Friday 4 January 2019

A reminder from Jesus!

A Reminder from Jesus!

We were told from old that the pain of being on the cross with his legs fastened on the bottom of the cross makes it difficult to breathe was only a phrase we heard but never felt. But when I fell into a canal uncovered due to lack of a cement slab over it brought the thought all over again and made me feel the truth of the matter.
I suffered badly but took it as a reminder from Jesus!

Falling into the canal due to lack of attention as my attention was somewhere else took only two seconds!  It took five minutes rest on the edge of the canal and help from others to get out of it. Luckily for me, as the rain is absent this period of the year, the canal was dry and my landing was clean and without dirt.  But the immediate reaction on my right foot was instantaneous and it started swelling. Also a feeling of tightness coupled with pain made it worse.  I tried to limp my way to a stadium nearby where a Bon Natale program was in progress.  Every step made it difficult to breathe as there was something catching in my lungs! A ligament inside my leg below the right knee pulled at every step I walked.  The swelling could be arrested when a bottle of chilled soda water was poured over it slowly for a time. But the breathing difficulty was there for quite some time.  If this is the breathing difficulty on a small little fall, how much more would it have been for poor Jesus when he was thrown over and over and ultimately pinned on the cross!  Compared to the suffering he underwent my suffering was just a reminder only!

A few days of extreme relaxation with plaster on leg made me thank Jesus for his tremendous consideration for us, for me!
What a great generosity! 

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