Tuesday 11 October 2016

The old man and the little baby!

The palm leaf horn was lying on the centre table. There are a few palm leaf fans with their stock in place ready to turn with sight wind lying around. A small baby coconut twister, used by little boys to play was also lying around. They will all dry up in course of time.

They were all made to enthuse the little baby of the old man's son whom he used to play with. The little one definitely understood the old man and he waited to see dawn to play with him. The old man lived in the village and his son and daughter in law had come down from the city a nights travel away, with their baby boy to spend small vacation. Now they have travelled back. The toys and their left overs are lying around to be removed.

In the city, children get Chinese toys and plastic stuff which does not have much of natural things in them. Mostly nylon, plastic, electrical writing, and together combinations of light and sound to keep little ones happy.

The little family of the old man's son left the day before by train which came half an hour late. The old man worried about their position in the train which was next to the entry. Warned his children again and again about looking after the baby and their luggage etc. to the extend of making them mad! The old man was well used to the trains. That is why he wanted to warn the children. But his children were well used to travel themselves but the old man was anxious about the baby whom he considered his friend now! Old people are like that. They slowly move away from the grown ups and moved towards the little ones who interact better with them!

The train moved away slowly leaving a vacuum and a lot of dust in the Station. The old man checked his phone if it was properly 'on' to receive a call from his children to say everything was all right.  Of and on he picked up the phone from his pocket to check if a call has been gone unheard.  'No.' No calls.  He drove his car silently manouvering the on coming traffic with high beams on. Once in heavy traffic he forgot about the phone call.  His mind raced to the times he used to go by train generally been seen of by any of his family members.  There were no phones like mobile phones in those days.  A land line phone was a rarity.  The normal mode of communication was an 'inland letter' which could be purchased from the post office and written and posted with the village home address on it.

After four days or a week, the village post man brought that letter home and mother waited for the elder children to come home to read it.  Father was told that the letter has come and everything is well.  They were people with brave hearts, who have left for their heavenly abodes.  But not this old man.  He has seen a few of the phones and their transition into mobile phones.  Once he thought of the old times he became brave.  No need to worry.  At home he and his wife had a silent meal and prayer before hitting the bed.  Next morning he got the message:  "Well, in car towards home" !  The old man was appeased! He heaved a sigh and murmured:  "The new times"

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