Friday 26 June 2015

The Positive Vibes!

Chennai skies were sizzling in the afternoon.  This was against the reports of the weather men ! But it is not their fault.  There is no telling which way the winds will blow!  The bus in which I was in was going at  a fast pace and we were coming from Marina Beach.  Beach air is always cool as it comes caressing the sea.

The bus passed over to Sholinganellur and near one of the stops two children,  I mean, two little boys, came running just when the bus was about to move and barged in.  They made it with such sure shot fast pace, the moment they were almost in, the bus moved on with them!

The settled down in two seats in front and started arranging their huge school bags on their laps ! That is where I lost interest in them.  This is usual!  These school children.  At times they come in large groups and at times as a trickle, one or two at a time.  The bust was full of school girls from another school who had boarded earlier and a few poor village ladies tying jasmine buds on a twine to make a long garland which is usually sold to a flower seller.  Then there were occasional riders
like me who are caught up without any other modes of transport for their general use in day to day life, wherever they are!

The two little boys of around ten would have been in the bus for about one or two kilometres when an elderly lady along with a middle aged women entered the bus and Lo.!  The two boys were up in a jiffy as if they were electrified and both in unison came to the lady, shouting "Amma"..!  The expression of joy on their faces were unmistakable as they had  forgotten they were in a public bus where there are other people too.  I was interested to see their next interactions.  The old lady also cheerfully reciprocated the two boys!  One of the boys settled in a seat near to the elderly lady and the second one went to the second middle aged woman who was seated a few seats behind !  The elderly lady embraced the little boy and shuffled his hair a little and lovingly pulled his cheeks!  The boys were keen telling her of their running up to the bus and being lucky to get in just in time for the bus to move on!  The boy continued to tell all the happening in the school which the elderly lady was smilingly listening to as if she was hearing some very serious matter and from time to time asking "oh..!  Is it so...!....That was good etc."

In between, the other boy who had gone to the seat behind put down his huge school bag in the seat and came running to the elderly lady calling "Amma!"  and pulled both cheeks of the lady to which the lady gave a benign smile and shuffled his hair too!  He too started talking to her about his classes which also the elderly was reciprocating with joy and a smile continuously!

In between, the boys said they are going to buy tickets for all.  The elderly lady countered saying "When I am there, you don't have to spend to buy tickets"  and gave them money to buy tickets for all.  The boy ran inside the bus and brought tickets from the Conductor at the farthest end and still kept on talking to the ladies, turn by turn vying with each other to tell them the stories of the days happenings in school!

I was rejuvenated to see their love for one another and the old ladies handling of the two children, definitely not her own boys, but either grand children or children in the neighbourhood!  I thought if all mothers handled children like that our children will be very enthusiastic and will be leaders of tomorrow!  While I was contemplating thus, the two ladies and the two little chirpy boys got down from the bus!  Lucky guys and their lucky times..!  I don't know if I was jealous of them..May be!

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