Tuesday 31 January 2017

Nostalgia - The power of the little V.I.P.

Nostalgia - The power of the little V.I.P.

When my son was growing up from infancy our main occupation was to play with him and tell him stories and sing lullabies to him whenever he wanted. I could attend to him mostly on the week-ends and evenings. He used to be a great self in asking questions which I could never imagine, from “Why is the moon always up there?, Why can't we go to the moon?, Will it ever come down so that we don't have to go there and so on. When it came to the story of the King and the Lion in which the Lion tries to attack the King and the King suddenly turns and cuts the Lion into two etc. He was curious how did the Lion enter the Palace Garden? Many of my little answers satisfied him and he was appeased. He was only agitated if I went to sleep in between the narration. Then he will sit on my chest and keep asking me “Phir kya hua?” meaning “Then what happened” and will pull my chin. Many a time I got the tether and continued but sometimes when sleep was to heavy, I mixed up and started with “Then the rabbit started running” which at times sent him into laughter and he exclaimed: “There is no rabbit in the Palace Garden, it is the Lion which has to come”. This brought me awake and I repaired the story to the usual King and the Lion. All that has now become old stories and my son has forgotten some of them, like me too! But at times the thoughts recour.

Now my son is grown up and married and he was arriving with his wife and toddler son. The little bundle clung on to me after throwing a beaming smile at me as soon as we met at the Station. He threw the smile with such gusto and intent, for a one year old, I could not resist the feeling of old times and take him in my arms. I thought he was just jumping on to me because I showed my hands, but soon I understood, the real reason. He was set upon taking my spectacles as a little toy and that was the reason for the beautiful enchanting smile. Once on me he straight went to pick up my spectacles and started playing with it, trying different ways of holding it and ultimately holding it on one of its arms and turning it like a fan. I kept of telling him that this was not to be done but he never cared or seemed to understand my point! He kept on turning the spectacles on one of its handles and ultimately my son had to come and pick it up from him which irritated me and the little infant boy alike. I said that he would have been more polite to the little kid and he told me that that way you will normally not get the spectacles back from him in proper form as there is a little engineer in him who will go to work on the spectacles after a while, when the spectacles will be dismantled part by part!

Once the spectacles was rempoved he quickly forgot that part and started enjoying the scenery on the way where the moving vehicles and their horns were a god attraction. In between he lost interest in me and started beaming his little cute smile at my wife and slowly went over to her and started playing with her ear rings and the flowers on her saree. Soon he was to lose interest in all that as the temperature was rising as the day was becoming hot and he once again threw his great smile at his mom who took him in her arms and started giving him milk from his milke bottle. Soon he was asleep on her lap.

Once home and the car stopped he woke up and surveyed the scenario and slowly with sleepy eyes was trying to smile at me and it was time for me to pick him up and thereafter the whole set of cycle repeated it self. Many a time I played with him and at times he came to play with me or make me play. The surprising part was that he got most of his needs by a disarming smile..! He never said anything as he is yet to speak in full syllables, but his smile caught on to every body with whom he came in contact in the near relations and they soon thought out what he may be needing and did it for him. When we think of it, it is marvellous for a little toddler, isn't it?

In between my son came along from his computer works when he wanted a piece of wire or a plug point or some such things he needed in his work and seeing us at play he remarked: “You to make a good company!”

I smiled at him along with the little guy ...! (Thinking...far back he was good company with me..now he has become very serious..!)

Nostalgia - The power of the little V.I.P.

When my son was growing up from infancy our main occupation was to play with him and tell him stories and sing lullabies to him whenever he wanted. I could attend to him mostly on the week-ends and evenings. He used to be a great self in asking questions which I could never imagine, from “Why is the moon always up there?, Why can't we go to the moon?, Will it ever come down so that we don't have to go there and so on. When it came to the story of the King and the Lion in which the Lion tries to attack the King and the King suddenly turns and cuts the Lion into two etc. He was curious how did the Lion enter the Palace Garden? Many of my little answers satisfied him and he was appeased. He was only agitated if I went to sleep in between the narration. Then he will sit on my chest and keep asking me “Phir kya hua?” meaning “Then what happened” and will pull my chin. Many a time I got the tether and continued but sometimes when sleep was to heavy, I mixed up and started with “Then the rabbit started running” which at times sent him into laughter and he exclaimed: “There is no rabbit in the Palace Garden, it is the Lion which has to come”. This brought me awake and I repaired the story to the usual King and the Lion. All that has now become old stories and my son has forgotten some of them, like me too! But at times the thoughts recour.

Now my son is grown up and married and he was arriving with his wife and toddler son. The little bundle clung on to me after throwing a beaming smile at me as soon as we met at the Station. He threw the smile with such gusto and intent, for a one year old, I could not resist the feeling of old times and take him in my arms. I thought he was just jumping on to me because I showed my hands, but soon I understood, the real reason. He was set upon taking my spectacles as a little toy and that was the reason for the beautiful enchanting smile. Once on me he straight went to pick up my spectacles and started playing with it, trying different ways of holding it and ultimately holding it on one of its arms and turning it like a fan. I kept of telling him that this was not to be done but he never cared or seemed to understand my point! He kept on turning the spectacles on one of its handles and ultimately my son had to come and pick it up from him which irritated me and the little infant boy alike. I said that he would have been more polite to the little kid and he told me that that way you will normally not get the spectacles back from him in proper form as there is a little engineer in him who will go to work on the spectacles after a while, when the spectacles will be dismantled part by part!

Once the spectacles was rempoved he quickly forgot that part and started enjoying the scenery on the way where the moving vehicles and their horns were a god attraction. In between he lost interest in me and started beaming his little cute smile at my wife and slowly went over to her and started playing with her ear rings and the flowers on her saree. Soon he was to lose interest in all that as the temperature was rising as the day was becoming hot and he once again threw his great smile at his mom who took him in her arms and started giving him milk from his milke bottle. Soon he was asleep on her lap.

Once home and the car stopped he woke up and surveyed the scenario and slowly with sleepy eyes was trying to smile at me and it was time for me to pick him up and thereafter the whole set of cycle repeated it self. Many a time I played with him and at times he came to play with me or make me play. The surprising part was that he got most of his needs by a disarming smile..! He never said anything as he is yet to speak in full syllables, but his smile caught on to every body with whom he came in contact in the near relations and they soon thought out what he may be needing and did it for him. When we think of it, it is marvellous for a little toddler, isn't it?

In between my son came along from his computer works when he wanted a piece of wire or a plug point or some such things he needed in his work and seeing us at play he remarked: “You to make a good company!”

I smiled at him along with the little guy ...! (Thinking...far back he was good company....now he has become very serious..!)

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