Thursday 23 June 2016

Week day Musings....!

All days have 24 hours, but holidays have only twelve hours, no? Perhaps, not. But to a usual working guy, it would seem to be. The morning itself opens up at nine o' clock and matures to be noon after the holy mass in a matter of two hours. After lunch, if you have friends, you lose your after noon nap and the evening dinner is soon to be at seven and then you have to be ready for the Monday morning..!

Monday mornings will hurt you only until you have started the day in office and had the first cup of tea. Once on the high way of the week, you do not remember which day it is, but go by the dates and programs. All days alike the news paper is a big solace in the morning! Once it is day break, there the over zealous little boys comes running with the paper and at the thud of the paper at the door one feels like getting up. At times the boys have to absent, getting up gets difficult. More difficult are the morning ablutions for want of the paper.

Once the paper in hand, one has all the interest in life and proceeds to the bathroom for ablutions. During the ablutions, the mind if busy noting the happenings of the day before and the statements oand arguments various leaders made and the criticisms offered by matching opposite thinking people. Mind becomes full of criticisms and other ways how things would have been done in a better way. A few decisions are taken to send a letter to the editor, to form a new political party, to join an existing one, to begin with a new start up and giving life a new try different from the one which one is used to so far.

After a clean shave and bath all those things are sent away with the bath water and a clean fellow comes out ready to take the day's burden extactly as it was being done so far and preparing the neck to carry for burden like an obedient bullock under the yoke. On the break fast table, one more last look at the day's paper gives a feeling of goodness and one feels like taking to the advertisements for various items offered.

The paper starts with the new android phones with its various facilities offered including the camera in front and at the back, the various applications available on it and its detailed specifications which normally one do not understand. The words, qualcom, snapdragon and octa-core etc. flow like water and the only thing I have heard is the chinese dragon. The words I could not understand are big enough for me to lift and I think the more troublesome the word, it may have something great in it. Quick recharging and huge number of MP in its cameras and all head start to turn which make me drag to the next advertisement about all the gold in the world. Since South India is the new E;-Dorado, all the gold in the world is here, so it would seem from the advertisements. People advertise all types of gold ornaments and challenge us to buy them if we are the greatest, which we would always presume to think. Even if we did not think ourselves as the kings, at least one can think of being a rich land owner for the matter of buying all sorts of gold offered.

When it comes to the Gold Supermarkets, we pass on to the auto motive advertisements which has been told to be the hark and hit of the times. An automotive jumps through a wall and claims to be the greatest with mettle and muscle! Another one says it has owned all the roads, yet another challenge one to make roads where there isn't any! Once your eyes are fixed on one of them, below there are small letters saying a few accounts as of cc..s, torque, Nm meaning Newtonmeter and what not. The head now really starts turning. If it is an old car, the company will put up the advertisement stating their new version with some 'FREE' stuffs like a Fog Lamp, or 'Shining Glitter on the Wiper Blade, a small steel bit some where else or yet again, a new feeling in the seats or a little LED light on the mirror etc. Which normally do not make any difference to the contraption which has to pull you! But then, they have to sell their wares. The old town cryers are not there to drup up and tell the public that such and such stuff are being offered.

That is time about to go to office, and I have to throw out the paper to the near by old paper stack and I am leaving for office. See you. That is it for today...!

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