Wednesday 19 July 2017

The Beautiful Morning Rains!

The Beautiful Morning Rain in our Noida Colony!

This morning it rained in our colony in Noida. It rained heavily. It is a well built colony with good greenery and flowers. But there is enough room left for rain enjoyment by the catchment water flowing around and staying around for some time until it is pumped out !

The light thunder and lightning started before it was dawn and the wind brought the rains as a drizzle first and followed by a heavy down pour through the dawn which stopped by seven of the clock in the morning! This the time for the little kids to go to school. Various children were being either carried by their parents or sent out in little colourful umbrellas to get into their vehicles to be dropped to school.

Some could get into their cars in their sheds or garages themselves and ride through half foot deep water which had collected. The very little children who came out to go with their parents to buy milk, bread or butter enjoyed the accumulated water to the most, by splashing it around.
Normally a heavy rain and downpour will send off the electricity supply for a while but today that did not happen. So, the elevators were working. Inside the elevator was always cosy with the warmth of the little tube light. But one should not look around inside for once the sight falls on the long red spit which normally lies dried up in the corners will dampen the mirth which comes out of the great rain outside. It is customary for the workers to eat paan, ie. betel leaf with calcium and arecanut which when chewed gives a very red colour and keeps away foul odour of the mouth. But if the person spits out it spoils the clean places around and many do spit out even though there a lot of awareness advertisements, but the eaters mostly miss them.

Outside a small wind was there passing through the flowering plants and trees giving out their aroma. But the roads well tarred and the spaces well done up with warps in cement will not allow the water to go down and this floats around for a while when the little children who are lucky to come out can play for a while.

The sky remained overcast with a continuous drizzle which brought the temperature well down and all around enjoyed the beautiful graces of the rain.!

 Other side of the rain was the facility it allowed the animals and being around.  In the flowing waters was a little earth worm going on a visit to its near and dear.  In far away  Kerala, it is the water snakes which start out on visits in the flowing rain waters.  Olden times, it was the frogs which rules the roost in the rains and before and after it.  But now, that has changed as most of the frogs have disappeared and the ones available are few and far between.  Likewise the fish in the fresh water.! The little puppies taking a dip with their mother she dog ever watchful of its litter.  The flowers and leaves floating all over.  The only danger is from the live electric wires if they touched the water by any chance and an open pit where the cover slab has been removed.  If this happened one has to be cautious to climb out or cry out for help.  But such accidents, by the Grace of God does not happen in our Colony or in the city.  At times such are reported from far away places.!

Whatever it is, the rains are always a blessing which is enjoyed by one and all.  If we are lucky, which we are, we will have a wonderful week of rain now! Let me dedicate this to all the rain lovers!

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