Sunday 25 September 2016

The elusive brake..!

The bicycle was not fast but my friend in class five was coming against me, who was on testing myself and my friend was also doing the same.  Both of us yelled to each other "brake pidikkoo.." (apply the brake..!).  But both of us could not find the brake and my friend fell infront of me and I rode over him to go a little longer and fall down.  That scene ended in both our trainers coming running up and helping us to get up and also setting our little bicycles right.

Next was the second session in which we were having our session on the road. In this we were to ride down the main high way (which was only a simple tarred road then) in which all kinds of vehicles plied.  We had fellow friends to watch over us in that we should not fall on the route.  I was driving on my return trip as I had successfull completed the onward drive.  Half the way was a padam on either side (padam - paddy field) of the road and a huge transport bus was approaching  from behind. There was a cute car coming from the front.  We drive on the left here and as the car was on the extreme right I presumed the bus will come closer to me.  So I have to give side and move more to the left.  A gentleman going in front of me was walking with a packet on his right hand.  In my giving more side to the huge bus and closing in on the gentleman in front, I frantically wanted to brake but it was not to be seen.  And Lo.. I went straight under the hand of the gentleman in front of me to the left and went straight down the side canal of the road which had water in it and was full of water plants.!

The bus and car passed and a hand lifted me from among the water plants.  I was shivering and was also afraid.  I asked the gentleman:  "Are you hurt?"
He replied with the same question: "Are you...hurt..?"  .  I said no.  Then he said: "I have children like you at home.  If they go against some one I don't want them to get hurt" "So you drive safely and reach your place.  But from here, do not bicycle on the main road.  Walk with your bicycle until the bye-lane.  Then you can ride!"  That was a time, fifty years back...making me mesmerized when I think back..! 

But the good thing is I became very keen about the brake thereafter ..! Till date I have kept it up and also advised my near and dear to please hold on to your brake in any eventuality in driving as that is the first and foremost life line in driving.

But when one first rides a bicycle the first thing coming to ones sight is the front tyre moving forward which sends the adrenalin surging even though it is only a bicycle! The trainer always advised not to look on the wheel but far ahead on the road and keep balance and eventually I did!

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