Saturday 27 June 2015


A movie in Mayajal multiplex is always a joy.  Mayajal is a theatre group or a movie house group as we can understand in the present day language! It has a number of goodie goodie shops and eateries, almost all of them selling above the normal prices as they are under the theatre complex with an air conditioned ambience. So any body trying to eat or drink in those premises shall be careful not to throw away too much of their hard earned money, unless they are in a great abandon for such matters. Air conditioned ambience in Chennai comes at a cost as air conditioning in the humid heat of Chennai consumes enormous electricity.

The movie we could catch was at the evening show by an actor called Nivin Pauly who acted through school, college and professional college to ultimately run a Hotel as we saw in the movie.! A lot of high sound and techniques were in show. Time periods in the life of the 'lead'was shown in arabic digits with photo clicking sounds and written form covering the period upto college. In a way a fast forwarding of life itself!

Once near the theatre, we got out to explore the near by shops and look for snacks.  The Theatre we went to was near the East Coast Road of Chennai a peaceful area near OMR.(Old Mahabalipuram Road) generally travelled by people going south watching the pristine sea side beauty of the place.
The surroundings are still in their old times except new shops have come up with the computer industry ..! We went to an obscure looking tea shop which came alive when we went near it.  The shop owner, a very kind but strong woman was controlling things around and taking cash from the customers.

The tea we ordered came in seconds and it was very rejuvenating.  After a couple of teas and biscuits we were ready to take on the 'Mayajal' to watch the Nivil Pauly stuff called "Premam".

Again, we were for a surprise, as this was not family story, as expected.  This was a new line stuff in which youth dare their parents, do   all kinds of little vices available to them in Kerala all the while the Pauly guy trying to find his love and establish a lead.  A few of his friends are shown to helping him through thick and thin.

It was beautifully exhibited how the main character 'George Varghese' attempts to get the affection of various girls whom he comes across, during the college period, working life  and makes progress well so as to make us not notice of the impending turn of  events leading to the break up of the closeness the character establishes over a period. Very brave of Mr. Nivin Pauly to have depicted the scenes which we enjoyed.  We were concerned at the number of sequences in which smoking and drinking the raw alcohol was shown all the while claiming this to be almost a college film.

This definitely sent a wrong signal to the new generation of  youth who got to watch the movie any where.

The film vaguely mimicked the old gold 'Mera Naam Joker' as far as the love break ups are concerned!  But this time with a twist that the third break up suddenly gets a u-turn to come back and get to a welding up after the much required action sequence where a huge wrong by a paranoid schezofrenic is set right by the main character depicted as George Verghese and his ubiquitous friends!   This will have a lot of Kerala girls happy as this kind of morons masquerading as either husbands or guys who are un-questionables are increasing in Kerala!

Friday 26 June 2015

The Positive Vibes!

Chennai skies were sizzling in the afternoon.  This was against the reports of the weather men ! But it is not their fault.  There is no telling which way the winds will blow!  The bus in which I was in was going at  a fast pace and we were coming from Marina Beach.  Beach air is always cool as it comes caressing the sea.

The bus passed over to Sholinganellur and near one of the stops two children,  I mean, two little boys, came running just when the bus was about to move and barged in.  They made it with such sure shot fast pace, the moment they were almost in, the bus moved on with them!

The settled down in two seats in front and started arranging their huge school bags on their laps ! That is where I lost interest in them.  This is usual!  These school children.  At times they come in large groups and at times as a trickle, one or two at a time.  The bust was full of school girls from another school who had boarded earlier and a few poor village ladies tying jasmine buds on a twine to make a long garland which is usually sold to a flower seller.  Then there were occasional riders
like me who are caught up without any other modes of transport for their general use in day to day life, wherever they are!

The two little boys of around ten would have been in the bus for about one or two kilometres when an elderly lady along with a middle aged women entered the bus and Lo.!  The two boys were up in a jiffy as if they were electrified and both in unison came to the lady, shouting "Amma"..!  The expression of joy on their faces were unmistakable as they had  forgotten they were in a public bus where there are other people too.  I was interested to see their next interactions.  The old lady also cheerfully reciprocated the two boys!  One of the boys settled in a seat near to the elderly lady and the second one went to the second middle aged woman who was seated a few seats behind !  The elderly lady embraced the little boy and shuffled his hair a little and lovingly pulled his cheeks!  The boys were keen telling her of their running up to the bus and being lucky to get in just in time for the bus to move on!  The boy continued to tell all the happening in the school which the elderly lady was smilingly listening to as if she was hearing some very serious matter and from time to time asking "oh..!  Is it so...!....That was good etc."

In between, the other boy who had gone to the seat behind put down his huge school bag in the seat and came running to the elderly lady calling "Amma!"  and pulled both cheeks of the lady to which the lady gave a benign smile and shuffled his hair too!  He too started talking to her about his classes which also the elderly was reciprocating with joy and a smile continuously!

In between, the boys said they are going to buy tickets for all.  The elderly lady countered saying "When I am there, you don't have to spend to buy tickets"  and gave them money to buy tickets for all.  The boy ran inside the bus and brought tickets from the Conductor at the farthest end and still kept on talking to the ladies, turn by turn vying with each other to tell them the stories of the days happenings in school!

I was rejuvenated to see their love for one another and the old ladies handling of the two children, definitely not her own boys, but either grand children or children in the neighbourhood!  I thought if all mothers handled children like that our children will be very enthusiastic and will be leaders of tomorrow!  While I was contemplating thus, the two ladies and the two little chirpy boys got down from the bus!  Lucky guys and their lucky times..!  I don't know if I was jealous of them..May be!

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Dilemma of a morning walk..!

The morning air is always crisp and sweet with the westwind blowing smoothly, brazing the plants which waved softly at it.  The wind carried the fragrance of the flowers and moved forward as if nothing has happened and touched softly, all those who had been walking around our apartments.

It is usual for people who live in apartments to take a walk in the early mornings.  Women are more regular and some old men also walk from time to time.  The young of the apartments normally make a jog making a statement that they are young. Some walk with a little radio or ipod to keep them from deflecting from their moods and flow along with the music in their ears which has become very helpful for them to keep their attention focused.

I for one, always think of going out and walking and succed only as a last measure, as many a time I am bogged down with newspaper reading or watching the internet pages. But at times I cut the ice, and break out to the open and walk.

Once outside, it takes a peaceful pace with a walk to the fish pond where the fish will be feeding on the new feed of the day with the large golden and white angels coming up from time to time to gobble up the grains of feed. They make a plomb sound in their action which terrifies the little fish links.  A large black forg sits at one side. This frog has newly come from some place nearby and is among the little fish. The various water plants make shade and provide a hiding place for the fish when they want to keep away from the prying on lookers like me.  At times a photo of the whole group is also taken The photos always reflect the sky and the nearby trees in the water more than the fish in the pond.

Moving away from the pond there ware others washing and cleaning up their cars wiping them to a fresh new finish.  Any new car would need a wiping and sweeping.  Me, not doing it, any more except when I come back from a muddy drive.  The Chennai roads in the central area are generally good so there is no need for a clean up when there is no rain.  But rain makes a difference.

The ornamental palms near me calls me off from the fish pond and car washers to watch and enjoy the beautiful pods of the palm which are flowing up and the wonderful green art work of the natural plants making the world a Garden of Eden.  The plant life amazes one as they grow day by day and show us the patience which we should be practicing in life.  Since, impatience is the hall mark of human kind, we move on leaving the palms with their sweet and loving waves with their fresh leaves!

A moment later a little cat appears with its three kittens who are in search of their daily bread and are sniffing in the air to find out which house is going to get them some food.  But these are apartments houses and something to come by is hard.  Ultimately, they decide they have to move through the crevice in the wall and go to the nearby little rivulet where they can either get a few fish or prey upon any of the birds or rats found near the banks.

In between, many of the residents pass with their urgent thoughts in their minds for the day, for the next day and for the future.  All busy with their thoughts, there is no need to talk to any!  The morning mind is mostly for thinking and formingw ideas! The sun slowly comes up at the eastern horizon and illuminates the Bay of Bengal first and the rest of the peninsula thereafter !  A sun rise from the sea is always a great sight! Marina Beach is the right place for a sighting of the morning sky with the sea waving at you and small boats and in the frather end huge ships traversing the sea! The sand is turned into gold and the morning walkers throw grains to the birds and they swarm down in their hundreds making a cloud wherever they moved!  The natural beauty of the whole thing is breath taking.  bird in great unison, nature at its pristine supreme!

I  pull back my mind from the Marina Beach to face the little child play area where I play 'Vetal' for a few minutes.  Vetal is a wise man in the old tales (Jataka Tales, I presume) where he hangs upside down on a tree in the forest near the walk way and the Prince of the tale, namely, The Great Vikramaditya pass by him ! On sighting the old man he goes and picks him up and carries him to town always failing in his attempt.  But the good thing is the Great Sage always asks him a question and insists and awaits the right answer from him. The inability of not being able to give the right answer is grave and all the time Vikramaditya gives the right answer on which the old sage slips away from the shoulders of Vikramaditya and gets back to his up side down position on the tree as before!

The one thing any body can follow is if you have strong cross bars one can hang up side down and get the same effect of 'shirsana'.  Blood circulation would increase and will be enough for a days activities!

The sun is now rising up and the heat is increasing! I wind up my walk and go to my apartment to get to the routines of the day!