Tuesday 3 February 2015

The photo shoot!

Graph we drew when we were children
then came the photographer with his box and
black cloth, stand and cap, told us all to stand in line
looked at us and told to smile..bulged his eyes
and pulled the cap in a way to show us something

He didn't show us any thing but said thank you
then he closed his box and cloth, folded the stand
in three fold and packed, then he looked up
and thought a while, said the photo will be ready
by such and such date making over awed all of us

He walked away with a gait, box and cloth and
stand in hand all packed up in style
All of us looked at his box and bag
wondering how each one of us looked
in his black box with steel clips and lock

After a few weeks he came again with only his
small bag and everybody stood around him
from the bag he pulled out the packet neatly
covered and nicely ribboned, opened it in great
fashion to show us the class photo of the year!

All of us in wonderment said in unison 'how wonderful'
and scrambled to see our own faces, so neatly
arranged in the photo with the masterji in the
centre and our liked and unliked friends around!

Then came the photo camera owned by our better
colleagues, could borrow from our best friends
bought the cartridge at the studio and set out to
shoot our near and dear in style and at times
evening set in went out to shoot the nature around

Dad and Mom were happy, sisters and brothers
were happy too to see their little boy shoot them
in style and keep them all in his little box turning
the handle of and on, with a great air about him
All were anxious to see the developed photos
which he brought from the city studio

All were happy, all were joyful to see their
photos shot by their little one.
Then of course came the better one
the 'digital' shoot and sight and grab in
style, keep in the pocket and see on the net

Take it to the computer or lap top and
copy to the 'Thumb' take the thumb anywhere
you want, show it to any one you liked
if they had the time to watch!

But alas, the times have changed and times have
passed, no body had the time to watch,
Mom and Dad had passed away,
Brothers and sisters had grown old,
some had passed away!

Children had become grown ups and had
to find their daily bread!  As the world is
running fast, they had to run faster and
find their place among the runners up
No body had to time to watch and the
photos remained in the 'Thumb'!

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