Thursday 26 February 2015

The Morning Walk..!

The Morning Walk!

Got out on time for a morning walk at eight twenty and took out the walk mate.  Walk mate is a small cell phone with a radio and camera which is common these days.  I only use the radio normally. Channel one zero six point four finished their morning news and newspaper review in Delhi as soon as I started and I went on to channel ninety eight for three for entertainment while walking along. The guys there were telling me to take LIC or grow with LIC etc. Only the other day the LIC office told me that I am not eligible for any LIC as I am beyond sixty, which is beyond their purview. As I was an admirer of the LIC all along my long association with them, I simply agreed. Next was advertisement on health insurance, when I noticed a long line of pigeons sitting on a live wire of the tall electric pole.  They were enjoying the early morning sun like me.  I thought of taking a shot of them in my phone camera and to get a better view, crossed over the road, took a vantage position and brought my phone to the camera and was about to shoot when all the pigeons took off abruptly on a commotion.  Half of them flew in a group to the left and half to the right. As there is no meaning in such a shot, I continued my walk and started back at the left over health insurance.
There was a chill in the morning air.  The snow fall in Kashmir and Uttarakhand may be coming closer! But the clear morning sun was too very pleasant to be ignored. As the health insurance people was informing me of their programme of securing my health, there was a healthy black dog lying gracefully in the sun. I have rarely seen a stray dog with such healthy shining black hair.  The elegance was unmistakable as if it is a home dog. When I was adjusting the camera, it turned to me and looked on intently and when the camera was ready and I was about to shoot, it simply got up, looked up at me as if I was going to shoot somebody else, and walked off!   I left him without shooting, of course!  Further down,  there was this brown doggy family of husband and wife coming along together.  Thought, this could be a good shot.  Got the camera ready and was about to click, there was a car coming from behind the dogs and the lady dog suddenly swerved right, ran to a near by stationary car and lied there.  The other dog stood gaping at me!  So, that was not a shot! Still there was a chance of yet another little white doggy, a sweety at that, as it was quite a little white dog basking in the sun. Walked near it, and was adjusting the shot when all the three doggies started moving towards me. Just before my shot, the little white doggy got up and sharted walking to another sunny spot!  Oh..gosh..this is not to be today.  I moved on, but the threesome of two brown dogs and one black dog with the velvet hair was now avidly following me, even though with a harmless look. Harmless or not one has to be careful.  I moved on without going a look in their direction.  The two brown dogs stopped at the little white dogs which should be their little one, but the black velvet walked up to me, sniffed me, and started walking along with me.  I walked along, never looking down to see the black velvet walking along with me.  I felt I am walking in front of a tiger and tried to breathe normally!  On the way the rag and waste collector  gentleman had stopped his tricycle with the huge bag of garbage!  That was my escape !  As I passed the garbage vehicle, the black velvet stopped near it!  Good riddance! Now, I am not going to take any more shots, but will patiently listen to all the health insurance matters and go home!  Ok..then..Good Morning, my friends!

Friday 20 February 2015

The Old Fiat.....!

Buying the car was done as if buying potatoes  or grocery.  The lack of experience in the matter was evident as Ramu went to buy the car at night after office and of course almost into the midnight.  The persons advertising the old car would have really wanted to get rid of it and they said so as they were wanting to buy a new car.
The nineteen nineties were a time when petrol was around four rupees in India! The ordinary people of the country had started to dream of owning a car, even though they were old!  The  Maruti Zusuki cars which lately came into the Indian market had put a dream into many minds there!  The work of Ramu was in the big office in a medium job.  He had to change office many times either due to promotion or due to the change of office of his senior officer.
In the new post at which he worked now,  he was to look after seven eight staff members and report to his senior officer who was also the Head of office.  This did not entail any monetary benefit other than what he usually got even in a lower office posting.  But it makes one get a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction and consequent improvement in his dreams.  So far he did not dare dream beyond the Priya scooter, two wheeler which he was using like a car, as roads were comparatively free except in peak hours!
 The old fiat to which Ramu was guided was an old car.  It was thirty years old, of 1960 vintage and had been used by an Orissa doctor for a long time and then the present seller. The little blue car was good to look at except for the minor peeling off of the paint at places, but had not been repainted. The lights had become slightly dim due to wear and tear and the inside had two long seats.
 The bucket seats had not become the fashion in those days.  The steering wheel was superb with the connected the steering gear which is a rarity now.  Then was the gates!  The front gates opened from the front side and one had to sit backwards into the seats.  But the functioning of the gates were still superb as they never got any complaint even after thirty or more years.
 The long seats were a marvel but was really old.  The matching interior cotton work and the old carpet along with the smell of grease and oil gave it a peculiar aroma which gets recorded in ones memory.  Ramu had with him all the supporting colleagues with him including the office driver who insisted that he should be dropped home as it had got too late and the office car was without petrol.
It made a nice rave much better for its antiquity! Lights were also not bad for its age!  Since it was getting late we spoke of the up and down of the final price for the buyer.  It was advertised that the price is eighteen thousand and  after some brief  bargain, the ‘final’ was fixed at seventeen thousand and Ramu and his team rolled  home in that old Fiat car!

One can see the upper part of the bonnet and the top of the lights very well from the driving seat as Ramu found out soon.  It gave him a kind of pleasure and self possession.  The vehicle was smooth to move on.  It had a small yellow light called the VIP light on the centre of the bonnet cover with a pull push switch which could be operated at random.  He was told it can be used at busy areas and other vehicles may give way.  Ramu seldom used it and it was not needed on free roads in any case. He was happy that at lat he could have a car which he never thought would be the case.  

Now he slowly started to think of the economics of the purchase and the long term impact of the same on his monthly budget which was some what ok. But not fully ok.  Still he said with four rupees and seventy five paise petrol per litre and a meager salary of twelve hundred rupees per month it was just ok as the distance to office and back was only eight kilometres.

This was not to remain so for long..!

Car enthusiasm is one thing which drives people to risky edges and that was happening to Ramu.  In India any body who passes the tenth class examination with fair marks will think a little away from the school books and find that the life around is slightly different from what is being taught in the books.  In Malayalam language there is a saying "ettilappadi, payattilippadi" which means "in writing like that, and in fighting like this".  If one did not learn this unwritten lesson quickly he will be a misfit in society.  At least one has to pretend he is a fit in society and pretend to have understood this underbelly truth. 

After two  months, I had purchased the old fiat car, the petrol rates just shot up to eight rupees and fiifty paise and that was almost tricky to handle to normal employee who got a regular income, but no increase to the tune of double the take home monthly.  Any body who used petrol increased the rates if he had a further take down the lane, but those who used petrol just for personal transport, it was time to re-think the use of petrol, nay, the car.!

The little front opening doored car was a joy to use with its gear lever fittled with the steering column, when the ignition key was turned it just whirred into life and carried you with springs in its wheels.  One can see the front bonnet of the car with the bulge of the light column on either side! But the petrol!  I took the brave decision to keep the car, asI calculated that wiith ten kilometres daily for 6days I may just about pull it ! But that calculation did not stay for long.   After a matter of three months, there was a second lightning of petrol price increase which carried it to Twelve rupees and seventy five paise which was just beyond me.

The price rise in petrol badly affected Ramu’s calculations! But before he understood the gravity of the difficulty he was up against, there was another devil in the box called jealousy nurtured happily by his colleagues around.  In the strata life of the country people had a mind set that such and such people should not possess such and such only.  In Ramu’s calibre she should be using only a two wheeler scooter as per the general feeling.  Ramu was thinking away from normal.  To Ramu it was only a convenience which his colleagues could not understand.  

The car had a thief button under the dash board, apart from the ignition key.  Once this thief button is put on and then the key is turned, the car will get started.  He ws informed that this was to cheat the potential thieves!  The super thieves of these days were not available in those days.  Ramu enjoyed the driive to office and back which gave him a hilarious feeling!  Of all the things! At last, to go to office in a car!  The car was very obedient as long as it had enough petrol.  The moemnt it went down, a red light started blinking on the meter column to his utter consternation. The five litres of petrol which was put was consumed in no time and before Ramu could think, the red light started to blink.

He used to joke that he got his first surge in blood pressure due to that red light which never agreed to stop blinking!  He thought that he would, have to pluck off that light one day!  The goddamn light! Ramu thought "Everything is nice with this car but for this petrol red light"  He took the car to office and parked it gracefully!  The graceful steering wheel with its large round circle with the 'FIAT' emblem in the center was marvellous!  The steering gear was superb and functioned well even after the 31 or so years it had put in. The tyres were white bordered ones which had an elegance of its own.

Ramu walked up the stairs slowly thinking of the future mathematics of petrol and the ways to stop the red button from blinking!  Some how the money part did not go away from the back of his mind, even as he thought of a plan to make a long drive trip with family! With a graceful boot and stepney tyre it was not a bad idea,  Of course, the battery had to be checked and the car had to be shown to the local mechanic!  The batteries of that time were the recharging type. They had to be recharged of and on.  There was a battery meter inside on the dash board which had a twitching handle which showed near full charge! If the twitchy handle did not lift itself well, the trip may not be that rosy..!

After office Ramu drove home hilariously in the Old Fiat and when ever he sat in the driving seat he had the feeling that he had reached home.  The old fiat was a thorough bred even though it had taken a lot of wear and tear in the 30-32 years it served its previous masters. At home, he parked it behind his little quarter house which was part of a huge building covering a number of such quarter houses.  The back side of the house where it was parked had less sun and hence it was cool in summer.  This brought the customary dog and cat to the car when it was parked.   The dog lied down in front of the car to rest.  But the cat crept inside the bonnet when it was late into the night and the engine had cooled off.  He slept on a side of the engine at times his tail on the fan blade. 

Ramu took care to tap  on the car a couple of times to alert the sleeping cat who quickly came out.  This had its plus point too, as Ramu visualized.  If the cat was not sleeping there, then the rats will get in and spoil the wiring which carried the energy to its head lights. So it was a blessing in disguise.

One of the greatest pleasures of having the car was to go out with family, ie. his wife and two children who otherwise was to travel on a two wheeler scooter.  This was dicy as the boy and girl were becoming taller and driving the scooter with two adults and two children was becoming difficult! In the car the children were happy to settle down in the back seat where the fiat had plenty of space and it also had an enviable boot in which quite almost anything can be accommodated when it came to groceries or other house hold articles.

The children were over joyed at the great possession.  For them, it was a new car ..!
The boy was naturally attached more to the vehicle.  Like all boys in India.  Girls are not into the attraction of cars or moving vehicles as much as boys in this country.  It is in the psyche, even though now it is changing.  The weekends became a real joy with the old Fiat...!  The only hitch was no body could tell when the old thorough bred had a hiccup..!  One day Ramu was going with the family and the Fiat had the hiccup.  It was a busy inter-section and the car went off at a red light.   When the light turned green, it won't start up.  There was no going from the truth and the Fiat had to be pushed out of the road.  The little children of 7 and 9 came out on the road along with his wife and started pushing it around.  Seeing the situation they were in, the local gentlemen joined in, slightly chiding the driver, for making the little children push the car.

They said, 'no worry, we will just push you to the nearest Uncle ji who is a mechanic and he will start it up for you or repair it'.  In a short while of a minute a little workshop was visible and a pleasant faced and old sikh gentleman came out enquiring "What happened?"

Ramu discribed the starting problem to him.  The Gentleman said "Nothing to worry, this is nothing..I will just see "  He sank into the driving seat, tried to start the vechicle, listened to the noise it made and declared :

" is the battery...I will give you a new battery, and get your old battery recharged.  You can come and collect your recharged battery tomorrow, when my old battery can be returned to me"  He replaced Ramu's Fiat battery and all the family looked with awe at the smart activity of the gentleman and while they were all looking the car got started.   It lit up the faces of the children and Ramu and his wife.  This is a great Mechanic indeed! Ramu asked him what has to be paid and the Sikh gentleman replied : "Oh, it is nothing...may be fifteen rupees, you can give it tomorrow, when you come to collect you battery."  That was a solace as Ramu was short of money at that moment.

While parting the old Mechanic gave a piece of advice: " In the morning, just check the radiator and pour a cup of water in, in case the level is down."  It was the old time way of keeping the engine cool! Next day onwards it was a regular item in Ramu's curriculum and his little son took it bye heart.  The water  in the radiator was always full.  The car moved without any hitch.  In the morning, Ramu took his children one by one to two bus stops where their respective school buses arrived.  It was a joy!

One day Ramu and his daughter was sitting in the front seat of the car when there was a loud explosion at the back of the car and the car surged a little forward surprising both Ramu and his daughter.  There was a Tata truck at the back which had hit the tail end of the car on the reverse.   That was a mud carrying truck in the morning hours in Delhi.  The guys at the wheel did not look behind as it was too cold.  Ramu and his daughter came out of the car and called up the driver in the truck who was still wondering why his truck was not moving in the reverse. It was a while when Ramu had to convince them that their truck is trying to mow down Ramu's little Fiat.  But the fiat metal was bold.  It stood its ground and did not give in protecting both Ramu and his child..!  Of course, they were frightening moments..!

Ramu got it repaired with a new tail light and slight straightening of the dent caused by the hit.  The vehicle was good on the road.  As the summer vacation was approaching Ramu got the idea of taking a long tour on his way home to Kerala.  The old car was his tool for the initial leg up to Agra.  The children were happy at the idea... But the actual run - how it will turn out - etc. was to be seen.

The old Sikh gentleman's workshop was now the permanent destination for treatment for Ramu's car.  As he was contemplating a long trip he took it to the mechanic who with his usual confidence assured:  The condition is quite good.  Should be no problem to take a trip of two hundred and fifty kilometres. That was a great solace and Ramu started off in the very early morning of next Sunday around four in the morning, along with his two little children and wife.  He had kept enough water and little packets of food considering the long trip.

Starting out was really good, the air was crisp in the summer month of May morning, the little tape recorder radio which had been additionally fixed was singing a devotional song which all the family joined in singing and the ride was on.  Just before they were leave out Delhi's boundary there was a lot of steam and smoke coming from the bonet coupled with a buring smell, which surprised Ramu's wife!  The car was immediately brought to a stop on the side and Ramu opened the bonnet ! The radiator heat had gone up and the fan belt had snapped!  That was it. Time was only five in the morning.  People were coming out brushing their teeth with neem branches! Some were coming out for morning walk!

Ramu was upset inside, but did not show it.  Ramu's wife advised returning home. Ramu wanted to continue the trip after rectifying the fault.  The children also wanted to go on.  So Ramu suggested that all of them enjoy the early morning air and sing a devotional song.  He sat the children on the top of the car which they enjoyed.  The old Fiat top was really sturdy.  Small children can easily sit on top.

"Sathra number ka gotti" (Spanner No.17)

Many of the morning walkers looked at Ramu in slight astonishment ! One of them came near and asked Ramu : "What happened, what is the matter, all of you singing here in the morning?" Ramu liked the question. He thought this may be his chance to make an opening in getting some help.  He explained the situation to him. He said that he will go and check if his mechanic friend is awake and if he is, he will get help. By the way, he enquired "Aap ka paas sathra number ka gotti hai? " (Do you have Number 17 Spanner?). Ramu thought for a while and said "No!"  He was wondering why Number 17 and what is the speciality of Number 17.  The morning friend said, that it does not matter, and he would get that also to be brought by his mechanic friend.

He went away and the family continued their song.  In a matter of the next song the friend returned along with another young gentleman who brought along two fan belts and a spanner in his hand.   He loosened the fan belt wheels and fixed the new fan belt adjusted the tension and started the vehicle which came up nicely.  No burnt smell, no unnecessary smoke or any other untoward problems.  The car raved for a time and it was time to go.  The friend was paid off and he in his abundant caution and kindness wanted Ramu to carry the additional fan belt and he presented the Spanner number Seventeen to Ramu.  He said: "Almost all emergency loosening and tightening in a Fiat car can be done with a Spanner Number Seventeen!! That was great knowledge.  Ramu and family continued their journey to Agra from Delhi and they left Delhi at ease..!

The 'Gotti Number Seventee gave Ramu a lot of confidence.  All the family members sat in and the children started to sing joyfully now.  Ramu turned the ignition key and the Fiat came into life without a hitch as the battery was showing full charge! Ramu engaged gear and the car moved forward. The old Mathura Agra road was very free in the morning. A cool breeze of the morning gushed in.  Occasional vehicles and trucks passed by.  The car picked up speed as Ramu changed gears and beat the gear lever into the fourth.  The fourth gear is a beat to the down position.  It is always great with a steering gear!

The car picked up speed. The seats in the car was long and single both in the front and the back. Ramu and his son sat in the front seat, Ramu at the wheel on the right and his little son on the left sights on the way!  The climate was hot as the temperature was slowly picking up in May.  It went upto forty four degrees Celsius in those days! The Mathura Agra road ran straight south from Delhi generally parallel to the railway line and the running vehicle at times competed with the running trains even though the road vehicles never overtook the trains.

Even though Ramu was up beat his wife was not very happy as the condition of the car had given her gitters earlier!  They were nearing a place called Kosi when Ramu found they were doing a good eighty five kilometres per hour which was a great speed for an old Fiat! Ramu thought of decreasing the speed and tried to step on the brake pedal and was surprised to see (or feel) that the brake pedal was not there!!  His little son was sleeping due to the extreme heat now, and his daughter and wife were aviidly looking out at the sights passing by !  Ramu did not show surprise but kept checking with his right foot for the brae pedal and thought of a way to stop the vehicle!  He found a lot of cow dung mounds on the side of the road and steered the car on to the consecutive maunds of cowdung!  On each climb and climb down, the car  decreesed speed and after a few maunds, there was a watery puddle and after that a maund.  Ramu straight sent the Fiat into the puddle !  In the muddy puddle  the car wheel fluttered and on the next maund the car came to a stop!  No vehicles came opposite to Ramu in this little time of his ordeal which was a great luck!  Ramu sat silently for a while when his loving wife unaware of the situation questioned him:  "Now why have you stopped on the road?" Ramu took a while to answer.!

The Goodness and Hospitality of the villagers:

He said : The car has stopped by itself as the brake has failed! That was a jolt to her.  It was sizzling outside with a forty four degree sun from above and an equally heat emitting black tarred road below! There was no people around as the roads are deserted in extreme heat ! The wife erupted in anguish: "Why don't you get out and call a taxi instead of sitting in there and enjoying the scene!"  She was upset.  Children both anxious now were looking at Ramu for his reactions.

Ramu said calmly : Go for the song again and also see the surroundings.  God may send help.
Ramu saw a sweeper coming to the side of the car after crossing the road. He was coming out of the
opposite side of the road and was inquisitive!  There were people to be seen on the opposite side where there was shade of a tree.  Ramu thought, I have to open a conversation with this guy.  He came near and was intently looking to the inside of the car but not speaking anything! Ramu asked: "What are you searching for? What are you looking at?"
"What else do I do but look?" the man retorted half offended.
Ramu said: "That is what I exactly meant. That you will only look and not say anything!"
The man was amused and asked:  "What can I do at all?"
Ramu said: "If any body can do anything it is you!"
Now the man was fully alert and was taking part in a conversation
He asked: "How?"
Ramu said: "You belong here!?" The man said: "Yes, so?"
Ramu said: This is your village? We have come to your village as we are
travellers! So who are we?"
The man said: "Yaa..  yes..You are my bhai and madam is my bhabi and the
children are my children!"
Ramu said: "Exactly, that is it! Now you have come to the point!"
The man said: "That is all right! But how do I help and what help you need?"

Now Ramu was keen to present the case to him as if he was the Angel sent to him.
Ramu said: "See this situation.  Your family members sitting in this sizzling hot sun
in this old Fiat car and boiling! First you can just help us push this car to the other
side where there is a little shade"

Without a word the Angel man started pushing the car. Ramu's wife and children also
came out to give a hand which he did not allow saying "Such a small car, I can push
alone"  He pushed the car along with Ramu pushing and also controlling the steering
wheel walking on the driver side of the car.  In a few minutes they crossed the road
and the car was in the shade.   That was a lot more cool there!

Once on the other side of the road, there was shade of a huge tree under which it was very pleasant.  There were people below the tree all villagers taking rest in the extreme heat of the lunch time.  One of the well looking gentleman came forward enquired what was the matter.  Ramu explained the helplessness.  He seemed to be Pradhan or some such man of importance of the area.  He asked “So what do you intent to do?”  Ramu thought for a while, looked up and said: “God will show a way!” The Headman asked: “Till then?”  Ramu said: “We will stay in your village!”  That amused the Headman. He said: “You are very peaceful at heart.  Don’t worry.  There is a guy coming on a motor cycle.  He may be the one God has sent for you”  Ramu looked in the direction to which the Headman pointed a finger.  Yes, there was a youth coming on a bullet motor cycle.  Once near the Headman gave a hand and the youth stopped near Ramu’s car.  The Headman told him “This Saab is in difficulty. Something with his brake.  They are set for Agra. Can you help with your expertise as a Mechanic”.

He turned to Ramu and asked “Can I examine the vehicle?”  Ramu said: “It is all yours”  Without a second word the guy went under the car and came our after a while with a very confident look!
He said:  “Minor problem. The brake line has a whole at one place.  I shall detach that part and take it to a welder friend of mine and get it welded.  That can be fitted back if you agree!”  Ramu said:  “With out any hesitation do so”  The youth again went below the car with his little tools, came out with the part of the brake lining and left on his motor cycle.  The Headman told somebody: “Please bring a charpoy for our guests.  Let the relax” (Charpoy is a local grass and wooden cot which has four legs)
In no time a charpoy arrived and Ramu and his wife and children were all relaxing in the shade of the tree.  Another man brought a huge vessel with curd milk which was supplied among them. By the time
They were finishing the curd milk, the youth arrived and went under the car once again.  When he came up he opened the bonnet and poured something in it and closed it.  He went behind the wheel and started the car, went around, came back and told Ramu : “Your car is ready now.  Please come and check the brake.”

Ramu slowly came up to him and asked the youth in a very low tone “How do you feel? Is the brake good to go upto Agra?”
He said “Yes’ 
Ramu said: “Then you just take one more round and apply a few more brakes and bring it back.  I shall watch”

The youth did so and came back. He said: “Actually, your brake fluid had all been drained out due to the hole on the brake line.  Now that is fixed. I have put some of the brake fluid I was carrying in my motorcycle.  It should hold for some time.  You drive with a medium speed and avoid severe brakes.  You are good to reach Agra without a problem”

Ramu thanked all the villagers and the youth and asked the youth “What do I pay you?” He replied: “Fortynine Rupees” Ramu paid him, thanked him profusely and left with his family once again on their way to Agra.

The old Fiat picked up well, the little tape recorder singing continuous devotional songs, the ride started to make headway which all of them enjoyed.  Long free road, a smooth run in the extreme heat.  But that did not matter! They had to reach Agra to catch their evening train. 

The tree lined road gave shade in many places.  A light breeze blew through the strong sun.  Half an hours smooth drive listening to the songs from the cassette player it was going fine when suddenly there was a road block by a lot of police men.  They were sitting on chairs and stools behind carefully arranged tables laid across the road.  This was strange to any motorist and Ramu pulled up along side the set tables.  The policemen were not amused.  One of them barked :Kya baath hai?!"  (What is the matter?).  Ramu was unmoved. He said: "That is my question!"

Policeman "How?"
Ramu replied: "Oh..I have to tell you that too"
A senior police officer who was keenly watching joined the conversation as he was amused:
"Yes, you tell us how is it your question!"
Ramu said:  "This is the national highway, right?  And all of you have put all these tables across the national highway and are sitting on the national highway? We are the travellers! So who should ask what is the matter?"
The senior police officer smiled: He said: "You are right!  There is a striike and police action going on  this road ahead! You may take a detour via Ballabhgarh and further catch the national highway."

Ramu thanked the policemen and started off again via Ballabhgarh.  As he moved away from the police barricade, he saw multitudes of people stranded on the way due to the police blockade.  Many of them blocked the way and was asking for rides and one of the lift sdeekers was an old man.  Ramu readily agreed as the old man was leaning into the car to the front seat.  As soon as the old man was allowed in the front seat, two more people rushed in to the rear seat.  Ramu's wife and daughter had to make room for them too!  There was no question of refusing them.  With all the load, the Old Fiat started off again.  The car really enjoyed the ride when it had full weight.  The old man as well as the youngsters were well versed with the roads in that part and they guided Ramu through the detour.  In between a nice conversation about the trouble going on due to a Report by Mondel Commission , a Commission ordered by the Government to look into matters of 'job reservations!

The old man got down after a few kilometres where as the back seat guys stayed and said they would get down after two more kilometres.  One got down as he said but the second said he would further be down one more kilometre up the way.  This started a conversation in which he said he is going to his home which is half kilometre away from the main highway and he was returning from his work after a week when he was caught unawares by the strike on the 'Mondal Report' which has brought all the people on the road.  Ramu was now not in any mood the normal fast driving as the vehicle, The Old Fiat had to be driven at an easy pace especially after the brake failure earlier which had been repaired on the way side.  So Ramu offered the youth to take him to his house and visit his near and dear thinking that he can get a bird's eye view of the life those people!

The Old Fiat instead of being driven straight to Agra went to the inner road to drop of the friend youth who got in from the area of the strike!  His was a small house in mud but very neat and clean and his mother and father waiting for him along with his wife and a child! He had his young brother and sister too who were both studying in various colleges and aspiring to work after studies! They enquired Ramu of the prospects of getting any job in Delhi. Ramu did not want to dishearten them and said they watch the 'Employment News' newspaer and apply and also send a bio data to him when they completed their studies! This pleased them! By this time his old mother had made tea which is offered to guests and his wife was there with biscuits!  The simple folks really touched Ramu's heart!  The people of Kosi, they are great in their hospitality!

Ramu and his wife thanked them all and continued on their journey ahead!  The little Old fiat Ramu turned around and caught the national high way once again to Agra.  Once on the high way the old fiat became young and the music system gave the best of songs and the car started speeding.  Ramu was driving with his little son on the left seat! After a while his little son started asking his little questions and Ramu started replying him.  In the engagement, Ramu's head turned to the side of his son and there was a huge tree in front! His wife shouted from the back.."The Tree" there in front an Ramu suddenly turned the steering wheel sharply to the right, and was a miraculous escape.! It would have been a grave accident!  He stopped the car for a while and waited to cool himself down from the sudden rush of Adrenalin which he felt from the near accident!  The old fiat was a thorough bred! It won't deceive in time of need..!

The way side was full of lush green trees, most of them neem trees, most of them gone by now, which gave a shade on the long road to Agra.  Due to the undue stoppages we were late to reach Agra. On the way we had to stop for food, tea and snacks and relax a little.  The way side dabba where we stopped had good food and water under a huge neem tree near Mathura.  Ramu and family only took light meals as a heavy meal is against driving.  Ramu got a bottle full of curd milk which he drank from time to time to ward of sleep in the excessive heat.  The fiat did not have the present day style of air conditioning.

The car on reaching the dabba, Ramu opened the bonnet and kept it like that, so that the inside could a cool a little before they started again.  The light blue original paint of the fiat was in tact even after 32 years of its existence and service to its masters.  Ramu was the third master.  He looked at the beauty lovingly.  Some run for a car! The chromium parts were still glowing in most of the places.  The handles had lost some of its glitter on the doors.The handles are just pulled to the outside a little and the door opened.  The front door opened from the front and the driver had to sit back into his seat.  The back door opened from the back as we see these days.The seats were also 32 years old from the smell of it, but was covered neatly with turkey towels which was good to sit and was cotton made.

Apart from the four half worn white rimmed tyres there was a steppinie tyre in the dicky of the car along with  the assorted equipments to fix it in case of need.  The number seventeen 'gotti' (spanner number seventeen) Ramu always kept in the dash board inside the car.  That was his Bible for the car now. Don't know when the little beauty will get upset due to the excessive wear and tear it has been subjected to through the years!  The lights were good, both head light and dipper, still worked fine. The additional fitting of the music cassette player was working fine as it was new!

The roads were far superior of these days then, as less of treachery was practised in the making of them.  The black tarred road was unfolding endlessly in front of Ramu and the little Fiat in the fourth gear was effortlessly making eighty and going smooth.  Ramu sipped from time to time from his curd bottle to ward off any on coming sleep.  But after the afternoon sun starting on the driver side it was slightly difficult and he wanted his wife to wet a towel with which he wiped his face from time to time. The sweltering heat made the children to dose off, but from time to time they woke up and kept a watch as to how they were making progress.

At last they reached the temple town of Mathura on the way and settle for a brief tea. Further journey was uneventful and they pulled up at 4 o' clock pm at the Agra Railway Station.  On checking at the Railway Station from where they had to catch the Train to Kerala he was told his booked train called the Kerala Express had already left the Station. That made his stay in the town inevitable.  His brother in the town had come to see him off at the Station and take charge of the car.  On being informed of the situation he took all of them to his house where they relaxed the evening discussing their just ended journey and further arrangements to keep the car in their shed for the next one month when Ramu will be off to Kerala and back on his annual vacation, especially  as the children were on vacation.

That was a welcome change in the tedious journey home every summer.  So Ramu his brother also in the car and the old beauty turned towards the cantonment where his brother lived.

Ramu joined with his brother now slowly drove through the streets of Agra, which was full of the simple people whose main life revolved round the tourists who came to visit the world famous Taj Mahal andthe rest involved in the tannery and leather businesses around which made the best shoes and foot wear!   Other than that, there was not much to mention about Agra except the old Akbar Church which was heritage and dusty roads. Ramu turned to the road towards the cantonment where the roads were more clean and orderly and there were not much encroachers on the sides of the roads! 

Slowly Ramu turned to the road leading to his Brother's house. This was a Government house, normally granted to personnel in different vocations of the Government.  It had a car shed apart from the living house with a few yards of courtyard with plants and flowers.  Once Ramu got out he invited his brother to try the new found little car, but he put it off for another time as he was needing more practice.

Ramu left the car with his brother requesting him to get trained when the car will be with him for a month and be proficient in his driving.  Ramu left by train next morning for Kerala and was to return after a month. 

A month in Kerala  would be gone in a jiffy as there was so much of little little news in Kerala, which is always full of lush green of the coconut trees and plantains and little little news of all the neighbours!  To add to the fast paced life in this little state, every town had its own little little news of the happenings around.

Time flew and Ramu found himself and family back in Agra in front of his brother's house once again facing the old little Fiat full of cob webs and the tyres almost flat.   Ramu's heart sank at the sight as he had never allowed the tyres to go less in air or allowed cobwebs to spring up anywhere let alone his beautiful oldie which was carrying the family so nicely, but for its age.

He enquired his brother as the reasons which his brother explained away as a lack of petrol and his own busy schedule.  Ramu was really uneasy at this situation.  Without entering the house he got the keys and sat into the cobwebbed car and turned the key.  The car made small noises as the night owls' occasional 'hhmm...' once or twice which was enough to tell him that the battery has gone too low!

He got out, got his children and a couple  of the servants around it to push the car and the . Old Fiat came to  life!  It was good!  He put it off in the shed again and heaved a sigh of relief!  The rest can be done later.

Ramu left the next day after looking at his sweet Old Fiat, with its majestic blue colour and the thirty and odd year old chromium plated steel bumpers and the beautiful head lamps  and parking lights as if he is seeing it for the first time.  The steel mesh grill was also very good to look at.  He was sad that he could not drive it to Kerala.  Of course it will not stand the rigours on the road, old as it was and the water cooled radiator which may say namasthe (may go burst) at any time.
Ramu left the car in the garage and asked his brother to take good care of it and also make use of it during his absence.  His brother gladly agreed and dropped him to the railway station in a taxi. While in Kerala Ramu learned that the cost of petrol has still been increased.  That will make a litre of petrol Twelve Rupees and thirty five paise which will rob Ramu of a further three hundred Rupees if he used the car for office.   Ramu did not tell any thing to any one.  
On return Ramu went first to the garage to see his heart throb and it shattered him to see his loved car lying in cob webs.  Ramu enquired of his brother’s wife of the matter and she said casually while serving him breakfast, : ”Oh..the car…  Your brother learned driving for a few days on it.  But then the petrol prices went up and he left the car in the garage”  That was the general attitude of people, especially when the petrol price going up every now and then.
Ramu decided to take a morning walk the next day along with his brother . During their walk, some of his brother’s friends also met them, who were also morning walkers like him.  While talking to one of them Ramu mentioned of his return trip to Delhi from Agra.  The gentleman who was listening was the owner of a workshop and he said “Oh..that is a long distance for a fiat car. I shall do a check up of your car and check the brakes and fluids.  It is always advisable.”  That was a great welcome suggestion for Ramu.  The gentleman, Mathew took the car to his work shop and returned it in good condition after a full service and oiling and said: “I have got your car cleaned and oiled as far as service goes.  There was lack of air in the tyres which I have put from my pump in the workshop as you may not find air in the near by petrol bunks due to some strike by the petrol people. “  He added “By the way, since you are going to Delhi, there is a friend of mine going that side.  You can take him too..if you don’t mind.”  That was a welcome suggestion to Ramu who readily agreed!

The next morning, Ramu started off in the Old Fiat back to Delhi with his family and Col. Sachdeva who was a contemporary of the serving General, so he said.  The climate was excellent.  It had rained a few times and now it was not raining.   The team started early in the morning around 6 am to leave time for way side stoppings for tea and lunch etc.  The morning air gushed through the windows and the car cruised at 50 to 60 kilometres per hour and at times touching a wonderful seventy-eighty.. That was a nice drive as the roads were really, really empty in those days, but for only occasional long route vehicles or a few cars.
Col. Sachdeva was good to talk to!  He was a Colonel with a lot of experience and bravado having fought in various wars and heroic acts.  He kept our journey alive with his little little army stories of the extreme cold and heat of the various times he spent in the country's borders and in difficult terrains! In the total giving for the country there was less time with the family !   He said he is giving back to the family now, what he could not earlier as he has been bypassed many times in service and his batchmate has become the Chief!  I knew that as only one of the officers will become the Chief and all others who came along with him will be in various different stages! But he was happy with what he had got which made our journey a happy one. He showed a palm faced down to warn me of humps on the road several times as many humps are not painted on the route!  He was very attentive on the road all the time which I presumed was a trait with his army background!
With stories and warnings of hurdles on the road we completed the journey much faster than our outward journey a month back. Once the Colonel sahab got down on one of the junctions in Delhi we were only a few kilometres away from our house and we made it effortlessly in the next fifteen minutes and on entering our house quandrangle the engine creeked..!  Since we were all tired we did not give much attention to it but put off and locked up the car and entered home to rest for the day!
Next morning, how so ever I try I can't get the car started!  After a lot of effort it creaked to a start and I proceeded to my old Sardarji mechanic who received me with  pleasant face as always!  I thought, he rather expected me and made conversation saying "Bhai sahab kaise ho?"  (Brother, how are you?)  I said "Bhadiya..." ((Great) and went on to relate my problem with my old fiat which he was rather expecting! Once I was through he said his usual simple reply: "Yeh kuch nahin hai...May abhi theek kar deta hum...!" (This is nothing, I shall just set it right!")  He always soothed me with these words of his which he applied to any kind of trouble with any kind of vehicle which came to his work shop!
He jacked it up on one side went below, came out, checked out here and there, opened the bonnet and checked, started the car and put it off and said:  "It is the differential.  I may take some time, I have to open it and fill oil in it! It is nothing!  Just the oil!  In old cars sometimes, the oil finishes in the differential, thats all.  You don't worry! You can have the car back in the afternoon, this is nothing!"

He was a good man!  He always assuaged the anxieties of the guys who brought their vehicles for repair there!  My anxiety was assuaged!  I sat on a stool watching the old gentleman working on the old fiat.  He brought out huge spanners and the pedal jack! The vehicle was lifted up on the jack and opened the differential cover with great ease, checked the inside and told me "You may go and come after an hour or two, this is nothing, by the time you are back the car will be ready for you"!  I went away happily and retthe urned after two hours after getting myself refreshed! There, the old Sikh gentleman was there jubilant as ever and told me "AH..your car is ready! She is a beauty, just it lacked oil in the differential, thats all!" The reapir cost was negligible except for the oil which was to be filled.  I paid him, thanked him, and sank under the wheel and closed the door which always closed on the front side.  

Now we shall hear as Ramu related the rest himself.  "It was a great repair! Once I engaged the gear, I could feel that the old man had filled butter in the differential.  The gear engaged effortlessly and I struck  it down to the second and pushed up to the third and again struck it down to the fourth and just flowed home! Those moments of drive in Delhi on the roads which were generally free were the golden period of Delhi!

My children were watching me through our little room's window and as soon as I was sighted they came running down asking: "Daddy, is the car OK?"  to which I replied "Yes, it is ready now, want a ride?"  "Oh..(both the children said together,) ..we would love it, Dad..!"  I replied, "then let us go..!" We went around and drove around a while and returned and parked.  That was a time!"

Thar did not last long! Petrol was becoming dearer! Petrol which was Four rupees and fifty paise in 1991 jumped twice and by 1992 at the moment Ramu had completed his Agra trip, it stood at Rupees Twelve and fifty paise which will make a hole in Ramu's monthly budget! Ramu was weary about it!  Children noticed it on his face and they asked of and on: "Daddy what is the matter?" That was like loving little ones which soothed Ramu but all the same the price rise really hurt!

 (to continue..)

Monday 16 February 2015

Delhi Metro-Visiting Asaf Ali Road!

The morning was healthy and warm and I started out in strict earnest with my little phone and ear plugs to listen to music .  Also I kept a few books in a polythene envelope, in case I am stranded anywhere en route.   Near the house there was a lot of digging and shifting a dusty mud being done by unknown people.   Flying dust and hanging dust was all over.  I walked through the dust filled tarred road to reach a small junction  called Sector 82 Bhangel. An auto-rikshaw with 11 people in it hailed me.  The driver craned his neck through two other passengers and signed me with his head to come in.   I squeezed in to a meagre seat at the window and held on the top bars holding the canopy of the vehicle.  The vehicle had two back to back seats and at the back of the last seat there was a temporary arrangement for a third seat in case there was more passengers.
Soon the vehicle started moving among other competing vehicles.  Youth hood people kept on coming in a dropping off every now and then.  If an ill-clad man or woman hailed the rickshaw, the driver said there is no space and pushed on. House mothers and elderly ladies at the stops still coaxed him to carry them and he did. They were not dissuaded by the driver that quickly.  We were heading to the metro station. Near the station there was an underpass being dug up and dust and earth being transported filling the place with dust and also compelling the walkers and drivers to take a de-tour to the metro station at Sector 32. Near and under the metro the driver dropped us!

A few flights of steps and a side by side running escalator were taking people up to the upstairs metro station. I took the escalator which brought me to the station proper where I joined the line for a token. A five minute exercise show me to the entry where straight walked into the metro train which was standing ready to go.

I had seen the little girl with folded hands in blue dress and a cap namastheing those entering the station. The little girl in her blue dress and cap was very cute! Soon inside, she spoke up to say that the next station is Golf Course and warned every body to mind the gap! Only two lines of seats are provided at the wall sides of the coaches and one has to turn or strain to look back if one tried to look out!  As more and more people came in, one cannot see directly opposite side as the people standing will obstruct the sight! That is what happened to me! In the seat, I turned like a screw to watch outside. But that was not easy nor was it preferable for a long time. People of all hews entered, young girls giggling and bubbling, youth couples with their low hush hush talk, an occasional guy talking on a cell phone at the top of his voice, announcing his talk to the whole compartment, many of them simply carrying an office bag or brief case,  or a hatch bag at the back, some carrying suit cases which can be pulled these days and of course some with huge back packs which disturbed others many a time.  All just travelled as they had to reach different  places with different purposes.  The cars slowly made their way through upper metro ways and entered the tunnel to traverse below the city.

I had to change a Rajiv Chowk and got out when the station came and moved to a yellow line to reach the Ajmere Gate station.  The station was just two stops and once outside, I found myself in a gali.  The boards aroud on shops all handling hard were stuff announced it is the ‘Ajmere Gate inside’. I had to ask for my way to Asaf Ali Road.  The only place I remembered for sure was the “Delite Cinema”  !  Each one whom I asked told me to go straight up and turn left.  I went straight
Up and went through different galis (small by-ways, where a cycle rikshaw cannot enter) and reached a bigger road and ultimately after a few more askings for the place came out of the dark galis a big chouraya or a circle.  The circle some how seemed to be known to me as there was more light and I had been to the place earlier to meet a friend of mine.
Once there I was able to place my friend’s office and I simply walked up.  It took me sometime to meet my friend and come back to the road once again.  Now at this place, I enquired about the Asaf Ali Road Metro. I had walked quite a distance from Ajmre Gate to Asaf Ali Road and I did not wish to walk all the way back.   The people here are generally helpful and guided me saying “If you want to catch the metro catch it just there, instead of going to Ajmere Gate and pointed to my right. I took their advice and slowly walked with slight perplexion and to see the Metro.  With all my strainful watch, I could not see the Metro, but of course see a sign “Sea Food and other Foods” on a flashy yellow and red board! Since all my guides had pointed me in that direction I pushed on as the place was Kamla Market and it was known to me earlier too, but the Metro, which was not there in those olden days. 

At last I found the Metro board on a pillar, well camouflaged by a tree. The metro was stillnot in sight. I swivelled in my place to see the board of the food stall had  the world Metro Sea Foods and like that.  This meant this place is Metro indeed! The place was full of food and food sales filling the place with very appetizing smells all over.  I pushed on two more steps to see the Station on the left. Once I took the steep flight of steps the metro was reached, a clean place with lots and lots of people going in all directions.  But I had to buy a token again.

I suffered the line and came out with the token to catch a metro brimming and bursting with people. I squeezed in. The metro spat me out at Rajiv Chowk where I changed for a blue line metro to reach my Noida City Centre and the Auto rickshaw back home.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

The photo shoot!

Graph we drew when we were children
then came the photographer with his box and
black cloth, stand and cap, told us all to stand in line
looked at us and told to smile..bulged his eyes
and pulled the cap in a way to show us something

He didn't show us any thing but said thank you
then he closed his box and cloth, folded the stand
in three fold and packed, then he looked up
and thought a while, said the photo will be ready
by such and such date making over awed all of us

He walked away with a gait, box and cloth and
stand in hand all packed up in style
All of us looked at his box and bag
wondering how each one of us looked
in his black box with steel clips and lock

After a few weeks he came again with only his
small bag and everybody stood around him
from the bag he pulled out the packet neatly
covered and nicely ribboned, opened it in great
fashion to show us the class photo of the year!

All of us in wonderment said in unison 'how wonderful'
and scrambled to see our own faces, so neatly
arranged in the photo with the masterji in the
centre and our liked and unliked friends around!

Then came the photo camera owned by our better
colleagues, could borrow from our best friends
bought the cartridge at the studio and set out to
shoot our near and dear in style and at times
evening set in went out to shoot the nature around

Dad and Mom were happy, sisters and brothers
were happy too to see their little boy shoot them
in style and keep them all in his little box turning
the handle of and on, with a great air about him
All were anxious to see the developed photos
which he brought from the city studio

All were happy, all were joyful to see their
photos shot by their little one.
Then of course came the better one
the 'digital' shoot and sight and grab in
style, keep in the pocket and see on the net

Take it to the computer or lap top and
copy to the 'Thumb' take the thumb anywhere
you want, show it to any one you liked
if they had the time to watch!

But alas, the times have changed and times have
passed, no body had the time to watch,
Mom and Dad had passed away,
Brothers and sisters had grown old,
some had passed away!

Children had become grown ups and had
to find their daily bread!  As the world is
running fast, they had to run faster and
find their place among the runners up
No body had to time to watch and the
photos remained in the 'Thumb'!

Monday 2 February 2015

A sunny day

The day is sunny after the morning cold and slight breeze.  The breeze in the early morning at the end of the winter season is normal.  There will be due, fog and light wind.  People come out still, the house maids come for their work covered in their woollens, the little cars and vans com to transport children to schools, the early office goers rush out and so on.

After that bustle, the old and elderly come out looking for a little sun light and warmth.  They are people who have spent a life time doing their hard work in field or otherwise, now leading a little peaceful family life, if there is a family or else, they live with who so evcer is left behind!

When the family is mentioned, in the olden days, the families were larger, father, mother, the big brother, a lot of small brothers and sisters etc. and at times one or two reltives! Women were destined and took it upon themselves that they have to keep the house, cook and clean and play host to who so ever were there including all the children! Children on their part also did as much support to make the family life move in harmony!

Not any more.  Now the family is generally husband, wife, and one or two children!  Sometimes, there may be father and mother too, either of the wife or of the husband! In city houses, the father and mother is normally not needed except when they are useful in handling children by sending them to school and receiving them back etc.  At other times, the work allotted or accepted is to fetch milk, look after ones own health check up and collection of medicines and walk around to have a glimpse of the sun!

I set out to collect milk.  The milk shop closes by twelve thirty in the afternoon, before which I have to collect the milk.  Milk is provided in polythene packs these days!  Far back, it was in glass bottles of half a litre each!  This was linked to the ration cards of those days!  Two bottles of milk is the normal take of a family of four, including husband, wife, and two children.  If elders are there, there will be four bottles making it two litres.  I collected my polythene pack of one litre and strolled on in the sun enjoying the change in the climate.  A small cell phone doing the additional work of the pocket radio was with me and the wires brought either songs of yester-years to my ears or advertisements for the Delhi elections, party by party!  I wlaked on till I reached the complaint cell of the housing complex and there made a complaint for the leaking pipes and returned!

We have too many dogs and puppies in the compound!  They are stray dogs, indeed, but well fed, from the left overs or residues !  A bunch of four puppies  were under a lamp pole and I thought it is a good idea to take a snap of them!  But once I stopped to take the snap, the little ones thought that I am going to give them some food and came around me sniffing me all over.  Since they could not find any food, they slowly walked away.  My idea of taking the photo was gone. I walked further on and there was a little girl playing with stone pebbles.  She was a servant girl, in good clothes, and had to play alone.  The game with pebbles can be played alone too as one has to put a stone up and catch as many stones on the ground quickly and lift the hand back and catch the stone one sent up too.Her loneliness among so many residents will make any body slightly sad!

Only the house women spoke to her that too commands only when she went to them for cleaning utensils or washing clothes if not to wipe and sweep floors.  The house women always criticised those girls for being late or not doing the chores with extra cleanliness which they themselves did not want to do because of the cold!

Walking on I reached my block where I was waiting for the elevator to come down when my eyes grazed around the see the writings made on the walls! But nothing could be read as a very corrective authority had rubbed out the writings !  But the fire extinguisher was of course in doldrums.  The glass in front of the stock of items for emergency was broken and gone like many others in other blocks also!

The elevator called the lift came.  It is a self operated lift, the doors of which have to be slided to its closing place and a button to be pressed to take me to my level! Oh..then I remembered my friend! He was sitting in the park in the sun!  I had to say helo to him as he is slightly elder to me and had retired much before me.  He has got all his children settled and now is in prayers and treatment with the normal old age problems!  He had his own stories which I have not enquired into to keep our respective privacies!  He namasthed me with folded hands when I saluted him from a distance.  Sat ith him for a few minutes, enquired his well being got satisfied then I walked back with my milk!

Sunday 1 February 2015

Come, let us celebrate the fragrance filled day..!

A day can't go without being mentioned
when the winter is going and spring is setting in
the smooth rain clouds give a silver glow
to the morning sky, the birds are happy
and chirping, the doves are flapping their
pretty wings and flying from house to house!

The sun is shining on the south eastern skies
trying to climb back to the north
the low cloud has started grazing the ground
sending the fragrance of the dew and mist
into every bodys nostrils exciting everyone!

Come let us go for a walk and shake of
the winter cold..the day is going to the pleasant
and sunny with light rain in the morning
mixed with light fog and no breeze..
Come let us celebrate the fragrance filled day..!