Thursday 26 February 2015

The Morning Walk..!

The Morning Walk!

Got out on time for a morning walk at eight twenty and took out the walk mate.  Walk mate is a small cell phone with a radio and camera which is common these days.  I only use the radio normally. Channel one zero six point four finished their morning news and newspaper review in Delhi as soon as I started and I went on to channel ninety eight for three for entertainment while walking along. The guys there were telling me to take LIC or grow with LIC etc. Only the other day the LIC office told me that I am not eligible for any LIC as I am beyond sixty, which is beyond their purview. As I was an admirer of the LIC all along my long association with them, I simply agreed. Next was advertisement on health insurance, when I noticed a long line of pigeons sitting on a live wire of the tall electric pole.  They were enjoying the early morning sun like me.  I thought of taking a shot of them in my phone camera and to get a better view, crossed over the road, took a vantage position and brought my phone to the camera and was about to shoot when all the pigeons took off abruptly on a commotion.  Half of them flew in a group to the left and half to the right. As there is no meaning in such a shot, I continued my walk and started back at the left over health insurance.
There was a chill in the morning air.  The snow fall in Kashmir and Uttarakhand may be coming closer! But the clear morning sun was too very pleasant to be ignored. As the health insurance people was informing me of their programme of securing my health, there was a healthy black dog lying gracefully in the sun. I have rarely seen a stray dog with such healthy shining black hair.  The elegance was unmistakable as if it is a home dog. When I was adjusting the camera, it turned to me and looked on intently and when the camera was ready and I was about to shoot, it simply got up, looked up at me as if I was going to shoot somebody else, and walked off!   I left him without shooting, of course!  Further down,  there was this brown doggy family of husband and wife coming along together.  Thought, this could be a good shot.  Got the camera ready and was about to click, there was a car coming from behind the dogs and the lady dog suddenly swerved right, ran to a near by stationary car and lied there.  The other dog stood gaping at me!  So, that was not a shot! Still there was a chance of yet another little white doggy, a sweety at that, as it was quite a little white dog basking in the sun. Walked near it, and was adjusting the shot when all the three doggies started moving towards me. Just before my shot, the little white doggy got up and sharted walking to another sunny spot!  Oh..gosh..this is not to be today.  I moved on, but the threesome of two brown dogs and one black dog with the velvet hair was now avidly following me, even though with a harmless look. Harmless or not one has to be careful.  I moved on without going a look in their direction.  The two brown dogs stopped at the little white dogs which should be their little one, but the black velvet walked up to me, sniffed me, and started walking along with me.  I walked along, never looking down to see the black velvet walking along with me.  I felt I am walking in front of a tiger and tried to breathe normally!  On the way the rag and waste collector  gentleman had stopped his tricycle with the huge bag of garbage!  That was my escape !  As I passed the garbage vehicle, the black velvet stopped near it!  Good riddance! Now, I am not going to take any more shots, but will patiently listen to all the health insurance matters and go home!  Ok..then..Good Morning, my friends!

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