Thursday 19 June 2014

Landing in New Delhi by Jayanti Jantha!

Landing in New Delhi by Jayanti Jantha!

It was a cold February evening.  For me, cold, very cold!  The Jayanti Janta was a peoples train which was supposed to reach New Delhi by 5 pm or so.  It was getting delayed and delayed and at last by 7 pm it crawled into the platform number 2.  I was wishing it reached a bit early as I had to find a place to stay once it reached there.  I did not know the place, people or language which was not a very good prospect for a new comer to that city or any city.  Adding injury to insult, it was becoming dark and that particular evening it was very cold.  Coming from the tropical Kerala which was warm, it was too much for me.  

When I got out it had become dark, cold and the lights were on.   I felt like vomiting and wanted a place to vomit and desired a little warmth.  I took shelter under the tube light nearby and waited my turn to vomit.I thought of the beautiful soothing climate which I had left in Kerala.  At that time my inquisitiveness and adventure was getting me.  I was surrounded by my near and dear.  Here, I am alone, feeling very lonely and left in the cold, literally.  All the food serving staff in the train, all through the journey, were Malayalis who became very friendly and no body felt we are travelling out.  All the passengers were from our own district according to the reservations and all were very friendly.  But now in this far off place, all of them left quickly as the train was late and the train also pulled off with all the in house staff, to make room for other trains which wanted to use the platform to exchange passengers.

    I was stuck.  I waited for the vomiting to either happen or to subside.  After a while it slowly started subsiding.  I was wearing a sweater I had purchased from one of the great shops in the district.   Also, I had a red blanket which I wore on my shoulders to ward of the excessive cold.  I had a reddish brown leather box, which kind was very prevalent in Kerala, but not in Delhi.  I also carried a curved handled umbrella which was to my heart.  All these had an underbelly.  It exclaimed to everybody that I am a new comer to the place.  The auto wallas and the taxi fellows were just waiting for such a chance, which is very apparent to me now, but not then!!

A hideous looking autorikshaw fellow came near and I got in.  I had been told Karolbagh is a nearer place where there are plenty of small motels where one can spend the night and the road distance is four to six kilometres.  The auto driver told me as he was moving out that I cannot go upto Karolbagh in one auto but had to change in between! into another auto who will take me to destination.  This, at that point of time, without much Hindi language proficiency of speaking, gilted me.  I thought, what kind of autorikshaw is this which won't run for four to six kilometres.  An autorikshaw is a scooter turned contraption which is in use in every town of India.  Many drivers of these are too good, but there are rotten eggs also, and these are mostly found around Railway Stations and such other places.  Luckly thing was he told me that just as we were coming out of the New Delhi Railway Station.  I did not show my panic to him, but pretended to be a very much used to guy, and asked him to stop at the 

Madras Hotel, visible from the Railway Station Gate.  He thought, I had something to tell someone there and took me there.  I had my chance.  I came out of the auto-rikshaw with my baggage and went inside!!

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