Monday 21 January 2019

Tim....tim...tom....tom of the TV set...!

Tim…. Tim….. tom of the TV set....!

I spent a long time in front of the TV set these days.  A broken leg will naturally put one in bed or at least in front of the TV.  Those who are dead against the TV programmes will escape any kind of tyranny of the TV.  Now, there I no tyranny by the TV set itself.  It is the programmes which are coming through the set.
Mostly, this will be news and other art programmes.  Alright, the programmes or news reports does not have any thing wrong in itself.  It is the ..tim..tim..tom…tom   between each piece of news or views.  Or between pieces of art programmes with a lot of noise which does not serve us any knowledge or information.  This is mostly for the channel organizers to make us remember their channel.  After listening to the tim…tim…tom…tom for a lot of times, the moment we hear the tim….tim…from far away place too, we will know it is ‘their’ channel or some one else’s channel.
This is like the old time advertisements which advertisements were only by the king or the authorities.  In those days, a drum was beaten every time before a piece of news or information or advertisement were either spoken out or read out.   The announcement of these types were in our recent past in which a huge drum was beaten for a while to make people assemble before the advertisement is read out.

Now after a time listening to this kind of tim…tim…tom…tom…one decides to switch of the equipment if not discard the programme altogether. One thing the TV programmes do to us is an inherent disinterest developing in us to read anything, if not extremely necessary.   But we can escape this difficulty by putting off the TV altogether. Once it is off, we will be able to think or act better.  This is because the interference from the TV can be stopped by switching them off.
Many a time, we find it difficult to put of this equipment even though this is very much under our control.  Psychologically, we are slowly losing our control to put it off.  But with a stringent decision we can put this off and escape the drudgery of the TV in our own homes. 

Let me switch off my TV now.!

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