Saturday 11 March 2017

The Swimming that wasn't....!

A Swimming in Chennai which did not take place.

The morning had pretences of slight rain but it did not rain but remained cloudy. A son offered his father a swim in a pool connected to his office building if they were allowing it that day. They were road born with their simple swim gear and landed up at a nearby office building with very good gate arrangements. The cloudy atmosphere had changed to sunny and it had become steamy by then. The strong black gates told it was perhaps not possible and the two kept their wish under wraps.

Then the son went over to the little sub gate to enquire, since they had come thus far and found out that it was really open but they keep it closed as the custom was to open it on requirement only. That is good fo the new times. The son said, he would be allowed in as he is working member of the company but the father has to go through another gate. This was undertaken and the father was ushered in by a smiling security youth.

He was usheered to another registry desk where an elderly security lady was reading the day's vernacular daily. The moment she saw the outsider she did not even raise her head, but said simply, “Today no body can go in” . The the security assistant intervened to mention that this is the father of an employee on which the lady kept away her paper reluctantly and came over to make a photo ticket for the outsider. Once that was done, was a regisration and signing, both by father and son. There onwards, they moved to the next room to enter the main area where there was yet another registration and signing. The security arrangements were really good and competitive with the agency's name, resembling a dog's name, dash-hunt or labrador, on the pockets of the guards. It was really funny. Somebody had thought of that great animal who are so helpful in security and saving of humanity from time immemorial..!

After that they walked in the bright sun in very clean atmosphere with flowers on flowering plants arranged on both sidesof tile spread walkway which was sizzling in the bright hot sun shining through the coulds. Two minutes walk brought them to the pool building where they were told that there is no swimming allowed in that pool but only gym was only available but only for the employees which was useless to them.

A look at the pool was heart warming. As the crystal clear water in the shallow blue pool was rejuvenating. It was decided that there is no point in going for a swim in such a shallow pool in any case. On the way to the pool they saw a boy and his team at work with some road laying stuff. The boy started walking in their direction with some material in his hand. His jersy had the following caption on it : “IT IS THE SAME SHIT, A DIFFERENT DAY.” The father son group could not hide their smile while the youth walked away unknowingly what his jersy was blairing.
The father son started back on the 'hard drive' of OMR to return home.

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