Sunday 29 June 2014

Travelling to Fredericksburg by car and driving back!!

Travelling to Fredericksburg by car and driving back!!

Getting a Driving Licence was a big task for me  in USA.   After two failures at the hands of the African American ladies at the DMV at last I took a new Trainer called David and he saw me through the driving lessons and the right hand driving which I practised quickly.  Here in India we did everything on the left. But not so in America.  Most  of the things we did here in one way, is generally done the other way there!  So it went also for driving.  Once I had the licence I was jubilant and was in search of a car.

A friend of mine offered and took me to Fredericksburg Car bidding where he could bid a car for me.   I was thrilled.  He took me in his car and we were there at the bidding ground well in time one morning and  my friend bid a Honda Civic for a reasonable price.  He said the car will be ready with all paper work and temporary number in two days time asked me to come at that time.

On the appointed day, I was nervous, a bit, because it was a long way from Virginia where we lived.  We were only three people living together, my wife and daughter and myself.  I announced the matter at home and my daughter offered to accompany me!  That was a solace.  I may not have to come back alone.  My friend took us to the bidding station and got the car.  Here was really feeling upset!  The new country, the new place and to drive alone.  My daughter can't drive.  So it has to be me to reach home safe and sound!   We had procured the mapquest route maps and I started enquiring of my friend, a dare devil at driving or anything else, if I will be able to make it.   He looked at me and said very confidently, Yes of course you can.  Rest assured!  You were driving in Delhi, don't forget. Only different is the right hand side.   Rest, all are the same.  Now drive behind me upto the gate (this was a mile away).  Then I can tell you if you will make it.  In fact, I can watch you from the rw.  

We arrived at the gate almost together in front and behind and came out opening the doors of our respective cars at the same time.  And my friend exclaimed.  You have done it.  Now drive on!

That gave me a lot of strength and when I sat back at the wheel, my daughter was grinning saying, Dad don' worry you have done it! 

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