Wednesday 20 April 2016

Driving in Chennai

Driving in Chennai is a precarious thing as is anywhere in India.  But road are good.  The main problem is the increase in the number of vehicles.  All are there on the road, motor cycles, scooters, scooties, cars, cabs, buses and many axled vehicles and so on.  The trucks, buses and the taxi buses rule the road and the motor cycle group can be expected anywhere.

The scorching heat at times, humid heat at times, all together you get steamed up.  Some old trees at places still serve as a oasis. Until more progress comes, these grand daddys will look after the travellers!  OMR road is a lovely strip with partitioned roads. One has to be patient.  The motor cyclists will apear any where.  One should not swerve too much to the left or to the right as small vehicles will be on all sides and may appear in front of you as well. But they too are very considerate.  While suffering the humid heat, they do not swerve and keep you informed from time to time with their little horns.

The red lights are the real relaxation points.  One gets at least three minutes at each major red light where one can relax but cannot put out the engine as it will heat up the car too much too suddenly.  As all vehicles these days are emitting broken up air and other pollutants on all sides one can't open the window glass and put off the air conditioner.  The buses on the sides always keep to their lanes and do not swerve.

We drove to the Chettinadu Medical City one day.  A Hospital of international standards in the cool panorama of the OMR where we can always get great treatment.   The thing attracted us much was the the way the parking lot was arranged with trees on either of each slot giving the cool shade to the car and a sense of peace to those inside if any one chose to sit in and relax while the sick went in to get treatment.  Once treatment is over we always made it a point to visit the Hospital canteen where food is subsidized and clean in a cool atmosphere.  By the  time we returned the temperatures have touched forty degrees and the dust had started flying.  Even though the air was cool from the sea breeze, we had to roll up the glasses and put on the ac. to protect us from the dust and heat.!

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