Monday 6 February 2017

The Hair Cut....!

The Hair Cut..!

On a free day in Chennai, Rajan and Babu, father and son went for a hair cut. It was a hair cut for Rajan only, but Babu, his son was taking him. This ceremony was old time's sake. There were times they went for a hair cut in the Delhi's Lodi Colony, Meher Chand Market to the Sarojini Nagar's Pillanji, all taken as a leisure trip to talk and be together.

At Lodi Colony of Delhi and the Pillanji of Sarojini Nagar, Rajan used to pay, but now in the Chennai shop, it was Babu's turn to pay. There was not much of a ceremony in any of the places for hair cuts, which is usually called by the people of the places as simply 'Cutting'. It is customary for male members to go for cutting on holidays if the hair has become too much. Ladies in their society never had that necessity of going for cutting, as long hair is always considered to be a lady's charm.

Both Rajan and Babu walked in the hot sun to traverse the half kilometer to the shop on the main highway where among a cluster of shops was the little Hair cutting shop wth a huge painted sign “K K PROPERTIES”. The sign board did not mean any thing as far as the work in the shop is concerned, as this was a people oriented work where only the nearby residents came by searching for the particular shop where it was available, regardless of the board.

The chairs were old but good and the humble professional at the knife was very inviting as it is, in all small shops. Getting inside the shop was great as there was shade in the shop.Coming from the scorching sun outside, it will soothe one like air conditioning. A small overhead fan will cool you down. The barber wished Rajan and Babu and showed Rajan to the empty revolving chair with its high pedestal and foot pedal. There was only one cutter available and hence it was Rajan in the chair first. Saravanan, the cutter straight away went work with his scissors ly and silently. Babu, the son paid for the cut once the cut was over and said he did not need a cut. There was a few times, Rajan remembered that he and his son used to get a cut together. Now, that is being changed. Only Rajan needed a cut, not his son as he had it sometime recently only.

Rajan was lost in thought. When he was young, he used to take Babu a little boy, in those days, for the cut. Then only he had to have the cut and they went together to he cutting shop on Sundays as that was when Rajan was free. Then time went on and they started to be company as his son was growing up. They spoke of umpteen number of things under the sun and going to and from the hair cut shops both in Lodi Colony and Sarojini Nagar.

Then their hair cutting sessions together started repeating in Chennai where they went together for the heck of it. Both could go individually and pay for it, but they enjoyed the company of each other and remembered old times while they could also discuss other interesting family asides. Rajan thought, time is passing too quickly and only he needs the hair cut. The old role has been completely reversed. Now the son is taking the father for a hair cut....!A great drama in time..!

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