Tuesday 30 September 2014

The morning!

The morning air was cool.  It was raining all through the night.  The easterlies are bringing medium rains with breezy clouds which come down as drops of blessing.  But they do not stop in the night all through.  The morning comes with fresh fragrance of the little flowers and grass.   The long beaked pelicans go in formation to the eastern skies to catch the early meals from the col padams (paddy fields).   Their V shaped going is a real sight.   They do not go in mixed groups.   The white pelicans will have white pelicans only.  And black only black.  The freshness and fragrance invited me to the outside. 

I had overslept.  Not purposeful.  But it so happened. When it rains outside, it is like that, if the alarm is not set.  When the alqrm is set, sleep opens before the bell.  The anxiety of the alarm is alarming.  So, it was not set.

Outside, the trees kept on dripping with that last minute pearl drops of water. A buttlefly called the 'nercha thumbi' was swinging among the little plants.   A butterfly with two large black circles on each wing is called a nercha thumbi here.  It reminded one of a long forgotten vow to visit a holy religious place.  In fact, I have many of them.  Thge buttle fly is small.  So the place should be one nearby.  Had the butterfly been too large, it would be a far away place and at times out of Kerala.  I looked closely at the little being on the grass.  My God!  It is not swinging!  It is caught in a web, a delicate web set by a cunning spider.  The spider is hiding before attacking it.   A good trick like all villains, so that the butterfly will exhaust all its energies by trying to disentangle it itself.  Wanted to save it.  Took a small twig and slightly cut through the web and Lo! The buttlerfly was free. 

The 'Mukkootti'  flowers were smiling.   These are smallest of yellow flowers always smiling most of the rainy times in bloom, when the atmosphere is full of moisture.  Considered as a nuisance, we remove them always!  They are not disheartened! Like an obedient dog, they come up again and stand smiling at us all over the compound!  A honey bee was ging in and out of them sucking honey.   Even such a little flower has a little honey for the honey bee.  I felt ashamed.  What heartless beings are we?  Squirrel made a chil chil noise and climbed the coconut tree.  A rat snake looked up from among the 'kozhingals' (the coconut stalk is called kozhinjal).  Once it made sure that someone  moving around it made a swish sound and crept away at a fast slithering pace and disappeared in the nearby grass in the next compound.  That compound was full of green grass which are too tall. A fit place for them. 

The sky was half clear but the easterly clouds kept on coming and covering the sun.   At times a bit of sun shire came out but to be closed up again by the moving clouds!  There was talk on the small panchayat road.  People are returning from the church.  Every now and then a motor cycle or scooter or an auto riksha broke the silence.   The new kinds of transports.  Still the morning gave out a serene atmosphere!

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