Wednesday 16 December 2015

The Blood Test

No problem with the blood. But it has to be tested.  It is the Doctor's requirement as he has to prescribe medicines to increase human life. The simplest form of test won't allow you to eat for 12 hours, then you have to eat and wait for two hours!

The man who sucks your blood will look into your blood and give a computer write up.  The blood has undergone various changes from childhood till now when one is above sixty. The anxiety ridden times of childhood full of awe and wonders of the world presented around, coupled with the extreme desire for food which was scant to come by.

Then the continuous running to school after school where one's hunger for food and knowledge is quenched in part and left vacant in part. The words learned stood in good stead and the king found the youth fit for daily food!  The packets changed from time to time where he would have eaten whatever he got and lately the doctors started intervening.  "You can't eat all that"  they said!

So eating as he wanted was stopped and started eating as the doctor wanted and now his blood is going for test again as had been done several times earlier.

Testing is alright! It is the fasting and not being allowed to take a cup of tea in the morning or breakfast which is the greatest interference! Then the anxiety of the result, just like the result of any examinations!

Once the billing is over I am asked to sit in a chair to suck blood.  The Lady Technician  pushed the needle and sucked enough blood   to check all variations in the blood and left me to take food and come back after two hours. I ate hungrily and had my tea which I had brought from home which was really a big  solace!  Went along site seeing the hospital which had been recently flooded in the Velachery area of Chennai.  The water had come up two and a half feet, I was told, which has now receded!

After two hours one more suction from the blood vein and I am through.

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