Sunday 11 June 2017

The June Rains

The June Rains

Raining cats and dogs is only an idiom. But in Kerala it really takes shape in June. This month starts always with a severe rain. The rain continues all through the day and gives relief to the parched earth which had been fied though a severe April May heat.

The paddy fields get filled up and the rainy season is selected for ploughing and putting new saplings or sowing seeds. The natural coolness of the climate is good for great sleep. June and July are the rainiest people getting maximum sleep during the period. But all this are enjoyed with other members in the family.

When time passes, in Kerala, the number of members become less in the family and the left over members pull on the days in the fond memory of the times they spend together with their loved ones, the struggles they had to pull on and fix their children, the anxiety they faced together in seeing their wards employed etc. Then the great rupture of love and affection when their little children grew into big people, brought in their earnings to sit around and enjoy a sumptuous meal or go on a small tour etc.

Then the time machine turns again and the big little children get married and bring in new people who do not know the times and struggles they faced together. Then naturally due to the pressure of the work and place the new little families travel away and live in far off places, making an occassional call on the phone or appear rarely for a celebratory occasion at hom. Now they have to adjust to each other and make a new beginning. That is the time the rains and shines become more endearing to them. The time they come home, the parents keep counting the calendar and the children come hap-hazardly with their express plans to get back to do their work chores where ever they come from.

When one come fare a busy city life, they remember some of the old times, but most of the times they have forgotten. But memories become prescious to the old people and they cring to it. It is not that memories have any value except for them, but those who have the memories, those memories keep them going..! Strange as it seems, it is the story of most of the elderly and many a time they do not think of it or relate to it unless they get an opportunity.

In the old times when it rained children used to be enthused to play in the rains by making dams and water tunnels. When they enjoy it through and through, it was the parents who became happy and thought it was a reason for life. The little ones' happiness always burst into loud laughter as they shouted their achievements to their parents and grand parents. That is another group of people, the Grand Parents. Olden days most families had the added happiness of having Grand Parents with whom the little children made instant company to the joy and relief of the young parents. Now, that has become a luxury. Either they have lived out or died out or in rare cases, they are kept out.

How so ever, they kept their grand memories prescious until the very last. The rain time is also a time for instant diseases when parents run helter skelter to get their little ones treated back to good health. Old people who are too delicate and bed ridden pass on to the other world during this time of the year. This time it was selected, it seemed to me, because in an agricultural world, most of the people would be at home due to the rains when a peaceful death is possible after seeing most of the family members around. Many had their premonitions, and called the family members to give their advices and blessings before they closed their eyes for the last time to be reborn into their next world. It is a type of account closing, one may say.

Regardless of whatever happens, the rain continues to complete its course. The plants and trees are jubilant during the period and grow with great vigour. And this make the farmers happy. The birds and animals generally find the think rains and wind somewhat comburesome. The birds can't fly enough to catch their prey and the cattle find it difficult to graze in severe rains. They wait till the rains ease., which ultimately it does.

At times, the rains are coupled with great lightning and thunder when the electricity fails and everybody can take rest. Nothing work at such times. The wall plugs of the instruments have to be pulled out for fear of the instruments burning out in the extreme charge of electricity in the lightning. This happens rarely, but at times, it does happen in some place or the other. In any case, the nature is generally kind in this and most of the time our prayers to God to protect us from all kinds of calamities are heard and answered. Life goes on after the rains in the next bright mornings with a new vigour and enthusiasm.

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