Saturday 26 December 2015

The random train riides..!


Travel is like a life journey. Every journey takes a part of your life.  It has its own joys too.  That is train journey in India. First of all the pain of departure.  With that it starts.  It is like death when you depart from a place.

But the joy is when you are about to arrive and actually arrive.  You feel the joy of child birth and seeing a new world.  In between there will be innumerable sights and happenings mostly without much to say about but at times very heartening.

Old days we purchased a ticket, a thick paper ticket with a few details of the Start and arrival stations and the ticket fare and distance and a long curvy line in colouur mostly red on which the counter officer put an initial on the blank side with the simple two letters viz., SR, WR or something like that, in which SR meant Southern Railway, WR meant Western Railway and another common print was SCR meaning South Central Railway.  This ticket in pocket one waited with bated breath to see the train reaching their station of departure and in came the huge steel giant spitting and spewing smoke and steam, the long arms of the large fly wheels pushing up and down with the chuck chuck sound and the blue dressed coal man with a hand ker chief on his head looking out of his engine window.  Sometimes steamy hot water will be coming from one of the tubes or shafts which children were always afraid of.

Once the engine passed the bogeys or compartments came to the platform area where in the travellers looked out and those who were to entrain looked in to see if they found their reserved coach. The there was the hustle and bustle of those alighting and those trying to board either by themselves or with the assistance of either relatives or a coolie who carried and helped them with their luggage.  The train pilot or engine driver got down and went to the local vegetarian or non-vegetarian food stall and so did most of the ticket examiners or other staff who were on long route duties.

By the time the people were all in and out, the coalman pushed coal and the engine driver pulled his string giving a 'boh..boh....whistle'  The sound and tenor of the engine changed and the long arms of the old 'James Watt' engine started pushing once again first slowly and then it picked up speed. Before starting of course there definitely were one or two bells..!  Those were the olden days.

Now the picture changed in the last forty years first to a diesel engine in which the coalmen disappeared and then came the electric engine in which the helpers too disappeared.  Now there are only engine drivers.  The bell too disappeared which used to ring before arrivel and before departure being replaced by mike announcements in three languages, viz.Hindi, English and the local language of State through which it is passing. The driver or examiners rarely got down at stations these days.  The trains arrived and after a short few minutes stop for alighting and entraining for passengers it started off.

We travelled from our Thrissur city to catch Chennai and now it is turn to travel back.  A few weeks after the rain and floods went in a jiffy and it is time again to leave our near and dear to catch up with our dear Thrissur which reminds of a compact life!

The Chennai station is always its ever inviting self with the beautiful platforms and the end of the trains coming till the numbered platforms.  The rush and din and bustle of the place is always there all the twenty four hours.  So many people will be resting, so many will be rushing about and in that station there is no day and night but inside there is only day.  Day in and day out trains came and departed.

Once inside every body guaged their co travellers to see if they are good to travel with.  If they are one, perhaps, struck up a conversation, if not, quietly took ones food, cleaned up and went to bed.  Almost always we travelled in a train to Thrissur by morning like the old London coaches. But times have changed there too, in which now there are trains leaving and reaching at un even and un-earthly times which people take in their stride.

I had travelled up with OV Vijayan in his book called 'Thalamurakal' which kept me company all through my stay in Chennai.  The ups and downs of the 'Tharavaadu' mentioned there is more or less the story of many 'tharavaadus' of Kerala in one form or the other.  OV was kind enough to jot them down for posterity which one is able to read and ruminate.  The Velappan of the story will really give a nudge to any one who had anybody connected with the erstwhile force called 'M.S.P. of Kerala.  The inscription on the belt reading "Yudhivikrama" will touch hearts about the impartial 'Police man' from a virgin police force which perhaps, is not there now.

The various characters appearing in the story and their times are all fit to move any lover of literature and reading in Malayalam language.  When one travels with the Great Grand Parents, Parents, Son and Son's family time flies and the stay time passed in a jiffy.  Towards the end of the stay, the book ends making me take a sigh of back thoughts and angst and I move on to the next book in hand by the famous writer of Kerala 'Madhavikutty' in her book 'Neermaathalam Pootha Kaalam'.

To continue

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Reading books - 'Thalamurakal'

Travelled with OV Vijayan in his Thalamurakal (The generations). Ponmudi Tharavaadu is somewhere in Palaghat as introduced by the author. Went with him to see the story of the 'before the freedom' times of Palghat in Kerala. The tharavadu (the clan headuarters) was slowly coming to its end days as the book which came from the public library.

The letters danced from page to page but the pages themselves were tattered and were coming of from their bindings as the pillars of the great 'tharavadu' called 'Ponmudi'. Reading through the pages, my own old recollections of Palghat came up. The road leading to Palghat from Thrissur was full of cycas scent as it was the flowering time of the cycas plants which abound the large compounds on either side of the road. The rest of the places were paddy fields adorned with rows of huge 'Yakshi' palm trees. A huge bright moon lighted up the road and looked at the red bus we were travelling in!

As the bus sped on the moon seemed to travel with the bus. Some where along with way, among the various village houses and house clusters there was the 'Ponmudi' tharavadu, Vijayan was introducing. Palghat was a rich district full of greenery, forests and a simple loving people. There would have been ups and downs of generations there, no doubt, which is so cleverly introduced in the book.

The bus I was travelling ultimately stopped at the Corporation Bus stand which was only a place called the bus stand. Once the bus stopped my brother with whom I was going took me to our stay at the drivers' stay behind the bus stand. It was a small hutment with a number of small rooms a number of toilets and bath rooms at one side. Our aim of sleeping there for the night to go in the morning to the near by Victoria College for a Railway Test was the eason we were there. Few drivers who ended their trip there were the only occupants, all in transit! We simply slipped into sleep after the tedious journey, of course, a pleasant one in a summer evening, to get up refreshed in the morning to the chirping of birds.

We made it to the exam hall in time and after the exam we took a tour to the nearby forest area where brother said he used to know some of the forest villages. The thrilling journey by foot to the jungle areas soon turned out to he a desparate one as we lost the way in the thick jungles and were fumbling for the correct way in the thick green foliage which did not allow sun light to come in even at three o' clock of the day. Brother said, we seems to have lost our way and shall return back fast as sun light will not last long and when the evening settled down it will be difficult to get out of the jungle. We returned and walked fast with awe as various birds were making their sounds from all around. Luckily no wild animals came our way. A walk of about two hours brought us back to the outside village and we easily took our way back from there. However, we could never, find out the village, my brother was up to and wanted to show me.

Back to Vijayan, his expert ways of story telling enthrals the reader in the ways he relates the story of the thravadu (which seems to be a soliloquie of his generations before and after him). One can get a whif of the old Palghat and also the travels of the boy called Chandran, who later becomes a 'Newspaper man' (Journalist)! He isthe generally relating the story from the point of view of an athiest, at times, with kindness, and at times some what relating the irony of things or the way ups and downs occured in the 'Tharavadu' ..!

The book became a good read in my travels to Chennai after the floods. The flood waters had receded and we could travel without any difficulty as we were heading towards south Chennai which was less affected compared to the main Chennai ..! But tell tale signs of receding water was every where to be seen.

The two books I carried as an after thought was 'Thalamurakal' by Vijayan and 'Neermathalam Pootha Kaalam' by Madhavikutty. Both were saying the stories of their respective generations in one way or the other. First has to fifnish 'Thalamurakal' before starting 'Neermathalam Pootha Kaalam' ..! Both are worth reading and having a glimpse into the past generations of both the authors and through them to the general ways of old Kerala and its people.

I am sure, those of whom, read the books would have enjoyed those best sellers of their times, through and through.

Sunday 20 December 2015

The Palli Perunnal

The boy was jubilant. Today is the palli peruunnal! He has to go to the church with his brother.  The house was done up a few days ago with a general cleaning and white washing duly done.  A huge bunch of little bananas were got and hung on the attic by father.  The day before fish and chicken had come which will be delicacies on the perunnal day for all in the family and guests who may visit the little house!

Perunnal is celebrated in the church which is also done up every year before the perunnal.  The boy was not much concerned about the doing up of the church.  In fact, none of the poor families were much concerned about such things.  The church had enough and more rich people to take care of such serious matters.

The poor were left to fend for themselves in an evolving world which was fast changing. Children were only to enjoy the celebrations, especially the cutie shops and plays and games which will come around the church at every festival.  There will be a lot of shops selling eatables and fruits.  The ubiquitous blue canes and oranges coupled with the arabian dates were a sure hit with children and the parents accompanying them mostly purchased them for the children.  The smell of orange skin filled the air! The toy shops and goodie goodie shops were every were!  The moving balloon walas were found every where!  Those balloons lent colour to children's dreams.  The balloon whistle was a hit with any child of the time.  Without a couple of them in the hands of the children the perunnal is not a perunnal at all !  After blowing air into the balloon from the end of the hollow whistle part when the balloon is filled the filling end is simply released.  The returning or escaping air will make a long 'peeaayeee' sound which was the general sound of the perunnal.

Then there is the death well, in which a motor cyclist will drive up in circles and when he increases speed will come up to the extreme upper crest of the well and challenged the spectators to ride with him!  No body, of course, ever accepted his challenge as all were busy praying for the safety of the rider only and wanted him to end his ordeal which he showed as if it is child's play!  Once he decreased speed and slowly settled down at the bottom of the well with a girl who seemed to be very beautiful with her red red coloured lips and all, all above watching them heaved a sigh of relief.  No body every complained about the money they paid for the ticket, but murmured among themselves " why these poor things have to do all this"  People could never understand why someone had to take such risks to thrill and please others ..!

Then there was the important item of going and paying obeisance at the 'punnialan's' presence and pray to him.  Here the punnialan was an angel. Arch angel, St. Raphael from the book of Tobit. The boy believed the stories and had great belief in the deity.  He prayed to the deity daily and the deity always granted his wishes!  One of his wish and prayer was to have some little prizes to be purchased at the perunnal.  The money for the same was hard to come by. He prayed for the same fervently to the Angel and set out with his brother to the church.

Near the church lived his uncle.  Every perunnal it was custom to visit the uncle at his house cum urvedic medical shop and the boys repeated it this time too.The boy prayed to the angel that the uncle should be there when they visited. If the uncle is not there going there was not much of a point as auntie will be serving them special recepies and tea, that is all.  But not like that with uncle.  And this time when they reached the uncle was at his shop ready for church and smiling at them!

The boys felt happy and elated.  He said to the boys : "Going to perunnal?  Good, go and have the special recepies from auntie and before you proceed come here and tell me, don't you have to put offering at the church?"  The boys said in union "Yes" and the uncle pulled open his table drawer and took two 'tow ana' coins and gave one each to the two boys who were overjoyed and elated!  They their found it difficult to gulp down the recipies kept before them before them by their auntie as they were anxious to run to the church. 

The church was agog and loud with the band group blowing all their equipments and drumming in different tunes as the main mass was over and the whole area was filled with people from all places.  The boys after enjoying the band for a little while proceeded out to spend their two anas to good purpose and enjoyment among the little shops and goodie goodie shops..!

They did not understand the importance of putting an offering at that point of time but fully understood the need of the two anas for buying their little toys and other little amusements!

The festival is organized every October and people of far and near took turns to come and pay obeisance to the Angel who is believed to give them their wishes ! The festival went on for two days people thronging the place day and night and all the sale and shows went about continuously for forty eight hours on the days of twenty third and twenty fourth of the month and then continued with a lesser vigour after that till the 'ettamidom' which is the eighth day after the festival proper when a small scale programme is held for those who have missed the main festival days!

Wednesday 16 December 2015

The Blood Test

No problem with the blood. But it has to be tested.  It is the Doctor's requirement as he has to prescribe medicines to increase human life. The simplest form of test won't allow you to eat for 12 hours, then you have to eat and wait for two hours!

The man who sucks your blood will look into your blood and give a computer write up.  The blood has undergone various changes from childhood till now when one is above sixty. The anxiety ridden times of childhood full of awe and wonders of the world presented around, coupled with the extreme desire for food which was scant to come by.

Then the continuous running to school after school where one's hunger for food and knowledge is quenched in part and left vacant in part. The words learned stood in good stead and the king found the youth fit for daily food!  The packets changed from time to time where he would have eaten whatever he got and lately the doctors started intervening.  "You can't eat all that"  they said!

So eating as he wanted was stopped and started eating as the doctor wanted and now his blood is going for test again as had been done several times earlier.

Testing is alright! It is the fasting and not being allowed to take a cup of tea in the morning or breakfast which is the greatest interference! Then the anxiety of the result, just like the result of any examinations!

Once the billing is over I am asked to sit in a chair to suck blood.  The Lady Technician  pushed the needle and sucked enough blood   to check all variations in the blood and left me to take food and come back after two hours. I ate hungrily and had my tea which I had brought from home which was really a big  solace!  Went along site seeing the hospital which had been recently flooded in the Velachery area of Chennai.  The water had come up two and a half feet, I was told, which has now receded!

After two hours one more suction from the blood vein and I am through.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Where is my pen?

He had given me a pen. My father.  He was a visionary!  He sent me to school.  The school was away from home.  Five miles.  I stayed at the school.  That was the style.  As a child, ten years old I wanted to go home and see my father and mother, brothers and sisters.  But that is not the school style.  As the school was providing all facilities and as I did not have all facilities at home, my want to meet my other family members was not severe.  But the yearning was there and it lingered!

Then one day, father came to see me.  He was happy.  In his white shirt and dhoti with his white muslin 'neriathu' (the whilte shawl type cloth used in olden days by elderly people in Kerala)  around his neck he was elegant. Father and son met!  He was a tall well built guy with a kind look.  He stood close to me and touched my hair and asked are you well.  When I said 'yes' he said "I have brought a present for you!"  My eyes were wide with surprise and happiness. Then he brought it out:  An ink pen in brown colour.  It was a great pen.  The clip on the cap had the inscription "President".  He said "This is your weapon. Use it to make a life!"

Many years later, when things had changed a lot, I wanted to write, when writing is almost vanishing!  Now in a normal day, I only punch the keys or the seeds on my lappie, saying this is easier.  The old time ink pen!  Whenever it is referred I looked at it sadly and said "it is a lot cumbersome!" But that was costly as all other throw aways!  Then came a Tamilian Inventor called GD Naidu who was heard saying "Wonderman, GD Naidu, anything for twenty five paise"  In his wide range of products one was the ball point pen.  People naturally loved it!

Then came the talk of computers, then the computers, then the lap tops and now the net books for the old and the android phones for the youth!  And now I want to write!

My inspirations came from the renowned writers, OV Vijayan and Madhavikutty, both carrying me through phases of life!  Both are no more, but have left their legacies for the posterity to scoop up.  Great visionaries, great scholars and great admirers of life!  They looked at life from beyond life and still enjoyed life on this earth, allowing others to look and introspect themselves and lift them to a higher level of life!

That is when I wanted to pick up my pen once again!  I had lost my Dad given pen long back.  The ink pens normally made of plastic would start leaking at the neck  after a time. Many times we used it with a little application of soap or oil at the neck.  But after a time, it won't stop leaking.  Like human life the ink will start flowing out wetting your fingers in its blue tinge which will taint your dress! That is when they are slowly kept away and forgotten like, sadly, like old people!

(to continue)

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Our globe..!

At the edge of destruction we have our globe
Tired and maligned with the dirt produced by all
Never to complain, never to say why!
Always speaking to its children to do the
needful without delay..!

Monday 12 October 2015

The Steel Food Vessel (The Steel Chottupathram)

The Steel Rice Vessel (The Steel Chottupathram)!

The food vessel I carried to College was a steel vessel with a holding handle fitted on either side of the vessel. In the morning I carried the food only if it was ready by the time the bus was leaving. And that day it was ready. The little steel vessel with an outer lid on the top.  I moved to the bus stop with the vessel.

The Madras Eentha stood at the tripple road joint and people waiting for the line bus assembled in the shadow of that tree .  The tree brought forth sweet long  fruits which fell down from time to time. 

Two buses passed under it.  One is the red 'Sreeramachandra' coming from Thrikkur and the other one is the EBT (Buses in Kerala were named with letters denoting some names or family names and ending with the world T-denoting Transport). Nobodsy knew what EBT stood for but the it was a long bus with a lot of seats.

EBT came from a place called Puthur and the Sreeramachandra came from Thrikkur.  That day, EBT came first and I got in with my books and the chottupathram.  A seat was available as soon as I entered and I sank into it without a second thought.  It is a beautiful journey on a side seat when the people are less in the bus.  Just sit along and watch the houses, shops and temples and churches on the way.  At times the road is wet due to rain, the flowers on the hedges are beautiful and the huge embossing houses or little palaces of the rich are good to see!

The EBT is green in colour compared to the total red of the Sreeramachandra.  But inside colour is always light green with green seats which are very comfortable on a wooden floor.  This day, I got the EBT and that too with an empty seat which really was a great thing to expect on a normal college day.  Once I settled in the seat, I kept the book bundle on my lap and put the chottupathram under the seat so that my hands are free!

Enjoying the sights on the way, saeeing the passing cars, buses and trucks I got down at the Thrissur Municipal Bus Stand near the King's statue.  The Municipal office in those days was a huge building with a tower with a clock and this clock sent out a siren at 8 o' clock, 1 o' clock, 6 o' clock etc.  We did not know why this siren was being sent out !  Once I got down the bus moved off for its next trip.  I walked with my bundle of books to the college towards the East Fort.  In my mind was the periods and the subject which are to be covered in the morning session.  Once in college, time passes quickly and it becomes lunch time.  That is when I had the surprise..!  My lunch vessel (chottupathram) is not to be seen.  I wanted to search the vessel and thought back.  I could reach back to my vessel being put at the bottom of my seat in the bus..! This meant, if my memory is correct I have forgotten to take the chottupathram while getting down from the bus at the city centre municipal bus stand. Oh...that is bad. 

I had two options. To lose the vessel altogether and simply to go and visit the library which used to be my abode during lunch recess when I had not food carried to college.  The old Malayala Manorama Weeklies carefully made into bunches and bound was good to go through for light reading.  The 'Bobanum Moliyum” cartoon was always special and the jokes pages were a treat.  The smell of the old books carried one to many many years in the past all the while improving and increasing once general knowledge about the state and the world!

The second option is to take the chance and revisit the bus when it comes to the municipal stand again.  I took the second chance.  The bus usually took a trip to a place called Thiroor on the north and then reached back and went to Thrikkoor on the south east and repeated the process.  I calculated that after the second trip it should be around time that the bus came back to the municiapal bus stand.  I walked fast crossing the Civil Hospital and the 'Poorapparambu' (The ceremonial pooram festival ground)!  As I was walking into the municipal bus stand I could see the green EBT coming from near the 'Jos Theatre', one of the oldest theatres of the place.  The bus slowly took a left turn to the bus stand and was going to stop near the King's statue.  I walked fast and reached the bus!

I was anxious if I can get the vessel back at all.  I had forgotten the vessel in the running bus and so many people get in and get out.  It is not for the conductor to see all of them but still if no one has touched the vessel from where I have put it, then there is a chance..!   The bus was empty when I reached it and the conductor was looking at me from his seat.  I went in and looked at the place under the seat where I was sitting in the moring and found the place clean.  The lunch vessel was not there.  I turned towards the conductor: “Have you seen a lunch vessel in the moring?”  His smile reassured me that all was not lost.  He pointed to the driver and said “Look under the Driver's seat”.  As I looked on I could find the vessel still standing up straight and shivering under the deep beat of the bus engine! 

I thanked the Conductor and Driver and collected the vessel happily.  The Conducter said: “We found the vessel after you left in our routine check after each trip. But by the time we got it you had left.  Don't worry.  No body loses anything in this bus. Once you come on our bus, you and your properties are always safe..!”  I rturned to college and had a great lunch that day, the home made food with fried fish for side dish.

Those were the times, friends, most of it are gone now.  The nostalgia is still there!

Thursday 8 October 2015

Getting down at New Delhi Station forty years ago!

     It was evening! The train was to reach around 4 pm which was getting late in a February and ultimately it crawled into the station by 7 pm.  It had become dark and cold has set in along with the darkness.  Lights were on and a lot of people coming and going and those helping them were on the platforms. The speciality of any platform is that no body cares any body else other than oneself as all are in a hurry to reach their destinations. 

My co-travellers had been patient till the train reached New Delhi station but once it stoppled all of them quickly vanished into thin air or that fast they were all gone. Some had people waiting for them, some knew the place and others were the train operators.  I did not know the place, did not know any one and was not used to the cold of February evening.  That day it was more.!  I felt like vomiting.  My little thin sweater was no match for the evening as I was coming from a warmer climate in the south!

I waited for a while near a tube light pole to regain my composure and once felt better ..! Then I walked on with my brown leather suit case with the folded umbrella squeezed into the belt of the box which instantly gave me away as an outsider. The autorikshaw fellow spotted me as I came out to the front side of the station and simply came up and took my suitcase and walked up saying "Mere sath aao!" (Come with me).

Once he fixed me in his old and dilapidated autorikshaw he asked: "Kaham jana hai?" (Where do you want to go?).  I replied "Karolbagh".  I had learned that Karol bagh is a place four kilometres away from the station and one could get a day's stay there in any  small guest house! The auto-rikshaw who looked deceptive and in shabby clothes said:  "Oh.....this journey has to be completed in two auto-rikshaws,  I will take you half the way and the rest another auto-rikshaw will take you ..!  I became uneasy at these words  as I was surprised at the words of this sleaky guy and told him: "Can you take me to the "Madras Hotel" across the road?"  He agreed and took to the hotel across the road opposite the Station! As soon as it reached the hotel, I jumped out with me suit case and went in.

I simply settled at a desk and ordered for a cup of warm tea .  They youngster who came to take order seemed to be a guy from the south of India and I enquired of him if he can handle Hindi well.  He said: What do you want in Hindi?"  I told him "Just go to the front side and there is an autorikshaw fellow waiting.  Tell him I do not need his auto! "  He said, that is simple and went out and disposed off the guy in a few seconds!

Once he was gone I took a deep sigh of relief.  I felt better with the warmth insiide the hotel and wiith the help of the youngster took a room on rent just next door where there were plenty of guest houses with rooms at reasonable rates in Pahar ganj as it was called in those days!

The Thrissur Town & Public Library..

The  Thrissur Town:

Starting to the Temple of Learning in Thrissur, the Thrissur Public Library, I took the line bus and got down at the 'Binny' bus stop.  There is no reason why it is called Binny but a shop or so in that name selling clothes.  The bus stop was earlier at the Cinema  called 'Ramavarma' which has later on changed to 'Sapna'.  Walking on towards the next cut road  reached the King's Park where the bronze statue of the King stood!

The king stood facing south. Now there is no doubt about it.  He is declared to be the King of Cochin! An empossing figure in dark bronze!  He stood in a free space on the northern part of the great maidan.  He is still there on the same pedestal, but now he has been squeezed with a few walls behind and a lot of unnecessary constructions which many people thought necessary to beautify the whole place.  One side is a bus stop where many buses stop.  The place always buzzled with people getting down from buses or climbing into buses.  Some people kept waiting for the buses which made the place a busy one.  The increase in the number of automobiles also added to the huzzle and buzzle of the place.  Vewry few people went into the little park surrounding the King's statue.  Or none went in, perhaps.  The place had a lot of muddy water and wet ground due to the intermittant rains.  A man near by guffawed and thoughtlessly spat into the park.  Many of the people around never gave a thought  of the reverence of the place.    Many people in the town generally spat from time to time! The King was calm and serene!

He looked as if he is a live King.  He stood without looking left or to the right.  He continuously looked to the south where Cochin is. And he is the King of Cochin, nay, He was the King of Cochin.  Only those on the west can spit to the park.  I never liked people spitting! It should be lack of awareness all along! For any healthy man or woman there is no need of spitting.  Unless they are eating or chewing paan or the calcium and beatel leaf combination,  which is eaten in may places.

The park has more names now under and about the Kings Statue.  Thwy proclaimed the names of the people representatives and those dignitaries who had been there when the beautification was inaugurated. 

The Library is close by a furlong.  Library is having election!  Library is run by an elected body!   It carries a lot of books all very useful books!  But the day to day running money for the Library from the Government has to be released by another set of people in some apex organization. Which came  out rarely making the readers pay for the services they obtain at the Library.  This is surprising in a State with hundred percent literacy.  But every thing works here! The Staff and officials work in meagre payments but  take a lot of interest in the day to day running of the Library making it feasible with the limited resources ..! 

The multitude of Thrissur never thought of reading, as much of a thing.  Those who visited the town centre  are all busy either getting their thing done, or working for a daily living.  The permanent are mostly traders and shop keepers who have a hundred and one thing up their heads keeping the reigns of their businesses..!
Starting to the Temple of Learning in Thrissur, the Thrissur Public Library, I took the line bus and got down at the 'Binny' bus stop.  There is no reason why it is called Binny but a shop or so in that name selling clothes.  The bus stop was earlier at the Cinema  called 'Ramavarma' which has later on changed to 'Sapna'.  Walking on towards the next cut road  reached the King's Park where the bronze statue of the King stood!

The king stood facing south. Now there is no doubt about it.  He is declared to be the King of Cochin! An embossing figure in dark bronze!  He stood in a free space on the northern part of the great maidan.  He is still there on the same pedestal, but now he has been squeezed with a few walls behind and a lot of unnecessary constructions which many people thought necessary to beautify the whole place.  One side is a bus stop where many buses stop.  The place always buzzled with people getting down from buses or climbing into buses.  Some people kept waiting for the buses which made the place a busy one.  The increase in the number of automobiles also added to the huzzle and buzzle of the place.  Vewry few people went into the little park surrounding the King's statue.  Or none went in, perhaps.  The place had a lot of muddy water and wet ground due to the intermittant rains.  A man near by guffawed and thoughtlessly spat into the park.  Many of the people around never gave a thought  of the reverence of the place.    Many people in the town generally spat from time to time! The King was calm and serene!

He looked as if he is a live King.  He stood without looking left or to the right.  He continuously looked to the south where Cochin is. And he is the King of Cochin, nay, He was the King of Cochin.  Only those on the west can spit to the park.  I never liked people spitting! It should be lack of awareness all along! For any healthy man or woman there is no need of spitting.  Unless they are eating or chewing paan or the calcium and betel leaf combination,  which is eaten in may places.

The park has more names now under and about the Kings Statue.  They proclaimed the names of the people representatives and those dignitaries who had been there when the beautification was inaugurated. 

The Library is close by a furlong.  Library is having election!  Library is run by an elected body!   It carries a lot of books, all very useful ones!  But the day to day running money for the Library from the Government has to be released by another set of people in some apex organization. Which came  out rarely making the readers pay for the services they obtain at the Library.  This is surprising in a State with hundred percent literacy.  But every thing works here! The Staff and officials work in meagre payments but  take a lot of interest in the day to day running of the Library making it feasible with the limited resources ..! 

The multitude of Thrissur rarely thought of reading, as much of a thing.  Most of the people were keen on newspapers only.    Those who visited the town centre  are all busy either getting their thing done, or working for a daily living.  The permanent are mostly traders and shop keepers who have a hundred and one thing up their heads keeping the reigns of their businesses..!

Old Thrissur had more reading public. The new Thrissur has taken on the developments in automobiles and constructions coupled with the media explosions delivering all gadgets including smart phones and HD Televisions making reading time rare.  The great library stood as a mute spectator to the whole drama enacted around it every day.  The King was a companion to the Library...!

Monday 7 September 2015

A Mother's Hope!

Father was convalescing! He was enterprising! Had gone to the forests to survey and bid for trees and also look for land near there..!  But alas, at the first instance itself he was taken by the allergy caused by a tree called "Cheru".  The allergy of 'cheru' starts with severe attack on the skins and connected fever and body pain etc.  He was down and was getting back after ayurvedic treatment for a month by the family Ayurvedic physician, who brought him back in a month.
The household silver were all out by this time!

We seven children and the convalescing father and the strong mother, like all mothers of old Kerala, got together one evening to see if we can survive.  It was holiday time from school.  The meeting brought up the great idea making use of the 'venneer' (ashes from buring dry leaves) which can be sold for money (very little money, indeed)!

Father was weak, but he won't sit idle.  Straight away he started sweeping under the abundant and thick bamboo clusters with a broom he made himself!  We were over joyed to collect the dry leaves in huge baskets and bring to one spot to make a huge maund! In between there was a huge snake which father said would go away by itself! We believed him.  The cobra looked at all of us for a while, put its head down and slowly went into the bamboo cluster.  Father turned to us all and said:  "You all saw where the large snake has gone to take rest.  So, don't go near there and disturb it!"

By the evening, we all stood around the huge maund of dry bamboo leaves which made a sort of camp fire.  Once the fire was over father disbursed the crack team to rest for the day informing us that the ash can be collected next day morning only, after it cools, for which we have to give the night.

Mother called us in with the command to bring ripe jack-fruit tree leaves, only ripe ones for having our kanji (rice porridge)which was ready by then.  We were told not to pluck green leaves (and make a short cut, instead of collecting the ripe leaves) as this would bring great poverty and we will not get to anything to eat, suggesting famine in the land..!  (Even though this would have been a great "Green Peace" advice of that times sixty years ago, we as children laughed a lot of that suggestion saying "Who can be poorer than us.....?!!")

Once we took it to Mother.  She said, "We are not poor, we lack riches, but we are Rich in our homely love and we stay together! How so ever money you earn, that does not make you rich, unless you stay together in love"!

The next day we took small bagfuls of the ash to a house half kilometre away where a grand old lady supervised the measurement of the same in a tin and counted out the money.  She was a very kind women and very rich owning a lot of cultivable land and paddy fields. We as small children never thought that people can have that much of land and richess. She was always very well dressed and came out at the first door bell.  She had a benign look all the time as if we are doing her a favour.  Every tin was around fifty naya paise or so.  If a tin was slightly incomplete she considered that too a full tin and paid us.  We sometimes mentioned it to her that the last tin was not full.  She dismissed it with a wave of her hand and a smile saying : "That doesn't matter.  It was almost a tin and that is good enough".  I thought she was an angel.

We walked back with whatever little money we got for this trade and it was Little fish and little water animal which we called 'njounikka' was plenty in the water and we caught the njounikkas to be boiled and their flesh taken out when we reach home.  There were plenty of frogs and froglings too which we despised.  Every once in a while there will be a 'neerkoli' a kind of water snake swishing past ..!  Most of them are lost now.  The paddy fields became housing plots!  The water animals and fish lost their lives too, some due to loss of paddy fields and some due to excessive use of detergents and pesticides!

We brought the money home and were given the 'thotti' (kind of wicker basket, made out of bambu lines which were used widely to carry household items from shops) to go and buy the everyday things needed and which would come under the money for the day!  We happily went and got them and if there is any little loose change we purchased sweets (small orange sweets, which we called orange mittaayi).  At home the seven children and the parents sat down for a hearty meal at lunch and dinner as if it was a feast and savored a great meal every time!  We knew the value of money and labour!

Slowly, father regained his health and was becoming the 'he man' that he once was!  One day he told mom: "Get me my dress well ironed, I want to go to the market"  Mom objected: "Not yet, you still have to recover"! Father replied: "I know it is time that I moved! I have to find something for these little birds and make them able to fly.  I really feel better now!"

Next day he went to the market.  He never said he is going to work.  He always said 'going to the market'  In the evening he came back with a bundle made out of his second cloth, which is a kerala towel in which he had rice and groceries and held a beautiful fish in one hand which was pretty large to make the neighbours jealous!

At the night meal he spoke to us and pondered and deliberated about a future course of action!  He said the first easy, but he could make it as he was resolved to find some thing.  He said he had to do odd jobs to earn as much for what ever he brought and said until he found something better, he would have to continue with it and the firm resolve that he will not rest until something better is found and will support us.   His only request was that we concentrate on our studies and not worry of household things which he said he would provide by all means and that he did!

One day father came home early with groceries and rice and declared "Tomorrow onwards I am going to take up a new job!   A friend of mine is brokering the sale of wood and he has offered to help me out to do the same business"!  That was a new beginning for father and a new beginning for all of us too, who started to school in strict earnest! Life was once again back to normal..!

After the great meal of the evening, we all relaxed and mother told stories at bed time. Of course, first thing in the evening is always our prayer, the family prayer which lasted forty five minutes or more which if left to us children, we drove at a hectic speed!  But mother never allowed us to over-speed and made us go at a slow pace!

Then was the great meal which kept us going those days!  Since it was the only meal of the day, it always tasted great and we all thought it to be a feast!  Then we all spoke on different subjects, sometimes read stories from books bought or brought from the nearby libraries etc. Then was bed time, when mother told us stories from her repository!  The story always had the ending that "my son, like the hero of the story, you will bring us the best times when you cross the seven seas and bring riches where after we will have no dearth of anything and there shall no more be any scarcity!

Her great hope and expectation prodded me in my pursuits and ambitions in life! That is a great expectation which prods me on even now..!

Monday 13 July 2015

Our journey to Andaman Nicobar by Merchant Vessel MV Nancowry

This is an old story coming to mind about our travel to see the Andaman Nicobar Islands.  We travelled out to Madras from Delhi and on arrival there took our tickets for the ship travelling to Andaman Nicobar in the Merchand Vessel Nancowry (so it was called).

The Madras Harbour where we went to board the ship was busy as is usual there and our ship was in the dock filling up wherewithal for the travel anc huge loads of goods which were to be transported to the far off land.

For us, it was a great sight to see so many ships docked and being loaded.  Our ship was only one among the many ship, many of them much bigger and fully loaded.  Some ships were off loading goods.  We were instructed to carefully climb a gangway (a long stair way hooked to the ship) with our luggage.  My wife and with our two little children laboriously but with excitement climbed the stairs and reached the ship's upper deck  and walked into red carpeted hall like area where various directions were being given.  As per direction we walked down into a hall down below where our tickets were checked again and were guided to a deluxe suite in the upper columns of the ship.

The suite is actually a room with two air tight windows on the front side through which we can see the extreme front end of the ship with a long mast or pole.  The sea water  kept on coming as a spray from the front side from time to time but never reached our room windows as our windows were very much up.

The opposite side of the windowswas a door through which we entered the room.  On the one side was an almirah cum wardrobe and on the other a neat rest room, clean and tidy.  The beds were neat and clean too with smell of an inviting perfume hanging over them from the room freshner.  We settled down and before long tea was brought in pots with cups and saucers!  Once we settled down we had a good cup of tea wof the we came out as directed by our guides, the executives of the 'Nancowry" to see around the ship and acclimatise ourselves of our new home for the next three days on our outward journey to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands through the Bay of Bengal cum Indian Ocean!

The ship had as much as I remember, four decks, a First Class below our suites, a second class below that and a third class still below with cots and chairs for each traveller along with a bucket for those who have asked for them.  We were curious about the buckets as food was to be served in the canteen and wash was with a shower, then why a bucket?  My guide friend who was the Manager cum Finance Man of the ship cleared my doubt "They are for those who want to vomit!"  "Vomit?" I blurted out. "Yes, vomit,  Many people vomit once the ship start out."

The red carpeted floors were beautiful and there were people walking all over, clearing doubts, going to their respective beds to keep their things etc.  There was a small library which was a thrill to the children.  It held a lot of good books and children's books and was operated by one of the Ship's executives from time to time.  A nice cafeteria was there with television giving out movies from time to time while the travellers chose to visit the cafeteria.  Once food time was over the place functioned asa lounge with the movies on.  But sitting there for long was not found very conducive for elderly as the deep beat of the engine below nauseated those being there for long.

We walked around and climbed to the uppermost deck to see the place around!  It had a small swimming pool and sitting areas and those who wanted to go to the front-most area could see the extreme front of the ship with a flag pole!   Ships crew were very friendly and we enjoyed being there.

Now the final announcement were being played informing us that the ship is about to move out and the gang way was being taken off.   A small boat came behind the ship and started pulling the huge ship from the dock which is like a vehicle being pulled out of a small road into a large road.   That exdrcise took an hours time and the ship was now in the open sea with water only all around!  It made a couple of whistles and now the deep beats started.  That was moving out into the large open sea of Indian Ocean.

We started off with a slow speed which slowly increased and the ship started to sway back and forth with a great spray of sea water coming over to those standing outside near the front side!It is surprising to any one travelling for the first time, that such a huge ship with more than Thousand Two hundred people and a huge load of cargo being tossed by the great sea!  The water around was greenish dark and many of us told among ourselves that the place where we are going to visit is called 'Kala Paani' meaning 'black water'.  This proved true when we reached there as the water from a distance there, always looked black.

The Canteen Manager was a friendly face and good food especially mutton biriyani, a speciality, was always available apart from tea, coffee etc,  One enjoyable aspect was all the officials of the ship were very friendly and cordial.

From time to time, I left the cosy environs of our room to walk around the ship and to see the sea and the way it behaved generally.  The sea was calm always, the water dark green, and to long, long distances one only saw the sea only!  Very rarely we came across any other ship or boat and whenever they appeared they hooted from afar!  Time and again one could see the small flying fish just flipping across by coming out of the water and making a little flight of a few centimetres to disappear into the water again!  Apart from that there was the sea spray coming from the front side while the ship pushed through the waters.  The spray at times came to my face too and on just licking your lips you can taste the salt which I enjoyed!  The wind or breeze around the ship was always cool and salty.

One of the reasons I came out from time to time was my interest in catching an occasional smoke from the cigarettes I carried.  But the sea spray took away the taste of the smoke and I slowly lost interest in that injurious game. We visited the library from time to time, as my both children were very much enthused at the cartoon books and other story material it carried. Next stop was the carpeted canteen of the ship with its TV always giving one of the best movies in Hindi which children enjoyed.  Some how the beat of the engine below gave me early warnings of a vomiting sensation and on such occasions, I left the children to watch the movies and moved quickly to our wonderful deluxe room in the upper deck!At times, I went to the outer part of the ship to lick and enjoy the sea spray in the cool breeze!

Slowly it became dark and there was nothing further to see at night but to withdraw to one's room and spend time together praying, eating, drinking and doing small games with family which was a nice way to spending part of the time before sleeping!  We all got very good sleep through and the mornings were always refreshing!

We got to see the ship and the travelling public from time to time.  The middle deck, the deck below that and the lower deck all we could go  and see for fun sake. But the initial enthusiasm of going from deck to deck was short lived as people started vomiting into the buckets kept for the purpose. The putrid vomit made a smell, which if one is near it, made him vomit!  The lower most deck where we could go was below the water level and we could see the sea water splashing half way on its circular glass windows.  Since the glass fittings were air and water tight and of the required thickness, there was nothing to be worried about.

On the third day we reached an island called Nicobar or near it.  Here the ship anchored in the sea for a while !  A large boat came below and a gang way was put to the boat to which passengers slowly climbed down with their meager luggage precariously. That was a really frightening sight to city dwellers.  As if ever they missed their balance the sea below was the logical end of their fall.  Somehow, all the travellers seemed to know their way and climbed down in a matter of three hours and the gang way was lifted.  The boat travelled away towards the wooded island with its cargo of people and the ship hooting its siren a couple of times slowly started moving eastward towards the Andaman Island port called Port Blair!

Journey from Nicobar Islands

The ship hooted and moved away after the boat had move a long distance.  Again it was the black waters and little flying fish during the day. In the night, a look up will give a beautiful picture of the sky littered with innumerable stars  which delighted the hearts.  What a wonderful universe we live in. Endless number of  stars hanging in the sky shining all through!  The ancient mariners would have had a great time looking at them and making their charts. 
Next morning we were approaching dry land which could be seen as green patches from afar.  It came closer as the ship went in that direction.  Inside the ship all the travellers were tired out of three days and three nights continuous journey inside the ship, most of them worn out of vomiting and being in the smelly conditions in the middle and lower decks! Many could not eat due to the putrid smell and some were still vomiting even when the ship was slowing down!  But all were happy now that the journey was ending!   The last times small boat operation was going to take place. The ship cut down her engine and stood still, the small tug boat came and a rope from the ship was passed on to her and the little boat pulled the huge white ship into the dock where announcement started to tell every body that we have successful completed our journey and now to carefully get down through the gangway with red  carpet being lowered to the land.

The ship’s Captain and a few of the officials, all in impeccable white dress and cap were there!  The travelers thanked them for their wonderful work for bringing us ashore without harm and treating us with great food and conveniences, and occasional medicines when needed etc. The harbour was full of other ships, mostly cargo ships being filled with wood and wood articles which we were told were plenty in the Andamans.  When these cargo ships going out to other places came back, they brought  articles of daily use and groceries which filled the shops and merchant areas of Andamans.
Our arrival had been informed to the Guest House we had booked and they had sent a One Tonner to bring us from the harbour.  We got in with our luggage in the back.  Children were enthused to be out on land as they were really tired out of frequent vomiting and not being able to eat well.  I was the only one in the group who could narrowly escape the vomiting and this was attributed to my going outside on the deck and taking the spray on my face.  It is said the salty spray when one licked it subsided the feeling of vomiting.  I was surprised, but this was true as I did not have to vomit even once all through the trip.

The drive to the guest house was through hilarious and panoramic greeneries of the Island through beautiful roads slowly climbing up and climbing down from hill to hill and in a matter of one hour we reached a beautiful  guest house which was well furnished and kept very clean. While we were just reaching the portico there was a huge centipede in front of the vehicle which was much bigger than the one we see here in Madras (which they always called Mainland).  Since we were a bit panicked at the being, the driver, a youth consoled us saying that    “I shall get rid of it, don’ worry!”  He drove the one tonner ahead and a twist of the steering wheel and the centipede with its  horns and all went under the tyre and that was it.  He said such beings are common there and they are lethal if they pierced their horns on your legs or hands!  We all occupied our rooms and took bath and all lay exhausted on the beds for a while to rest!

A rain started before long. The driver had left saying that he will come back in the evening to take us to one of the officer’s houses who had invited us for dinner.  The greens have become wet by now in the rain, and a foggy hue covered the hills in a bluish white blanket  and the street lights seems to give less light in the rains and were far flung.  The driver came at dark and took us to the friend officers house through the winding roads again! At one place, he lost the road, he turned around from a joint as he understood the mistake and took us to the right place!  Had it not been for his skill to drive there, we would have been lost.!

The next day we started out to see the place around! We drove through the beautiful land scapes of Port Blair.  Went and say the Rose Island, Chhatham Saw Mill and on the way came in front of the Lt. Governor's office which we were enthused to go and see in a spur.  We met the Private Secretary to the Governor who informed us that the Governor is away on tour.  In one of the boat landing areas we went to touch the sea and were into the water searching for cowries, shunk and other oysters usually found there.  I had my nice cigarette lighter which suddenly slipped from my shirt pocket into the shallow water which was below my knee, but slightly muddy white in colour. How so ever, I fished for it, it could never be found again!  That ended my smoking pursuit in that tour.

The next day too, we started out in a rental van (Maruti Omni Vans were plenty there) which we had taken from a Tamilian entrepreneur.  The little van went smoothly on the winding road of the hills and valleys and reached us to the historic Cellular Jail which touched any body's heart who visited that place.  A three winged double  (or was it treble storeyed) storeyed yellow building which said the story of the cruel and pathetic punishments of the British times and the bravado and patriotism of the sufferers who were calm and pious even in front of the most pathetic sufferings inflicted upon them
including flogging and death...! We stood there in silence for a while as a mark of respect to the departed souls who made our day livable and honourable..!  On the way back to the guest house, the sky started to darken and it was late afternoon.

It started raining around five o' clock and it was a heavy down pour which we have not seen here in the Main Land.  It had a severity which surpassed the normal rain on the Main land.  As the down pour intensified, the water started flowing through the road side canals and rivulets and at places it crossed the road also.  We were nearing the air port to circle it around to go to a hill nearby on which our guest house was situated to wind up our days journey!  But one of the lowest part of the road became a little water cross through which a foot of water was crossing towards the low lying airportside!  Our driver a cautious Brother asked me : "Sir, would you like me to cross?" Since I have seen such water crossings before, and knew that no time is to be lost in such situations (other wise the intensity of water flow will increase) I said "Yes, let us cross!"  and he moved the van to the water to cross it.  Half way through the water, the engine went off!  This is dangerous! We can't affort to be there! I jumped out of the car and took my two little children back to the dry place from where we entered the water.

My little son started crying incessantly for no reason.  The over cast sky had stopped the heavy down pour now but the whole area was wet and the water crossings have already developed in low lying areas of the roads in several places. The driver said it would be best if we pushed the car back and in
no time my wife and I started pushing the car! The driver a great guy himself also came out and said
that he would also join the push as it would not be easy for only two of us, in experienced as we were.  The water has now swollen and the omni van started to slowly sway!  We said our prayers and pushed with all our might and the car was out of the water.   On the direction of the driver, we pushed it still further and brought it to upper ground where the water may not affect us.

Now how so ever the driver tried the car may not start!  He told us after opening whatever cables he knew of and said "Sir, the junction box has got wet. The only way is to call my Manager"  What he meant is that I call his manager.  Cell phones were unheard of in those days! I looked around and said,"Ya..I shall do so!"  There was no doing any thing at that time but to thank God for good life and pray to Him to send his angels or show us the next move.  I said in the affirmative only to show to my son that he may not restart his crying, which he stopped when we brought out the car to dry land! Since I was very hopeful they all became enthused!  My wife encouraged me to go to the next street corner which is visible from where we were standing and ask the little way side kiosk owner for help advising me that he may know some one.

It had become dark now and we five were the only human beings around and some one in the far seen kiosk shop.  I walked to the shop, my mind heavy as to what to do now, and clutching the visiting card of the Manager which he had given me when we started out in the morning!  At the shop, the elderly gentleman was closing it and despised me for coming to him at such time.  He slightly showed his displeasure by not attending to me for awhile and kept on packing his things for the day back to their places and crevices inside the shop.

Once he turned around I was telling him in English, Tamil and Malayalam and at times in Hindi that we are stranded and if he could give us some advice! He chided me saying "This is Andamans, one should wind up early:!" I said he is absolutely right but that I am stranded with my wife and two kids which, it seemed made an impression on him.  He asked: "What can I do?"  I said "Just advise me where can I find the nearest phone?"  It seemed my language with all kinds of broken stuff caught his attention on some part and he asked again "Sir, Malayaalee aano?" to which I answered in the affirmative.  Then he said "OK., you wait, let me see!"  He stooped down and went under a rack and pulled out a telephone..!!    That was held indeed!  My heart was filled with gratitude to that brother, when I found the phone had dial tone in it and in no time I was through to the Manager asking him to send another vehicle (as if I am in Delhi of those days).  The Manager pacified me "Don't worry and panic!  Be at ease!  A car is not that easy to come by here. But I shall send a mechanic, who will activate your car and your own driver is good to take you to the guest house"!

I thanked that Malayaalee brother profusely for which he said "If we could not do that much what are we for?"  I thanked him, paid him for the phone call and walked to the car to join my family and the driver.  We started talking to each other about the climate change, water transit on the roads and the
low lying areas confronted by the drivers everyday!  Before long a young guy appeared on a motoercycle and in fifteen minutes he got our car started.

Our driver said, "Sir now we cannot take the same route as that water crossing is very unsafe for the night! Water will be off only by morning.  So, if you agree I shall take a detour through two other hills and reach the guest house from the other side!" I readily agreed to his suggestion! He is the only one hope for the evening for us..!  He was truthful! after three hours of hard driving he reached us to the guest house, crossing or circling two other hills, just before mid night..!!

(to continue..)

Thursday 9 July 2015

Rains in Delhi..!

The times were the seventies when the rains poured out incessantly but the aftermath was not nothing problematic.  The great Yamuna in a matter of few hours carried the water which freely flowed through various fords and rivulets into major canals and finally to the Yamuna

Not any more that easily now. For the last two days the great rains in the morning hours had places in various localities water logged.  The unbriddled construction and hand in hand segregating of pieces of land with walls and bounds has obstructed the free flow of water.

When it comes to Noida, situation is better but still there could be places where new markets are built from old tenements, more and more divisions and bifurcations are made with brick and mortar which allows water to lie in the roads.  This then turn muddy with the filth and mud all churned into reddish black milk by the passing vehicles whose numbers have increased manifold. People walking or on small vehicles will have a hard time to cross such areas.

Luckily the rains do not linger for long which is a grace.  In a matter of three hours most of the waters will be gone and the roads will bear a new look, which is really a relief!


Today morning, we started again in our little Maruti car to go to Sector 33 Hospiatl to collect our medical test results. It was about ten in the morning and a hugee rain had just stopped leaving the roads clean but with water logging at places.  In the Bhangel to which we always rode in, it was only muddy but not water logged on the left side of the road where we drove.  Here we have right hand driving and hence we always drove on the left of the road.

We went as far as the Sector 33 itself without much problem but evading oncoming traffic at traffic signals and at times 'ulta drivers', which means even in the divided road where one should be driving only on the left, some guys will come against you on your side, which is naturally wrong, but people generally bore with them as there was wrong road planning at times and at times, the villagers found it too far to drive on one side to take a U-turn to come back on the right lane as cost of petrol is too high.  This was generally accommodated as a fact and no body complained as at one time or the other we also found it convenient.

Once we were near the Hospital sector thirty three, we had a U-turn to enter into a  bye-lane to the Hospital with a furlong water logging!  The dark brown water reminded me of childhood times but I was apprehensive of the depth!  But having waded through that stretch the day before behind a huge vehicle which left a canal for me to drive, today I independently drove into the little sea!  We churned through slowly in second gear with water parting at a height on both sides of the car.It was deeper than I expected in the middle and there was no heavy vehicle or SUVs to dig a driving canal for me.  So we started saying our prayers so that our engine may not fail in the middle of the water.

Definitely, the prayers helped and soon we were in shallow waters with the engine still running!  We came out of the watery stretch and the dry stretch which was the Hospital parking..!

Tuesday 7 July 2015

The vegetable market again!

I can't but write about the vegetable market again.  This is the place we all go buy vegetables in one of the suburbs of Delhi. The huge building standing white and tall just before the market is serene in its posture.  But after that is mere mud.  Maunds of mud and filth with small ponds of pitch dark water ! wherever there is a piece of dry space, there are our ever loving dogs, hoards of them!

They hunt in groups for their meagre food!  No body gives them, but the left overs and the rest thrown out as disposals.  Once the throwers ar gone, they  can go and eat freely.

It is here we go for vegetables.  It is as if there is no body to control any thing.  But there is order   The tables arranged in rows become the market in the evening of Tuesdays and Thursdays! The vendors bring all kinds of vegetables of the land and arrange them on the tables.  There will be water and water puddles and dark mud below making it difficult to walk for the buyers.  There is a way for that too. Where there is too much filth a table top is put there without the legs so that the buyers can walk overr them without soiling themselves too much. The dog squad kept a respectable distance as long as the market is bustling with people.

The starting of the market is also the bus stop and also the major inter section of the road! So there is always a lot of people criss crossing the area, This made the market a very viable option in that spot. The fruit sellers were hollering with their wares but the fright of calcium carbide which was reported to be used to ripen mangoes and other fruits drove away the reading public. But no harm, there is a lot of non-reading public who throng the place for all kinds of things from fruits, to vegetables to groceries.

Even stationery and dresses are sold side by side, which is a beauty of the little weekly market.  If a market is not permanent, it is called a weekly market as it will operate on certain days of the week only when the local public can refurbish their needs.  The tomatoe seller to the brinjal and onion sellers were all shouting their prices not to leave out the potatoe seller too.  The jack fruit cutter was their with his jack fruits cut out in pieces at a very high price. Once the tomatoe potatoe onion purchase is over, we can move to the chiken market followed by the fish market.

Fish has become dear now.  Earlier people mostly were vegetarians, not any more.! Due to movement in population, all kinds of food materials are sold regardless of their prices. We walked around to buy the minimum wares which would sustain us without becoming too much of unnecessary purchases which happens once we are in the market.  Many people buy because things are available in the market and their pockets allow them. But once home, they see they have purchased unnecessarily.  

The left out of this world poors, waiting among all this to beg for your mercy sit on the road sides thinking that some one will give them something.  Very rarely anybody gave them something, but some did. A few such coins a day made their day. 

Monday 6 July 2015

Mind the Gap..!

       A ride in the Delhi Metro Transport is a joy! Any body riding the Metro would tell you that.  I had my chance today again, after a long time. I had to visit the Central Secretariat ! The normal mode by car,I found very cumbersome as parking is becoming a problem day by day in the central parts of Delhi. And hence the ride.

       Walking up to the bus stop is only ten minutes which by Delhi and Noida standards is too little. If we have the heart as many of my friends I still have the option to take a cycle rickshaw, which is driven manually by a poor fellow ! But a walk is preferable if one does not mind the dust and would want to be one with nature!

       I made it in ten minutes to wait for the local bus and after a wait of half an hour, I got the Yellow UP Government bus which is really comfortable if one can get a seat which I did. I got a window seat at that!  In the hurry worry, I took the seat without looking around and after a while I found the women coming in looking above my head.  I also looked up just to see "Mahilaayem' written over my head!
        I offered my seat to the lady who was looking at the sign and she said, "You don't want to get down?".I said: "No., but you can sit as I don't mind standing".  She was a young woman and with great kindness she said "No, I shall sit on the wooden box in front"  and occupied the box in front of me which was actually a cover to the batteries of the bus. But it was a good and clean wooden box.

The driver a middle aged farmer looking stocky gentleman tried to hurry the bus through the chock a block 'Bhangel" road in which all kinds and modes of transport and people vied with one another for an inch of space and the bus made progress at say 5 kilometres per hour. We did a journey of 8 kilometres in 40 minutes where I got to the Botanic Garden Station of the Delhi Metro.

I walked off the bus as the bus was slowly moving as there was no time to lose and started walking through the parking lot to reach the escalator and into the beautiful station.

I joined line after line for token, check up, luggage check etc. and was at the platform.  The train flowed in and I was inside in no time.  The air conditioning really cooled any one who went in. The then lady started saying: Next Station is ......such and such..the doors will open on the careful while getting  down and  Mind the Gap"

The Gap thing started me thinking.  Yes, there is a gap among all the people all the time in India.  There is no question about it.  But the cute train is also saying to mind the gap.  Yes, there is a gap between the train and the plat form.  That is what the lady is informing all, so very nicely.

Many people read, many heard music or programmes on pocket radios or iphones, some watched movies on tablets etc. and it was altogether a good drive and it was time for me to get down after an hour which went in a jiffy.  Now, allow me, let me mind the gap..!

Saturday 27 June 2015


A movie in Mayajal multiplex is always a joy.  Mayajal is a theatre group or a movie house group as we can understand in the present day language! It has a number of goodie goodie shops and eateries, almost all of them selling above the normal prices as they are under the theatre complex with an air conditioned ambience. So any body trying to eat or drink in those premises shall be careful not to throw away too much of their hard earned money, unless they are in a great abandon for such matters. Air conditioned ambience in Chennai comes at a cost as air conditioning in the humid heat of Chennai consumes enormous electricity.

The movie we could catch was at the evening show by an actor called Nivin Pauly who acted through school, college and professional college to ultimately run a Hotel as we saw in the movie.! A lot of high sound and techniques were in show. Time periods in the life of the 'lead'was shown in arabic digits with photo clicking sounds and written form covering the period upto college. In a way a fast forwarding of life itself!

Once near the theatre, we got out to explore the near by shops and look for snacks.  The Theatre we went to was near the East Coast Road of Chennai a peaceful area near OMR.(Old Mahabalipuram Road) generally travelled by people going south watching the pristine sea side beauty of the place.
The surroundings are still in their old times except new shops have come up with the computer industry ..! We went to an obscure looking tea shop which came alive when we went near it.  The shop owner, a very kind but strong woman was controlling things around and taking cash from the customers.

The tea we ordered came in seconds and it was very rejuvenating.  After a couple of teas and biscuits we were ready to take on the 'Mayajal' to watch the Nivil Pauly stuff called "Premam".

Again, we were for a surprise, as this was not family story, as expected.  This was a new line stuff in which youth dare their parents, do   all kinds of little vices available to them in Kerala all the while the Pauly guy trying to find his love and establish a lead.  A few of his friends are shown to helping him through thick and thin.

It was beautifully exhibited how the main character 'George Varghese' attempts to get the affection of various girls whom he comes across, during the college period, working life  and makes progress well so as to make us not notice of the impending turn of  events leading to the break up of the closeness the character establishes over a period. Very brave of Mr. Nivin Pauly to have depicted the scenes which we enjoyed.  We were concerned at the number of sequences in which smoking and drinking the raw alcohol was shown all the while claiming this to be almost a college film.

This definitely sent a wrong signal to the new generation of  youth who got to watch the movie any where.

The film vaguely mimicked the old gold 'Mera Naam Joker' as far as the love break ups are concerned!  But this time with a twist that the third break up suddenly gets a u-turn to come back and get to a welding up after the much required action sequence where a huge wrong by a paranoid schezofrenic is set right by the main character depicted as George Verghese and his ubiquitous friends!   This will have a lot of Kerala girls happy as this kind of morons masquerading as either husbands or guys who are un-questionables are increasing in Kerala!

Friday 26 June 2015

The Positive Vibes!

Chennai skies were sizzling in the afternoon.  This was against the reports of the weather men ! But it is not their fault.  There is no telling which way the winds will blow!  The bus in which I was in was going at  a fast pace and we were coming from Marina Beach.  Beach air is always cool as it comes caressing the sea.

The bus passed over to Sholinganellur and near one of the stops two children,  I mean, two little boys, came running just when the bus was about to move and barged in.  They made it with such sure shot fast pace, the moment they were almost in, the bus moved on with them!

The settled down in two seats in front and started arranging their huge school bags on their laps ! That is where I lost interest in them.  This is usual!  These school children.  At times they come in large groups and at times as a trickle, one or two at a time.  The bust was full of school girls from another school who had boarded earlier and a few poor village ladies tying jasmine buds on a twine to make a long garland which is usually sold to a flower seller.  Then there were occasional riders
like me who are caught up without any other modes of transport for their general use in day to day life, wherever they are!

The two little boys of around ten would have been in the bus for about one or two kilometres when an elderly lady along with a middle aged women entered the bus and Lo.!  The two boys were up in a jiffy as if they were electrified and both in unison came to the lady, shouting "Amma"..!  The expression of joy on their faces were unmistakable as they had  forgotten they were in a public bus where there are other people too.  I was interested to see their next interactions.  The old lady also cheerfully reciprocated the two boys!  One of the boys settled in a seat near to the elderly lady and the second one went to the second middle aged woman who was seated a few seats behind !  The elderly lady embraced the little boy and shuffled his hair a little and lovingly pulled his cheeks!  The boys were keen telling her of their running up to the bus and being lucky to get in just in time for the bus to move on!  The boy continued to tell all the happening in the school which the elderly lady was smilingly listening to as if she was hearing some very serious matter and from time to time asking "oh..!  Is it so...!....That was good etc."

In between, the other boy who had gone to the seat behind put down his huge school bag in the seat and came running to the elderly lady calling "Amma!"  and pulled both cheeks of the lady to which the lady gave a benign smile and shuffled his hair too!  He too started talking to her about his classes which also the elderly was reciprocating with joy and a smile continuously!

In between, the boys said they are going to buy tickets for all.  The elderly lady countered saying "When I am there, you don't have to spend to buy tickets"  and gave them money to buy tickets for all.  The boy ran inside the bus and brought tickets from the Conductor at the farthest end and still kept on talking to the ladies, turn by turn vying with each other to tell them the stories of the days happenings in school!

I was rejuvenated to see their love for one another and the old ladies handling of the two children, definitely not her own boys, but either grand children or children in the neighbourhood!  I thought if all mothers handled children like that our children will be very enthusiastic and will be leaders of tomorrow!  While I was contemplating thus, the two ladies and the two little chirpy boys got down from the bus!  Lucky guys and their lucky times..!  I don't know if I was jealous of them..May be!

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Dilemma of a morning walk..!

The morning air is always crisp and sweet with the westwind blowing smoothly, brazing the plants which waved softly at it.  The wind carried the fragrance of the flowers and moved forward as if nothing has happened and touched softly, all those who had been walking around our apartments.

It is usual for people who live in apartments to take a walk in the early mornings.  Women are more regular and some old men also walk from time to time.  The young of the apartments normally make a jog making a statement that they are young. Some walk with a little radio or ipod to keep them from deflecting from their moods and flow along with the music in their ears which has become very helpful for them to keep their attention focused.

I for one, always think of going out and walking and succed only as a last measure, as many a time I am bogged down with newspaper reading or watching the internet pages. But at times I cut the ice, and break out to the open and walk.

Once outside, it takes a peaceful pace with a walk to the fish pond where the fish will be feeding on the new feed of the day with the large golden and white angels coming up from time to time to gobble up the grains of feed. They make a plomb sound in their action which terrifies the little fish links.  A large black forg sits at one side. This frog has newly come from some place nearby and is among the little fish. The various water plants make shade and provide a hiding place for the fish when they want to keep away from the prying on lookers like me.  At times a photo of the whole group is also taken The photos always reflect the sky and the nearby trees in the water more than the fish in the pond.

Moving away from the pond there ware others washing and cleaning up their cars wiping them to a fresh new finish.  Any new car would need a wiping and sweeping.  Me, not doing it, any more except when I come back from a muddy drive.  The Chennai roads in the central area are generally good so there is no need for a clean up when there is no rain.  But rain makes a difference.

The ornamental palms near me calls me off from the fish pond and car washers to watch and enjoy the beautiful pods of the palm which are flowing up and the wonderful green art work of the natural plants making the world a Garden of Eden.  The plant life amazes one as they grow day by day and show us the patience which we should be practicing in life.  Since, impatience is the hall mark of human kind, we move on leaving the palms with their sweet and loving waves with their fresh leaves!

A moment later a little cat appears with its three kittens who are in search of their daily bread and are sniffing in the air to find out which house is going to get them some food.  But these are apartments houses and something to come by is hard.  Ultimately, they decide they have to move through the crevice in the wall and go to the nearby little rivulet where they can either get a few fish or prey upon any of the birds or rats found near the banks.

In between, many of the residents pass with their urgent thoughts in their minds for the day, for the next day and for the future.  All busy with their thoughts, there is no need to talk to any!  The morning mind is mostly for thinking and formingw ideas! The sun slowly comes up at the eastern horizon and illuminates the Bay of Bengal first and the rest of the peninsula thereafter !  A sun rise from the sea is always a great sight! Marina Beach is the right place for a sighting of the morning sky with the sea waving at you and small boats and in the frather end huge ships traversing the sea! The sand is turned into gold and the morning walkers throw grains to the birds and they swarm down in their hundreds making a cloud wherever they moved!  The natural beauty of the whole thing is breath taking.  bird in great unison, nature at its pristine supreme!

I  pull back my mind from the Marina Beach to face the little child play area where I play 'Vetal' for a few minutes.  Vetal is a wise man in the old tales (Jataka Tales, I presume) where he hangs upside down on a tree in the forest near the walk way and the Prince of the tale, namely, The Great Vikramaditya pass by him ! On sighting the old man he goes and picks him up and carries him to town always failing in his attempt.  But the good thing is the Great Sage always asks him a question and insists and awaits the right answer from him. The inability of not being able to give the right answer is grave and all the time Vikramaditya gives the right answer on which the old sage slips away from the shoulders of Vikramaditya and gets back to his up side down position on the tree as before!

The one thing any body can follow is if you have strong cross bars one can hang up side down and get the same effect of 'shirsana'.  Blood circulation would increase and will be enough for a days activities!

The sun is now rising up and the heat is increasing! I wind up my walk and go to my apartment to get to the routines of the day!

Thursday 26 February 2015

The Morning Walk..!

The Morning Walk!

Got out on time for a morning walk at eight twenty and took out the walk mate.  Walk mate is a small cell phone with a radio and camera which is common these days.  I only use the radio normally. Channel one zero six point four finished their morning news and newspaper review in Delhi as soon as I started and I went on to channel ninety eight for three for entertainment while walking along. The guys there were telling me to take LIC or grow with LIC etc. Only the other day the LIC office told me that I am not eligible for any LIC as I am beyond sixty, which is beyond their purview. As I was an admirer of the LIC all along my long association with them, I simply agreed. Next was advertisement on health insurance, when I noticed a long line of pigeons sitting on a live wire of the tall electric pole.  They were enjoying the early morning sun like me.  I thought of taking a shot of them in my phone camera and to get a better view, crossed over the road, took a vantage position and brought my phone to the camera and was about to shoot when all the pigeons took off abruptly on a commotion.  Half of them flew in a group to the left and half to the right. As there is no meaning in such a shot, I continued my walk and started back at the left over health insurance.
There was a chill in the morning air.  The snow fall in Kashmir and Uttarakhand may be coming closer! But the clear morning sun was too very pleasant to be ignored. As the health insurance people was informing me of their programme of securing my health, there was a healthy black dog lying gracefully in the sun. I have rarely seen a stray dog with such healthy shining black hair.  The elegance was unmistakable as if it is a home dog. When I was adjusting the camera, it turned to me and looked on intently and when the camera was ready and I was about to shoot, it simply got up, looked up at me as if I was going to shoot somebody else, and walked off!   I left him without shooting, of course!  Further down,  there was this brown doggy family of husband and wife coming along together.  Thought, this could be a good shot.  Got the camera ready and was about to click, there was a car coming from behind the dogs and the lady dog suddenly swerved right, ran to a near by stationary car and lied there.  The other dog stood gaping at me!  So, that was not a shot! Still there was a chance of yet another little white doggy, a sweety at that, as it was quite a little white dog basking in the sun. Walked near it, and was adjusting the shot when all the three doggies started moving towards me. Just before my shot, the little white doggy got up and sharted walking to another sunny spot!  Oh..gosh..this is not to be today.  I moved on, but the threesome of two brown dogs and one black dog with the velvet hair was now avidly following me, even though with a harmless look. Harmless or not one has to be careful.  I moved on without going a look in their direction.  The two brown dogs stopped at the little white dogs which should be their little one, but the black velvet walked up to me, sniffed me, and started walking along with me.  I walked along, never looking down to see the black velvet walking along with me.  I felt I am walking in front of a tiger and tried to breathe normally!  On the way the rag and waste collector  gentleman had stopped his tricycle with the huge bag of garbage!  That was my escape !  As I passed the garbage vehicle, the black velvet stopped near it!  Good riddance! Now, I am not going to take any more shots, but will patiently listen to all the health insurance matters and go home!  Ok..then..Good Morning, my friends!