Thursday 19 June 2014

Washington DC, the Great Capital!

Washington DC, the Great Capital!

It is interesting to be in Washington DC  in winter if the snow is not too much.  It is a nice town which has the Tidal Basin, the Capitol and the White House!  I reached the capital in a February when the sun was brightand steely without much heat.  The climate was cold.      My friend and I took the metro bus to Pentagon.  There he helped me to purchase a ticket to travel by the metro rail.

     Once  the ticket was issued, I moved to the entry gate and watched the way people entered.  A few minutes at that and with the help of my friend I could put the ticket in the slot and collect it back while walking through the moving bars, which later became an every day thing.  We took the train to Farragut West and there came out to the  road and went to work.  We kept to the side walk as buses and cars were there always in the roads in the peak hours when we generally took the metro.

      A gentleman near the Station used to bugle well.  We started our day listening to his bugle.  He did it well and without fail.  One day it was raining and I thought, he may not be there.  I was mistaken.  He was very much there and was playing beautifully in the rain, fully getting wet.  He was doing it with such fervour as if there was no rain.  At times people greeted him. And he greeted back in a loud voice.  Some of them paid him few dollars at times which he reverently accepted and thanked them loudly.

     Once I went and asked him about his bugling in the rain.  He said, that was his work and he cannot absent himself on such premises, as that was the only work he knew.  I was surprised at his diligence.

    A few day

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