Tuesday 7 July 2015

The vegetable market again!

I can't but write about the vegetable market again.  This is the place we all go buy vegetables in one of the suburbs of Delhi. The huge building standing white and tall just before the market is serene in its posture.  But after that is mere mud.  Maunds of mud and filth with small ponds of pitch dark water ! wherever there is a piece of dry space, there are our ever loving dogs, hoards of them!

They hunt in groups for their meagre food!  No body gives them, but the left overs and the rest thrown out as disposals.  Once the throwers ar gone, they  can go and eat freely.

It is here we go for vegetables.  It is as if there is no body to control any thing.  But there is order   The tables arranged in rows become the market in the evening of Tuesdays and Thursdays! The vendors bring all kinds of vegetables of the land and arrange them on the tables.  There will be water and water puddles and dark mud below making it difficult to walk for the buyers.  There is a way for that too. Where there is too much filth a table top is put there without the legs so that the buyers can walk overr them without soiling themselves too much. The dog squad kept a respectable distance as long as the market is bustling with people.

The starting of the market is also the bus stop and also the major inter section of the road! So there is always a lot of people criss crossing the area, This made the market a very viable option in that spot. The fruit sellers were hollering with their wares but the fright of calcium carbide which was reported to be used to ripen mangoes and other fruits drove away the reading public. But no harm, there is a lot of non-reading public who throng the place for all kinds of things from fruits, to vegetables to groceries.

Even stationery and dresses are sold side by side, which is a beauty of the little weekly market.  If a market is not permanent, it is called a weekly market as it will operate on certain days of the week only when the local public can refurbish their needs.  The tomatoe seller to the brinjal and onion sellers were all shouting their prices not to leave out the potatoe seller too.  The jack fruit cutter was their with his jack fruits cut out in pieces at a very high price. Once the tomatoe potatoe onion purchase is over, we can move to the chiken market followed by the fish market.

Fish has become dear now.  Earlier people mostly were vegetarians, not any more.! Due to movement in population, all kinds of food materials are sold regardless of their prices. We walked around to buy the minimum wares which would sustain us without becoming too much of unnecessary purchases which happens once we are in the market.  Many people buy because things are available in the market and their pockets allow them. But once home, they see they have purchased unnecessarily.  

The left out of this world poors, waiting among all this to beg for your mercy sit on the road sides thinking that some one will give them something.  Very rarely anybody gave them something, but some did. A few such coins a day made their day. 

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