Thursday 19 June 2014

Gauhati, the Capital, Assam Capital

Gauhati, the Assam Capital!

       I reached Gauhati on a morning in 1970.  It was a nice green region.  The Malabar Hotel in the centre of Gauhati was the point where I could stay for a few days.  It was a simple hotel a single storey tenement, but with great food.

       I had travelled to the place in my curiosity and adventure to find a job in the North Frontier Railways which had its headquarters there in a little town called Malegaon.  From Gauhati Railway Station a  narrow guage train used to go to Malegaon which was free at that time to all Railway employees and would be Railway employees.   I was a would be Railway Employee at that time.

        This was a total adventure by me totally guided by the Newspapers, the Railways and my intuition.   I was in search of a job, duly qualified as a Stenographer and bursting with enthusiasm.
Then came the call from the Railways in reply to my application.  Appear for a written test in Malegaon Railway Headquarters.  There was a yellow coloured free pass for the third class travel all through and back as a special consideration from the Railways which empowered me through and through!  I said, 'Yes' , this is it.  I should try.   I first announced the news to my mother, and wanted to see her face light up!    She was my greatest of supporters in any situation and thought this she will support !  But alas, when she heard it, her face lit up for a while and slowly she was down cast.  I was slightly uneasy at the change and enquired the reason.  She said, the place is too far away, and I am the only one to run around here at home, and if I went, we have no means to be in touch with me in case of a difficulty or calamity, which was very very true.  We had other members in the family and this was a relief.  But my parents depended most on me, which I did not understand at the time.

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