Saturday 23 July 2016

The Princess with the Diamond Necklace! - The Old Story!

The Princess with the Diamond Necklace! - The Old Story!

There is an old story. That, once upon a time, long long ago, far far away a beautiful princess lived in a palace. The princess was very beautiful and always was good to all and appeared in beautiful clothes, but there was something which added to her beauty. That was the beautiful diamond necklace which always wore. Every body in the kingdom including birds and animals appreciated the beauty of the queen but all were curious of the beautiful diamond necklace which the princess wore.

As in most of such stories a poor wood cutter boy was enfatuated with the princess and was trying to find a way to get near to the princess. The princess had a pretty parrot which flew into the jungle and back to eat the choicest fruits there. The wood cutter boy came in contact with the parrot as the parrot came near him of and on and enquired of him of the places where the best fruits were to be found. In gratitude to his advices, the parrot became friendly with him and told him about the beautiful princess in the palace and her beautiful necklace. Through the parrot the boy got the friendship of the princess and she called him to her palace. When they were alone the princess divulged the secret of the necklace to the jungle boy. She said “Without the necklace, I would die”!
After a while the boy got back to the jungle.

In the meanwhile a wicked prince in a near by kingdom was trying to get the princess in marriage and tried many tricks. But the princess looked through her diamond in the necklace which showed her the real purpose of the prince who was mean and cruel. The prince through the help of his soldiers got the the King, who was the father of the princess, to marry the princess to him. On the first night itself the prince who was hot headed and wicked set his eyes on the beautiful necklace and imagined the huge booty he can amass by selling the necklace and removed it while the princess was asleep....! The Princess was sleeping like a child. A couple of beautiful hairlocks kept on flowing in the breeze around the place. The villain had a last look and went out to do his bad deeds! The surprise was when he returned to wake up the princess! Whatever he does she won't wake up! The princess slept on and on....

The King the father of the princess was concerned. He passed an ultimatum to the villainous prince “If you can't awaken my daughter for a week, take the marriage as dissolved” All the soldiers and the people of the country of the King were up in arms and the prince had to give in. He could not awaken the princess! The King carried back his daughter ceremoniously and kept her on her beautiful bed which she used to sleep on..! The parrot came to see this and informed the jungle boy who set out to procure the diamond necklace.! After long searches in the palaces and jungles ultimately he found out the necklace and brought it to the palace and requested the king to allow him to try to wake up the princess. He was instantly allowed to do so by the already heart broken king.

And the boy went to the princess straight away and adorned her with the beautiful diamond necklace and Lo..! the beautiful princess got up as if from sleep and sat up looking benevolently at the boy and the King and all others who had assembled to watch the miracle the boy was going to attempt. This was the happy ending of the story where upon the King got the princess to be married to the Jungle Boy and they lived ever after in the King's palace as prince and princess and in course of time, when the King became old the prince took over as the King and the beautiful princess became his wonderful Queen and they both ruled their kingdom for a long time where their people were extremely happy..!

When we heard the story we all became happy.. but the catch is the diamond necklace. What is the diamond necklace in these days? Is this a real diamond necklace? No! In place of the necklace we can conveniently replace the kind of medicines each of us are taking for various illnesses! Also the beautiful princess to be replaced by any body suffering from any kind of simple illness where medicnes and treatment have become unavoidable! We hear many stories of deaths where the people do not get their proper medicines on time as required. The speed of death can be aggravated or speeded up by the villainous behaviour of the near and dear who may inflict much more grievous injury to the minds of the concerned individuals who would otherwise live a happy life for a long time...!

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