Saturday 19 January 2019

The healing leg and a loose plaster!

The healing leg and a loose plaster!
The plaster was put for 45 days and now 21 days having passed it was feeling better.  This was a time of retreat and rest as nothing could be done once one is immobilised with pain and prescription for bed rest with the plastered leg on pillow. Of course there was the direction to keep moving the toes as otherwise they may go stiff due to non-movement.  From time to time I moved them and felt better but there was no walking which was a strict no no.!
All the same after a week or so into the hard  plaster, I started sitting up and slowly moving around with the help of a crutches.  A fairly good equipment in good quality aluminium with medical rubber handles it was a treat to be expected for in such a condition.  With that crutches it was nice to move around limping on one leg, holding on to it!  I heaved a sigh of relief.  The long hours on bed, turning from side to side, when the leg with the plaster weighed heavily on me and I had to put an extra effort to move it!  My leg felt like a ten kg weight is bound to it! 

As days passed by, the swelling on my leg started decreasing and I felt the leg loose inside the hard plaster.  The thing that would hurt most will be our being out of social circles and communication.  Even though all connections on phone, net and tv are there, talking to anyone of our choice or love give us a kind of happiness which moves the day faster.  But no, once one is bed ridden, and if you are an elderly person, one is for a night mare.  There is no one to talk to except one’s husband or wife.  Children are away mostly and the nephews and nieces are normally not there at all, if not for an occasion of celebration and the disabled in plaster is not expected to be there. 
It is where there is an adventurous friend or relative one is take out and into social circles.  Mostly it is thought of as an unnecessary disturbance to the recuperating in the social circles are middle or low income groups.  All the same, it is not all that bad, as with one reason or the other there could be a chance, a relative or friend came by!  Especially, those who have to be paid, may come for their payment. 

I had been ordered forty five days of plaster.  Had my break in the bone had been minimal, it should have been 21 days. But as I was not that lucky, the break was on the higher side and I got forty five days which was fast getting filled up.  As it is, I have another twenty days to go and presently I am feeling much much better from the initial plaster days. 
This experience have given me an insight into the lives of other people who are temporarily disabled but can improve their lives with a help for mobility and interaction with others, instead of spending too much time in bed.

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