Saturday 23 July 2016

The Princess with the Diamond Necklace! - The Old Story!

The Princess with the Diamond Necklace! - The Old Story!

There is an old story. That, once upon a time, long long ago, far far away a beautiful princess lived in a palace. The princess was very beautiful and always was good to all and appeared in beautiful clothes, but there was something which added to her beauty. That was the beautiful diamond necklace which always wore. Every body in the kingdom including birds and animals appreciated the beauty of the queen but all were curious of the beautiful diamond necklace which the princess wore.

As in most of such stories a poor wood cutter boy was enfatuated with the princess and was trying to find a way to get near to the princess. The princess had a pretty parrot which flew into the jungle and back to eat the choicest fruits there. The wood cutter boy came in contact with the parrot as the parrot came near him of and on and enquired of him of the places where the best fruits were to be found. In gratitude to his advices, the parrot became friendly with him and told him about the beautiful princess in the palace and her beautiful necklace. Through the parrot the boy got the friendship of the princess and she called him to her palace. When they were alone the princess divulged the secret of the necklace to the jungle boy. She said “Without the necklace, I would die”!
After a while the boy got back to the jungle.

In the meanwhile a wicked prince in a near by kingdom was trying to get the princess in marriage and tried many tricks. But the princess looked through her diamond in the necklace which showed her the real purpose of the prince who was mean and cruel. The prince through the help of his soldiers got the the King, who was the father of the princess, to marry the princess to him. On the first night itself the prince who was hot headed and wicked set his eyes on the beautiful necklace and imagined the huge booty he can amass by selling the necklace and removed it while the princess was asleep....! The Princess was sleeping like a child. A couple of beautiful hairlocks kept on flowing in the breeze around the place. The villain had a last look and went out to do his bad deeds! The surprise was when he returned to wake up the princess! Whatever he does she won't wake up! The princess slept on and on....

The King the father of the princess was concerned. He passed an ultimatum to the villainous prince “If you can't awaken my daughter for a week, take the marriage as dissolved” All the soldiers and the people of the country of the King were up in arms and the prince had to give in. He could not awaken the princess! The King carried back his daughter ceremoniously and kept her on her beautiful bed which she used to sleep on..! The parrot came to see this and informed the jungle boy who set out to procure the diamond necklace.! After long searches in the palaces and jungles ultimately he found out the necklace and brought it to the palace and requested the king to allow him to try to wake up the princess. He was instantly allowed to do so by the already heart broken king.

And the boy went to the princess straight away and adorned her with the beautiful diamond necklace and Lo..! the beautiful princess got up as if from sleep and sat up looking benevolently at the boy and the King and all others who had assembled to watch the miracle the boy was going to attempt. This was the happy ending of the story where upon the King got the princess to be married to the Jungle Boy and they lived ever after in the King's palace as prince and princess and in course of time, when the King became old the prince took over as the King and the beautiful princess became his wonderful Queen and they both ruled their kingdom for a long time where their people were extremely happy..!

When we heard the story we all became happy.. but the catch is the diamond necklace. What is the diamond necklace in these days? Is this a real diamond necklace? No! In place of the necklace we can conveniently replace the kind of medicines each of us are taking for various illnesses! Also the beautiful princess to be replaced by any body suffering from any kind of simple illness where medicnes and treatment have become unavoidable! We hear many stories of deaths where the people do not get their proper medicines on time as required. The speed of death can be aggravated or speeded up by the villainous behaviour of the near and dear who may inflict much more grievous injury to the minds of the concerned individuals who would otherwise live a happy life for a long time...!

Tuesday 12 July 2016



The old time piece sat in the brown wooden show case which is used as a prayer stand. The stand is two glassed cupboards joined together with a flat wooden piece. The wooden cup boards were made mimicking the old Greecian pillars with flat tops. As the two pillars stood apart with a television stand cum cassette holding drawers we had added the new idea of the flat plate on top to use it as the prayer stand.

While the upper stand can be used for prayer purposes, the show cases below held the old items like used prayer books, the old merit medals of our children, some photographs and the old books which had been presented to them which they had left behind on leaving the house on marriage and their own works.

They had kept it diligently, till they left and, often reminding us of the importance they carried to them, with the result we thought of not disposing them off. They remained in their places and now after years together, whenever we came across them, when we opened the shelf for cleaning or searching for something else, they at times overwhelmed us. Thus was the time piece of the yesteryears named “Swito” A 'Swito' alarm time piece with a handle on top and also aN alarm stop button, is not an item of these days. In olden days, it came to houses where somebody needed to wake up on particular times and this was the equipment to be had if the family had the wherewithal.
Children's school was our fright of the morning, especially in winters when any body can sleep upto eight o' clock in the morning, if not they were insistent to get up at six. For this, the alarm-time piece was a big help, as it started ringing with a slow 'grrrrr' sounding bell, at five in the morning slowly unwinding the wind, which we filled up before going to bed the day before.

It is not that our children got up at the bell, but it helped us to get up as parents and start calling up the children. That also had its own rhythm! First my wife will call me and the children and will move to the kitchen to make tea and boil a little water for the children to take bath. A geyser for hotwater was not fashion or possible for the lower middle class! Once she moved, it was my turn to move and call the children, our daughter and son to get up and start the day..!

Our daughter got up either at the first call or at any of the subsequent calls according to the degree of tiredness of the day before. Generally it was by the third or fourth call..! And since she was elder she had a sense of seriousness in this matter and tried to get up after a few calls mostly. If not, we picked her up from the bed and said some endearing words which made her alert and there after she was guided to her moring chores by her mother. But the case with my son was slightly different! He was a good sleeper and could sleep fast and long and normally did not want to get up in the morning..! So had to be called many times with a few shouts thrown in at times. Sometimes it came to no avail and he called back in half asleep mode: “Hmm...kya hai?...” That was when we generally picked him up and slowly carried him to the bath room for the bath. We slowly seated him in the bath room floor on his little chappels and he sat there sleeping. Once luck warm water is poured he would warm up and take part in the next part of the ablutions of the morning and will come out charming by the time for the school bus.

The driver of the bus, a sturdy fellow from the villages, did not wait even for a second, if the children are late! Coming from a village back ground of farmers who generally get up very early in the mornings and go about their chores, he could not stand chhildren not ready for the bus on time, even though, it is too early in the winter months. At times, we thought, he had a grudge against all those children who are able to go to school in the cities bu bus as children in villages always walked to the nearby school. The Blue Dialled, 'SWITO' alarm time piece supported us in catching up with the furious driver who was a stickler for time punctuality and we always thought his morning appearance is a blessing in disguise..! Now the time piece sits comfortably in retirment in the great wooden show case.Now our children are away and no more need them and the Alarm Time Piece it self has taken retirement, but we have not allowed it to go into oblivion. It is our fetish and privilege to keep and look after the old things of yore which gives us a kind of nostalgic pleasure even though it overwhelms us at times.

Below the alarm time piece is the picture frame with the beautiful picture our daughter made with our help, of a buttlerfly sucking honey from a flower with various colours in a white back ground neatly put into a glass frame! Simple families in the villages did not have the power to buy this costly equipment for forty or sixty rupees or so in those days in the eighties and ungrudgingly, they made use of the household cock, who gave an alarm from time to time or at least at five in the morning or sometime around.

Both my daughter and son do not use such equipment these days, instead uses the android or the computer which makes music or peculiar soothing alarm sounds which we the oldies are generally unfamilier, even though we like them..! This is today, but tomorrow may still be different!

Friday 1 July 2016

The funny side of the Bank Account..!

The Bank Account Management-The funny side of it!

Times have changed. These are global times! The old order changeth..and the new is struck in to make leaps and bounds in transactions, progress in general life and “achhe din” all along! These welcome steps always sent me, a village man into great euphoria! We always doubted or thought why earlier such things could not be thought of by any body. They in their authority in the Banks and those who transacted with them in the villages only thought of Banks as places where they deposited excess money when it was available and took it off when they needed a little money here and there when there was any immediate necessity.

The Manager knew not only you, but also your father, the family tree and all those related to you.
He welcomed me as soon as he spotted me and I proceeded just after reciprocating his helo so as not to encroach upon his time and to get our own transactions done. The counter clerk did almost all that was wanted by me and at times took the money from the cashier and gave to me. But those times have changed ! Now globalling is on the roll, Bankers with MBAs rule, the clerks and others have become executives with computer knowledge and computers and the Banking has changed altogether into Air conditioned suberbs1

In these circumstances, like the computers and executives all are new and no body knew the other person and the old customers are simply forgotten as we are all fed into the computer and are told to bring new KYC formats. On enquiry the counter clerk in his chair looked quizzickally at me as if he was looking at an accused in a police station and said “Have you an Account here?”

My polite reply “That I have” brought his next order: “Then you have to fill up the KYC” and pointed me to a counter clerk sitting in another corner with a lot of forms. He on approaching gave me my required forms. I searched out an empty chair and sat down to fill up the forms both for me and my wife and after a lot of references to this and that got all the little squares filled up and took it to the earlier executive. He went through it in great detail and demanded “Where is the photo?” I was taken aback and said “ have it in my bag”. “Take it out and fix it in the column above signature and sign it” was his next command which was obediently executed. He went through it again and instructed “All right, this is complete now, attach a residential proof and an identity proof and take two photo copies each and bring it to me” to which I meekily asked him “Can the Bank make the photo copies?” to which he retorted “Are ither kutch nahi hoga..aapko yeh cheese banaake laana hai” which ended my arguments and I started to make photo copies from the shops in the market cluster where the Bank was located.

***                ***               ***                          ***
The shop just opposite was closed and it had a small board saying “Photo copying” -> and an arrow to the right. This meant I have to walk to the right side of the complex. To be doubly sure I enquired in the next shop next to it who directed me in the opposite direction. He said “Walk to the right side of the Bank building and there is a market. As soon as you enter the market turn right and photo copying is there”. I walked as he said taking the right turn and I was looking into a old dilapidated shop in which an old gentleman was talking to a young girl. I entered and enquired and he replied in the affirmative. He was talking to the young girl and disposing her off after laminating some papers and making her identity card water proof etc. So, I waited for my turn and when the old gentleman turned to me enquired the charges for photocopying.

He looked at me quizzickally and said “It is two rupees per copy” for which I put forth my bargain, “Not one rupee?” The old gentleman looked at me benignly and said “I shall make it one rupee and fifty paise for you, which is the minimum you can get in this market.” I agreed.
He took the papers from me and very metiiculously took the photocopies on his computer copier adding: “My copier is superiour to other machines. It is a computer thing. It costs more, you see” I saw that and agreed with him. I remarked in reverence to his age and experience, looking at a huge photo copier stacked on one side of the shop completely dusty and in disuse. “You should be using the large machine and lessen the price for us” for which he said: “Who is going to get this repaired
and reused? Even otherwise there is not much business here these days”. He completed the copying, counted the pages and gave me the two copies each of the three pages and I walked back to the Bank where lunch time had started!

THE LUNCH: When it comes to village banks, the lunch time is sacrosanct. The clerk sir who was to take my originals and copies was walking out wiping his face and stroking his stomach. Once outside he did not recognize me which is OK. I entered the bank to wait for him and my wife who was with me said”It has become lunch time now, should we wait or have lunch and come back.?” “Naturally, we can go for lunch and come back, there is no point in looking at those who are taking lunch or at those who are having a little piece of mind during lunch time.”

We left for lunch to a relative of ours and at their house I started rechecking my papers and found out to my horror, that I have missed out my original KYC with the lovely old gentleman who did my photo copying. Now I have to go back there to collect the original copy first before giving it at the Bank....I knew, things are compounding. The KYC is going to trouble me a little.

*** **** ****

My wife was agitated at the loss of the original at the photocopying shop and enthused me to go and check the shop once again which I did. I found the shop was shut half way with a blue shutter and the internal glass door is visible at the bottom side. I tapped on the shutter and the door for a little while and then came back to the bank to report the matter to my wife who said she will make enquiries at the shop or around and find out if she can get the same and went out in a jiffy. She came back promptly with a phone number and showed me how simply things are in place. I kept wondering, what is happening to me. I never saw the phone number. She said the phone number was on the top of the shop. (Perhaps..!, I thought). I called on the number brought by my wife and the gentleman on the otherside seemed to be appologetic. He said : “saab jee, mey thoh sochaa bhi tho ek khande se pehle uthar aah nahin sakta. Meh toh Luxmi Nagar meh hoom is waqt.” (Sir, even if I wanted, I can't reach there before an hour at least).This threw away our idea of getting the paper back immediately and giving it to the Bankers immediately after lunch.

We came out for lunch and once on our own, thought of looking at the shop once again. We went to the shop and found out the shop which was now fully shut and the real inside of the shop I could not visualize. I remembered the old gentleman, sophisticated in his talk, but the whole shop in shabby conditions, a huge dusty” photo copier at one corner and his having a computer copier on the shop table and his standing infront of it with a small laminating machine on one side etc. But now I can't reverify them until the shop is open. Also, the glass door which I had seen just behind the shutter was also confusing as I had not see a glass door when I went in for photocopying. I thought “Now, I can't do a thing, until I saw the shop opened”.

Then, of course, we thought of asking the neighbouring shops. The girl in the opposite shop said, “The photo copy shop on the other side? He closes for lunch and comes late after lunch. Why you worry, we can also photo copy for you. What is it that you want to photocopy?” I was amazed! I had not seen this shop in my hurry to get the copying done in a hurry when I came the first time. The shop was full of hanging leaflets and pamphlet advertisements on various issues which made the people inside the shop invisible. Since I did not have anything to photo copy now, I said lazily:
“ have to collect a paper from him”. The girl said “Then you can come back after your lunch and siesta. The uncle takes a nap after lunch and then only comes.”

We surveyed the whole area for the near by shops and the location and left for lunch. We could relax a bit at our relative's place which made us recover from our crestfallen feelings and once we felt good, I called up the phone number again to check if the gentleman had reached the shop. He replied in the affirmative and ever so promptingly saying “Saab jee, shop meh toh hai, magar aap ka photo kaunsi hai. Mere paas athaareh photo hai, aapka kaunsi hai?” This gilted me. You see, there was a quirk in the conversation with him. I am talking about photocopies and he is asking me about photo. I sensed something is not correct. Why he should ask me about photo instead of photo copy? I told him : “Don't worry..I am coming there will be no problem” He said: “Aayiyeh ji, aayiyeh...” We reached there in the shortest of time when the skies were getting cloudy and a rain was about to come down. The noon time temperature had come down and we were relaxed. Once in front of the shop, which was now open it was clear to me: “My lord, this is not the photo copying shop. This is a photo studio. !”

The shop keeper saw us and came out to invite us in with a broad smile: “Aayiyeh....ji.” Once inside, I appologised to him Bhai sahab, we were looking for a photocopying shop near around and not your shop. This is a faux pass. Sorry for the inconvenience” He was a young sikh gentleman at his best in politeness and hospitality. He said “Areh saab, kyaa baat karthey ho, yeh toh hota hi rehtaa hai... koi baat nahin” He continued “Hum toh photocopy nahin, photo kheenchteh hai. Yadi kabhi photography sumbanthi koyi jaroorat ho, yaad karleejiyeega” “Aap kaa photocopier vaaleh uncle ji doh shop aage hai. He comes late. Timepaaas keliye aathey hai.” (Sir, what are you saying? These things keep happening. No problem. We make no photo copies but photographs. If ever you needed a photography connected necessity, do remember us) (Your photocopier gentleman uncle is two shops ahead. He comes late. He comes for time pass only).
It was clear a faux pass has occured and now we are at the receiving end just for a photo copy because our bankers won't do a photo copy for themselves ..! The studio owner showed us various albums and their varieties which he can make for us on order whenever needed.

We decided to wait, even thoughit was only past three o' clock. A wait which made us cut off from all other worries of news paper, tv news, internet and cell phones. My wife kept standing infront of the newly located shop. I had missed noticing this shop properly. I was reminded of my new traits of not noticing the places and shops properly these days, which I fully agreed in my own surprise.

The new shop which we now aimed, had the small sign board saying “FOTO COPYING”. The shop had the old and fading large sign board of “CHEMISTS” written on the Shutter followed by thefurther sign of “Specialists in ayurvedic medicines” . I had not seen this earlier, when I went in as the rolling shutter was up then..! My wife, now adamant that she will collect our paper as soon as the shop keeper came in, took position in front of the shop and I walked back to my car to sit down and watch when this old uncleji is returning...! The climate was cooling down as the clouds were becoming darker. Now the market had a desserted look and there were no body outside the shops, except my wife standing alone. A girl from the nearby shop came up to her and started chatting with her. I went to join the conversation to see what is happening. Once with them it was clear. The girl is an emplyee in the near by shop. She could not stand the sight of an elderly madam just standing in front of their shop all alone in this humid climate. She invited us to sit in their air conditioned shop. That is a piece of Indian Hospitality. We profusely thanked her and said we would rather keep outside where we are to which she made a great suggestion: She said: “You give us your number, I shall call you when the uncle ji opens the shop! It is not necessary that he comes in the evening. Sometimes he does not turn up” That was great of her. May God bless her. We told her that we shall take her number and call her after a while which she agreed to and gave us the shop's visiting card.

We left after giving the girl our number and with the visiting card of their shop in hand. We came to our relative's house again,had tea and left as it was getting darker. On our way back, it started to rain heavily. It was a beautiful drive in the heavy rain remembering old times and free from the bank stuff and photocopying.

After two days, we got to know, our relative had got the original from the old uncle ji and now it is our turn to go and collect it. Our KYC (Know your Customer) is still not given in our Bank with which we have an account for the last twenty years or more..!

Will continue.....