Tuesday 6 September 2016

Enjoyment of the Retirement Loves..!

Enjoyment of the Retirement Loves..!

The morning starts without programs. That is the first joy.  There is no set time to get up or go to sleep.  But one cannot sleep after day break as the birds on the trees around will start chirping so furiously, it would seem, their sole aim is to get me up on my feet.  The endless number of teas will be halted by the thuk of the news paper followed by a soothing ziik of two packets of milk being placed in a paper box kept for it by the morning newspaper youngster who it would seem does not sleep after mid night.  The young people!

Once the paper falls in front of the door, I can't wait, but to grab it and see if any body has slandered or said anything untoward any of the leaders around the world.People around the world do such silly things at times and such silly things are printed.  All the same, I go through it, before my eyes grab the local news of what happened in the neighbourbood and in the country.

"Killed, stolen, accident, prejudiced, abused, bitten, beaten, done for, broken, robbed, dacoited and all sorts of terrible things happened, and the authorities, police and all the other nice people on the other side trying to do everything possible to prevent them"  Spliced in between are the new drumming for all the goodie, goodies in the world from Gold, Jewellery, Cars, boats, buses, children's toys, ladies make up, saries, foods, hotel services, and all other kinds of services to houses, villas, flats, bungalows and farm houses all at low prices, with bank loans which is just for asking, and all other stuff which can be simply imagined most of them with a huge 'FREE' of a small little thing along with it. A small steel pin with a car, a beautiful greatly bewiching sticker 'for children' with all house hold items"

If this does not wake me up fully, I take one more cup of tea and go ouutfor my walk in which I see my son's car which is badly soiled.  Due to the wet roads and the cattle on thee roads, the car has accumulated a lot of diitch which has to be washed...My God.  To drive such a dirty car...Grr.   I am instantly at it, washing it out furiously.

I clean the floor of the car with a little poly broom and sweeping vessel, shower the car, wipe it with wet cloth and smoothen it with chamois and the car smiles when my son comes down to go to office.  "Oh..you have made it new"....his comment, and my day is made.!  My chest expands, my son drives out, and I am back to the house where my grand child is rolling in his bed, being too small to walk he throws his innocent smile at me and makes indecipherable sounds at me all meaning he wants me to be with him....It keeps on turn by turn ...and then we wait for my son to return from work.

Once he return all of us converse all the matters in the world, have prayer, food and more conversation and go to bed....and it repeats...Retirement is over.....
The sleep time is reminded by the umpteen number of frogs and insects around our house which start their choir by ten and continues till morning when daylight break out! It is a photo arrangement with them and nature. They are very regular at it so far. Children take it as a lullaby!


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