering wheel was a marvel.   The gear lever positioned just under the steering wheel is superb and still I pine for it.  Oh...what a drive.. What a car!

In the temple compound ground, we tried a reversing training called 'go through the 'H"  As the "H" has two hands and a cross connection, the effort is to enter the bottom of the left side of the H go up to the top, come on the reverse and turn the back first to the right and then to the left to come down the bottom of the right hand.  Then go up to the top of the right hand of the H and then vice versa.  One has to have some control of the clutch and brake and steering wheel for this and has to turn well in the seat to look back and see to the back of the car through the driver's window.   One sat like a screw in the car and did it without much effort if one is young and agile.   As age goes by one has to put in a little more effort, especially the looking back to the back of the car stuff!

The point to point driving in making an "H" was considered to be the great finale to the driving lessons.  A number of light iron rods are planted in the form of the H and we are asked to perform the "H".   If any of the iron rods fall, for each rod a point is deducted from the marks and the candidate is considered 'failed' in the test.   In the same way if one clears both the handles of the "H"  one makes a pass in that category and then proceed to the road drive.   In the road drive only the Vehicle Inspector, a Government Officer only sits with the candidate on the front seat and all others in the back seat.  One or two simple tricky points the officers  watch in this as asking the driver to stop when he is in good movement.  A person wanting to fail will apply the brake straight away.  Actually, he is supposed to show a sign that he is moving to the left, move to the left, go slow, brake and then stop.

Another one is to stop on a climb.  After the stop, here the trick is, when the student driver is asked to move again many of the unsuspecting student drivers will falter in that the car will move backwards where by he can be declar4ed failed.  If the vehicle moves backwards he is a 'fail'.  If well trained, he will not do that, he will, rather keep the brake and clutch down and with the same right foot apply a bit of the gas pedal and when the raving is enough slowly release the brake and clutch and continue to press down the accelerator which carries the body mass of the car forward!  This is achieved with some good practice.

In the classes, the Teacher cum Guru, even though he was too young, gave me some beautiful tips! One was, do not get upset, if something did not work.  Simply do it again, and it will work!  Second is, when you attend the test, you have to first start the car when the Inspector will be sitting in a chair outside and watching you.  You make a mistake, and he may fail you.   But you do not know what he considers a mistake.   So do not put marks yourself.   One common stuff which happens is the car may go off immediately after you start it.  Do not panic.  Simply push down the clutch and brake and turn the key again, it will come on.  If you do it with confidence, the Inspector may not mind it.   If you get upset, and not start the car again, and look at the Inspector, then the story will change.  And it exactly happened like that when my turn came for the Test.  His advice worked for me.  I passed the test!

When I was asked to start, the car was in front of the right leg of the "H" made by a number of steel poles which were just fixed in the loose earth and can fall at the simple touch of the car without hurting the car!  I have to go up and come backwards turn left, then right and reach the bottom of the left leg of the "H" then do vice versa!  I took a deep breath, sat in the driving seat, said a little prayer and turned the key.....The car raved up and then died!  Gosh...!   Without losing a moment, I turned the key again and held it and the engine came up !! Yes..I had got it right!  The next going up and coming down was easy as I was having a very pliable body at the age of 23 where I could almost turn like a screw!  When I stopped the car after the exercise, the Inspector smiled at me, took out my form and ticked in one column and said "Come for the road test once I finish with the other students!"

We went on the road and drove on keeping to the left of the road.  On the way, I was asked to stop.  I can either fail or pass.  If I stop straight on, I fail.  If I slow down, move to the extreme left of the tarred portion of the  road, show my right hand up, to say that I am going to stop and then stop, I pass!  I did that and passed.  Then I continued with another stop on the up hill area from where I had to use both the brake and accelerator together supported with the clutch!  I moved on without difficulty.  Next was the final stopping and parking.  I was asked to park on the left cut road after just crossing it over.  Here I had to reverse and slowly manoeuvre and drive backward to the left cut road where there was a pool of muddy water.   I slowly started backwards sitting like a screw and looking back at the cut road and brought the little fiat car just covering the muddy pool and behind the pool I parked the car and that was the final PASS..!   That was a driving licence for me..!

The Inspector told me before entering back into the car to test the next student: "Come to the office after the test, I shall give you the Pass Receipt".  Later, when all the students were tested and we were back in the Road Transport Office, the officer was there and with a smile he said: "Here is your Pass Receipt" and handed over a printed receipt with my name filled up saying. . . . . . . . . .passed in the Driving Test.  Issue Driving Licence.  As soon as I was out of the Inspector's office my Guru who was waiting for me outside, all happy and with a wide smile on his face, suddenly took the receipt from me and said:  "You can collect it from the Manager later when the accounts are settled".  This was a crude way of doing it in Kerala, as many times, the student drivers defaulted in their payments to the driving school.

I was somehow unconcerned as I had settled every thing with the Owner Manager of the School and since I was also working in another Government Office, he can't think of anything against me.  Moreover, he was a friend and well wisher!  After three days or so, I was issued a licence!  I was really elated to get the licence and showed it off to every one at home!  Father and Mother were exceptionally happy!  While parting with the Driving School Manager and the Trainer Teacher, both were very happy for me and said;  "When ever you want to use the car for personal driving, you can come to us. Only petrol will be charged for you and if the Trainer is free and if you so need, he can also come with you"  This was a bonus, I knew. 

I took it once, just to impress mother and sister.  But initial driving was not as easy as the driving test.  Every time a bus or car came from the opposite side, I was in great panic.  When a vehicle going in the opposite direction honked, I thought there is a vehicle behind me.  I was damn afraid to look at the mirror, for fear of losing the road.  After I completed once side to Trichur, I thought, I had done all the driving in the world!  Basically I had gone to help my brother in law to carry his personal effects in the car as he was vacating his room in the lodging house where he was staying.  The place was just near the Kerala Transport Corporation Bus Stand.  Near that place, you will be swarmed by the red and yellow coloured Kerala Transport Corporation buses from all sides.  Actually, there were only the simple usual buses, but for a new driver like me, I saw buses on all sides plus other vehicles. 

While returning I told the Driver Trainer friend (He had become a friend by now) to take the vehicle.  I was in a lot of perspiration.  As I was driving, I had mother in the back seat.   I was always feeling that how mother will react to my first driving!  So the easy way was to tell the Trainer to take the vehicle on the return trip.  Then mother interfeared:  "Why are you feeling uneasy?  Just drive on.  Nothing will happen!"   I was taken aback!  What a force in her words! How confident she is! I agreed:  I knew mother is very strong even other wise.  This was a great support to me at that point of time.  Yes. I sat along and drove back.  The worlds of mother was going in my mind again and again. "Why are you feeling uneasy?  Just drive on.  Nothing will happen!"  We completed the trip nicely.  Till date,  mother's words reverberate in my mind whenever I am in the driving seat!  And I drive on...

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