Thursday 9 July 2015

Rains in Delhi..!

The times were the seventies when the rains poured out incessantly but the aftermath was not nothing problematic.  The great Yamuna in a matter of few hours carried the water which freely flowed through various fords and rivulets into major canals and finally to the Yamuna

Not any more that easily now. For the last two days the great rains in the morning hours had places in various localities water logged.  The unbriddled construction and hand in hand segregating of pieces of land with walls and bounds has obstructed the free flow of water.

When it comes to Noida, situation is better but still there could be places where new markets are built from old tenements, more and more divisions and bifurcations are made with brick and mortar which allows water to lie in the roads.  This then turn muddy with the filth and mud all churned into reddish black milk by the passing vehicles whose numbers have increased manifold. People walking or on small vehicles will have a hard time to cross such areas.

Luckily the rains do not linger for long which is a grace.  In a matter of three hours most of the waters will be gone and the roads will bear a new look, which is really a relief!


Today morning, we started again in our little Maruti car to go to Sector 33 Hospiatl to collect our medical test results. It was about ten in the morning and a hugee rain had just stopped leaving the roads clean but with water logging at places.  In the Bhangel to which we always rode in, it was only muddy but not water logged on the left side of the road where we drove.  Here we have right hand driving and hence we always drove on the left of the road.

We went as far as the Sector 33 itself without much problem but evading oncoming traffic at traffic signals and at times 'ulta drivers', which means even in the divided road where one should be driving only on the left, some guys will come against you on your side, which is naturally wrong, but people generally bore with them as there was wrong road planning at times and at times, the villagers found it too far to drive on one side to take a U-turn to come back on the right lane as cost of petrol is too high.  This was generally accommodated as a fact and no body complained as at one time or the other we also found it convenient.

Once we were near the Hospital sector thirty three, we had a U-turn to enter into a  bye-lane to the Hospital with a furlong water logging!  The dark brown water reminded me of childhood times but I was apprehensive of the depth!  But having waded through that stretch the day before behind a huge vehicle which left a canal for me to drive, today I independently drove into the little sea!  We churned through slowly in second gear with water parting at a height on both sides of the car.It was deeper than I expected in the middle and there was no heavy vehicle or SUVs to dig a driving canal for me.  So we started saying our prayers so that our engine may not fail in the middle of the water.

Definitely, the prayers helped and soon we were in shallow waters with the engine still running!  We came out of the watery stretch and the dry stretch which was the Hospital parking..!

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