Monday 28 January 2019

The Old Diary and the Old Thoughts!

The Old Diary and the Old Thoughts!

The old diary was still holding good.  The new diary no one wants to write, as these are kept off to write the new non-existent programmes date by date!  When they would have lived out the year concerned, then we feel free to write in them.  As in any case, they have lived out their time! Just as in life.  When life is there we all keep ourselves busy with hundred and one things and seldom find time to be good to one another and our dear dear ones and parents.

              Once life is about to ebb out we are all free to live a happy life and sadly comes the revelation that we are about to be no more.  Still, all of us knowing all that still keep busy.  Now, this diary of mine has seen ten very good years and has the handwriting of all of us in the family.  All the family mile stones are marked in it.   Like, addresses and phone numbers of friends and utility companies, children’s marriages, exact address of relatives who have not been visited for long, mu own emotional outbursts.  Also the telephone numbers of some people whom I felt are useful, numbers of taxi arrangers, cooking gas company to order for cooking gas at times, etc., etc.   The various hand-writings adorning its pages bring up nostalgia by themselves.

This hard bound leather jacket is still solidly strong but a little faded with time.  The brown leather cover has taken a darker hue with time. It was a bright reddish brown when new but has faded a little.   A golden  shank mark on the right top of the cover has also faded, like all gold ornaments which need a little polishing.
              The pages are lined with regular finely dotted lines reminding me of the old time childhood transcription copies.  Those copies had four lines, two red lines outside and two green or blue lines inside.  The rules was to write the cursive English words on the on the blue or green lines with the down tails and the up swinging part of the letters to touch the bottom and top outside red lines, respectively.  But there were no specific rules for the length of the lines connecting each letter.

In my little mind I found a way to bypass the monotony and crass feeling of continuous writing. What I did was to extend the tail of each letter as far as possible.   A word with four letters in it, I could fill this way.   For example, I wrote the word   ‘l     o      n      g’  with the long tails joining the letters.!  This way, I could fill a page with a few words.

              Even though, I wrote and so filled up my page, when the time came for our teacher to check the books and the books were being taken up one by one, a kind of anxiety gripped me!  I thought the teacher would look at it, make a long tick in red ink and put it on the other books he has already checked.  I waited with bated breath to see my teacher to pick up my book…One by one he started to pick up the books and it went on from time to time up to the sixth.  When he picked u the 7th book, the one with a newspaper cover, it was mine.  He opened it, looked at it, his eyes flowered up a little, he kept it on the table and slowly surveyed the class from one side to the other.  Then his fze came back to me and stopped on me.  He intently looked at me for a little while and slowly signalled me to come up. 

He was sitting on a raised podium and I walked up to him and climbed on the little stage.  He showed me the page I had filled up with my long long tailed letter words and told me with a mischievous smile:  ”You know how you wrote it..” He continued  “I know what you would have thought in your little mind.  To save time, but it is indented for you to write as many letters as possible, not as little as possible, ok?”  I very obediently said  “Yes Sir” and slowly walked down the stage with the book he had given back to me to write the page all over again!  

The saving grace was he did not tell the class what had happened and it saved me a lot of unwanted queries from my class fellows!

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