Tuesday 7 March 2017

Driving it Again......!

Driving it again

My fiirst thoughts of driiving is learning to drive a much longed for little fiat car (an Italian fiat, which was available in plenty at that point in 1972s in Kerala). At that point teaching was by small driving schools who had a trainer master, who taught his student to drives and those who did not perform well were treated to strong whackings on the head or neck or any other means like pinching or beating on the thigh etc. as the instructor pleased. As the people at that time had not liberated from the old Gurukul mind set where Guru is never questioned, it went on with all except those who categorically took special allowance not to be mistreated.

I was one among those who took special allowance as I took it as a great slight as I was already working in a responsible position in a local office. The Trainer School Manager agreed to this as he knew me and my family and he and my father were friends. When I put forth the suggestion he squirmed a bit at first and after giving it a thought and my difiant position he agreed saying: “Then I shall ask the Junior Master to take you in his sessions”. This was acceptable to me as I was not keen on who was training me and also I knew the Junior Trainer guy. The Senior Trainer cum Manager Owner was quick on his temper and bet up any one who happened to be helpless in front of him, especially in his training sessions.

Once this issue was settled and a brief introduction to the Junior Trainer we were on the road in the little bundle whose doors opened from the front side and we fell back into our seats. One is given the wheel straight away and the Trainer sitting on the left controlled the pedals but pretended not doing so initially. Once we got the feel of the road and generally started to control the wheel satisfactorily so as to avoid any accidents to self or other road users we were taken to a large tract of land for intensive training in reversing and moving backwards in different angles ultimately making each one take a test in driving forward in the hands of an “H” which shape was made of small iron wires which will stand straight on loose earth and will fall down as soonas a part of the car touched them. The test was to move the vehicle up in the left part of H and then reverse and move on the reverse to cross over to the right of the H through the middle. Then repeat the same through the right hand of the H and come back on reverse to turn and reach back to the left of H.

This was achieved in a matter of a month by which time one learned the beautiful little gear system which was operated through a stick set below the steering wheel, which was lovingly called the steering-gear. It had a steering mounted horn almost the same technique seen now also. There were no mirrors on either side, but a single rear vew mirror in side the cabin. The mechanism was too simple considered to the complex vehicles today.

Once a driving licence was earned, one was on top of the Everest but there was no further driving. Only one entered a car whenever one used a Taxi car. The taxi cars were mostly the old timers like Ambassador and Land Master and a springling of the old Hillmans and Plymouths. The fiat cars were mostly private cars used by well to dos like Doctors or Engineers or Business men. Ordinary millions only saw the cars. At times where there was an emergency they hailed a taxi car and sat through to reach a particular place.

The Ambassadors the ubiquitous of them were almost everywhere. They had the great backward closing doors, additionally mounted side rear views. A light shifting button to be operated by foot, a side indicator to be operated by hand but the button for the same provided in the centre of the steering wheel, a steel or chromium plated little circle above the steering wheen for the horn which was too very convenient. A common seat both in front and back which was supposed to take three each was used in an economy fashion to accommodate four almost all the time and in case of necessity to push five in the front seat and upto seven or eight in the rear a few little children also pushed in to utilise the whole space. Howsoever it was, all enjoyed a journey as the driver of the vehicle was almost always a known fellow and he in return also knew almost all in the village and conversed with them en route all through the journey.

A great part of the ceremonious work which all taxi drivers craved for was a special call to carry a marriage party. It was considered to be an honour to be called for such an errand as the fare collected is a lump sum plus a sumptuous lunch at the marriage venue. The cars in such cases are used for the whole day as it has to be taken early in the morning itself to ornament them with flowers and garlands, at times a smear of kalabham and chandan paste, a little perfume is also applied inside of them and it is taken to the house of the bride or de-groom as is the order and from the house of the caller it will go in an entourage of other cars too called for the same occasion carrying all the near relatives and friends called to grace the occasion. They had to wait at the marriage venue, where they can have their meals and rest and then return with the same group of people whom they carried along with the bride if it is a boy's marriage or with out any body extra but 'less' the bride who remains in the groom's house.

Of course, one of the same or more taxis will get a fare to bring back the bride after a few days according to custom. Except very rich people no body drove a car for pleasure as we see now.
A car, a taxi at that was summoned only on occasions of emergencies like accidents, diseases, exceptional meetings between relatives only.

All the time people were of and on seeing these moving chariots and were mesmerized at the convenience of moving. But a serious thought of such a requirement did not occur as the public transport was pretty good and in the old farming oriented society, people were mostly living in their own places of birth only. The life was in the village only if not in the farm lands and evenings were a time for one and all to assemble at home. With new governments and progress and information explotion that system was being changed. Cities were fast getting two wheelers which started to be considered a necessity by those who can afford them. A few motor cycles like Bullet, Jawa and Rajdoot from Yamaha etc. ruled the roost.

In the eighties, a new urge came to the people in general. Telephone possibilities and long dialling facilities were being increased and improved, news via television were becoming popular, the colour television was making an impact and people who saw them all started to become impatient in using more fast moving objects for their travel. There came a number of little moving equipments called mopeds with fifty cc engines and they were the fore runners of a driving India. As the common man could not afford a good motor cycle or scooter at that time, a little in between vehicle, between a bicycle and a motorbike was quite the thing to introduce. Once people got them they fast lost interest in what they got.

Then came the 'Marutii' from Suzuki which taught most of the people to use a personal vehicle. There after the interest in cars and their models have not looked back until this day when those who are too much used with all of them are starting to think if they can get from the world of all these vehicles to a vehicle-less period to avoid pollution and save the earth.

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