Tuesday 14 August 2018

Life in Bhangel, a Noida corner!

There are two parts to Bhangel which has become a point these days.  This happened with rapid progress of the surroundings of the Bhangel village and the road going through it.  When the road which was a single up and down road was parted with a strong partition and that ended the connection with the two sides as crossing over from one side to the other became a little difficult as the people of the place are not used to such traffic rules. Their simple life did not need it either as they seldom drove long.  Most of the people had farming and farm work and the market on either side of the road was enough for their daily requirements.

Now the road from Dadri to the Capital and Some of the busy hubs of Noida passed through Bhangel and the daily traffic increased with the ever progressing ride of the country and this made the necessity of widening the road as well as partitioning it.  Otherwise, the general public in the area were freely crissing crossing from one part to the other and this became a point of traffic snarls several times.  At times a cyclist crossed the road and a large vehicle had to brake to allow him to go unhurt and reach his destination.  Some times a tractor with trolley crossed the road from one side to the other with impunity and all the traffic on both sides stopped to give him way as the density has increased manifold in the recent times.

In between there would be pedestrians who are really many as the industrial towns and cities which are about and around has huge number of everyday workers who once free from their daily work, spill to the market area before reaching their homes.  They have to pick up their daily requirements on way home. The two sides of the roads will be interspersed with a lot of rehri traders.  A rehri is a four wheeled platform on which temporary vegetable shops and the like are carried on. Same goes for a lot of eatable shops which are single person oriented enterprises.  They all take away a part of the road.    Apart from these are the those who come 'wrong'.  A wrong is a person driving either a two wheeler or a four wheeler in the opposite direction of a lane.  This creates trouble at times but generally every body tolerate it.  This is because they have only a little distance to move to catch either their by-lane or take a U-turn to catch their right lane.

Adding the dust and din to this makes the whole a real experience to one who have not experienced it. The general days of good climate in these areas pass without any much problem.  Public will find it difficult in extreme climates of heat, dust storm and some times in the rainy season of July August, if it rains too much. But since the people are content with the place and surroundings things pass on with out much ado.!

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