Thursday 27 October 2016

Sri Sriiganesha Mahima, a book by Maha Sweta Devi - a great read..!

Maha Sweta Devi, the great Novelist Philanthrophist... Sri Sriganesha Mahima.. A great read. ..!

Small book of about one hundred and ninety pages with the yesteryear Bihar and its villages drawn up in simple words.

The little girl 'Lechima' touches our hearts as of all other could have been souls in that stature in that part of the world. The old 'zemindaari' is drawn up in such clarity that the effects will make an imprint on all readers who goes through their pangs in simple detail. In between is slight traces of Government and authority as it was seen and felt by the author on her several interactions and visits to the various villages.

Lechima is engaged by a village elder to look after her house hold. The girl is got from her guardian on payment of little money and some articles and the girl starts working in the house of 'Medini Singh'. As his two wives could not give him a boy child the house lord Medini Singh marries for a third time and this poor girl gives birth to a child with a tooth in the mouth at birth itself, which is taken as a prominence of 'devamsh' a belief in that part of the country, in that people believed the child is partly divine. Meaning that the child has a part of Lord Ganesha in him.

The mother of the child dies of shock after seeing the child, immediately after the child birth.

Lechima who was the house keeper, who also had to give in to the wishes of the house lord, Medini Singh, has now got to bring up the child till his marriageable age of ten years, a custom in olden times. She does it with great love and care and hopes to get released from the bondage of the house after the boy child gets married. 

Her hopes are belied when the house lord tells her that even after the child gets married she just can't leave as she has to look after the household until the newly married girl comes home after his son Sri Sri Ganesha reaches the age of eighteen., which is the custom. Lechima is crestfallen as her plan to set up home after getting married to the village barber youth will have to be thrown away now. She slowly reconciles to her fate and once again looks after the household during which time the house lord Medini Singh slowly fades away due to paralysis, exhaustion and old age sickness and the new house lord, 'Sri Sri Ganesha' takes his place with new vigour and makes a name for himself in 'Zemindari' and leadership, which his father had earlier, in which the poor people around the place are much more harshly affected.

One has to go through the book to get a real feel of the story as the whole story can be understood and only through a cover to cover to read.

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