Wednesday 5 July 2017

The Steamy Steamy July Delhi

The steam tube called Delhi

The weather, in Delhi and suburbs in June and July,  is good if it rains.  If it doesn’t,  then we are in a steam bath.  The rains will bring in untold problems of water logging after the rains even though the temperature will come down very well and the breeze will be cool. 
Our little Maruti car did it well at eighty in the Express way which is a good road from Noida to Delhi.  The oft-driven route was a joy again to drive through.  Only place it slowed down is at Pragati Maidan where one has to be very careful as vehicles move inch by inch here,  up until the High Court and beyond till one enters the circle of India Gate.  Once we turn left at the end of Pragati Maidan we closein at the long red light near the end of the Old Fort.  Here we can stop and relax as the red light duration is pretty long here.  Once we stop and relax one can see a lady driver ahead continuously making up her hair, another typical regular Delhi Driver keeps his driver door open and elaborately spits paan juice (paan is generally a mixture of betel leaves, areca nut, calcium and at times a pinch of tobacco)  to the road.  Road is considered to be a regular place to spit, if one can stop for long.  As betel chewing is a normal phenomenon which is a heritage. 
The number of vehicle on the road is increasing day after day due to the rapid progress being made in all circles including the increasing number of car companies exhorting one and all to own one’s own vehicle.
Once in the circle of India Gate, the traffic is smooth and we take our smooth turns at our required road to the beautiful Raj path Road from which we go to our Krishna Menon Marg.  The little ‘Gnat’ fighter planes displayed at the Air Headquarters are unmistakably awe inspiring as they are small and had done their heroic bit in the 1971 war which had made several heroes and a new history !
We visited our Bank Branch of State Bank of India where with all the cooperation of all concerned we could get only half our work done.  Many a time things are like that here!  The first officer directed us to another officer for getting a renewal  of an account which we required badly.  The officer to whom I was to approach was surrounded by several people with a lot of papers in their hands.  They were all standing to get a linking of the ‘Aadhar’ which is a unique identification.  The officer concerned under a lot of pressure of the work volume, still, took my paper and offered to do it.  But, then the computer printer would not work. He tried to coax the printer into activity for long and ultimately failed.  Then he turned to his desk top for other works other than printing.  Then the work won’t  go further as the server was not working.  That was the end of our tether. 
We thought of riding back before the office release as the officials returning from office work will swell on  the roads.

Our assumption did not fail.  We got a generally free road through which we flowed back for forty five minutes to reach home in the evening breeze.  The moment we got down it started perspiring. The humid climate will persist till a good rain lashes Delhi and suburbs.  Hopefully in the next  three four days.

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